Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2744: Dear Master, also began to sneak?

Chapter 2744, the Emperor of the Emperor, is also beginning to sneak?

"Since the elders, you can't believe 100%, there are other dissidents... Then let them take the last hope and finally fall into despair."

The night is clear and the sound is lazy, but also with a fascinating charm. "The people have ruined their dissidents, let Miao Yixiong and Miao Rongrong, and there is no chance to turn over! Let them know that the entire Miao, only you... Only you alone is the object that they really need allegiance."

Miao Yiyi listened and listened, and her eyes were hot.

The night cleared these calculations.

Are they just paving the way for her future in the Miao?

Looking at the red eyes of Miao Yiyi, she raised her hand at night and rubbed her head on her head: "Well, don't rush to move, after all the dust settles, I don't mind if you come with you." Repay me."

Miao Yiyi was still full of moving hearts, and it was amused by the words of the night.

She snorted and laughed: "I can't help you with my body! I am afraid that the Emperor will tear me up!"

The atmosphere is easy to return.

The nursery looked at this scene and also let go of her heart.

There is a night clear and accompanying Miao Yiyi.

She really does not need to worry that Miao Yiyi will be insulted at the ceremony.

Instead, she should be more worried... those who are looking for a dead end and offending the night.

The night fell to protect Miao Yiyi.

What she has to do now is to repay the night and find the best way to get rid of the situation and to centrifuge.

The tiredness of staying up all night, in this moment of relaxation, sleepy heads.

The nursery pressed down his own eyes and waved his hand: "Go to the land of the king, I will go back to the room and wait for your good news."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

The two walked side by side and walked in the direction of the land of the king.

Just walk a few steps.

The night is clear and sensitive.

She twisted her eyebrows and turned to look at a place in the courtyard of the Virgin.

"What's wrong?" Miao Yiyi asked.

The night cleared his eyes and glanced around, and did not notice any other breath before he regained his sight: "Nothing, it may be my illusion."

I always feel that it just seems... there is someone who has been staring at her.

This episode, the night is not in the heart.

Pulling Miao Yiyi quickly disappeared into the position of the saint.

I don’t know the night.

Not long after she left.

A figure of a long, standing, walked out from the dark.

The figure, like a god, is noble and elegant.

The figure smashed the purple robes, and the ink scatters behind them.

The cold, flamboyant face of the wind, the coldness of the cold.

"Since I want to see her, why bother to sneak." Miao Wei turned and looked at the man behind him. "Don't be an adult, and began to sneak?"

The emperor's face is cold and cold, and the icy peach blossoms are fixed. They are watching the direction of the night and leaving: "What did you say to the deity last night?"

"It's true or false, the emperor should have an answer in his heart, isn't it?" Miao Wei did not humble and replied, "The emperor should also feel that the night girl is very special for you."

Emperor Xu Xuan’s embarrassment, a little dark.

He was facing his cold face, his thin lips moving, and he vomited and vomited: "Centrifugal 蛊... Let the deity forget his beloved one? That woman is the dear one?"

When asked this sentence.

The tone of Emperor Xu Xuan is obviously very blunt.

It seems to admit that I feel the feeling of falling in the night.

It seems that I can’t believe that the night will be my beloved one...

(End of this chapter)

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