Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2745: The person who regrets, will be the Emperor

The 2745th person who regrets, will be the Emperor

"Although I don't know, there is no love between you and the night girl."

The smile on the nursery face softened a few points: "But I can be sure that you absolutely love her."

Emperor Mo Xuan’s scorpion tightened, and his hand on his side was clenched into a fist.

The nursery noticed the tension of men's emotions.

This also proves that Di Mo Xuan really listened to her words.

She smiled a little: "I will tell you about the things that are going to be centrifuged, not because I want to take this, but what relationship you have with the emperor, but..."

The nursery meal, the voice is soft: "I don't want to see the night girl sad."

"Difficult, too?" Di Mo Xuan twisted the eyebrows, low dull voice, spit out two words.

"Well, after all, she loves you." Miao Hao nodded very seriously. "You used to love each other. She loves you so much, but you don't remember her, and always use sharp words to poke her heart... How is she? May not be sad?"

Miao Wei said, hanging down his eyes: "Last night, I did not say to you, after you left, the night girl was alone in the room, very sad, very sad. And, she worried about you last night. I haven't slept overnight."

Emperor Mo Xuan thought of the talent, seeing the night below the bottom of the eye, that is a clear black.

His whole body muscles are tight.

There is a feeling in the chest that is surging.

He can't describe that feeling.

It’s just full of brains, it’s all the darkness of the night, and the words “not sleeping at night”.

"I respect you, I just want to persuade you a word."

The nursery has always paid attention to the changes in the mood of the emperor.

Although not really.

But the nursery noticed.

Mention the night when it falls.

The air will always be so stagnation.

It is enough to explain that the current Emperor Mo Xuan is not true, and there is no feeling for the night.

"If you believe in your heart, believe in your first feelings... don't make it anymore, hurt the night girl's move."

The nursery will continue with the next words.

"Otherwise... when the poison in your body is untied, the person who regrets will eventually be the Emperor."

Emperor Xu Xuan’s color is deep and deep, with deep black.

Like a whirlpool, it keeps swelling in the bottom of my eyes.

He clenched his hands into fists and jerked again.

Immediately, his body shape swept, and the figure disappeared into the eyes of the nursery.

In the air, the chilly atmosphere was set off.

The nursery quietly looked at the direction in which Di Mo Xuan left.

It seems that it has not been affected by this cold.

Slowly, pull a smile and shake your head.

Then he sighed and turned and entered the courtyard of the Virgin.


It will arrive at the time.

Miao Yiyi and the night are late.

The Elders of Miao Si have been waiting for the path of the land of the king.

When I saw Miao Yiyi, I rushed to the front: "Miss Miao Da, you can finally come, the boss, they have been waiting for you for a long time!"

After the clock sounds.

It was the beginning of the ceremony.

Now, just a little fragrant time, the bell wants to ring.

However, Miao Yiyi said that before the beginning of the inheritance ceremony, there will be no drop in the king of the king!

Outside the land of the king of the king, more than 300 Miao people have gathered.

There are also two hundred foreign guests.

Their purpose here.

Except for witnessing the birth of the Hmong Virgin.

The most important thing is to look at the appearance of this ancient king.

The elders are already anxious, and the station can't stand.


[This is the last chapter of yesterday's update~]

PS: The finger starts to hurt again, and the keyboard is tingling. Let's go to the rest first, today's update, and I will start to squat when I come back in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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