Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2712: Decision-making power in Miao Yiyi

Chapter 2712, the right to decide in Mia Yiyi

At night, she looked at Miao Yiyi’s expression of “can’t refute” and took her shoulder seriously and seriously: “So, A Xuan can still allow me to be close in the case of centrifugation. It is your credit!"

Miao Yiyi: "..." is really good, she is fast believe!

Both of these words have depressed the voice and said very little.

Others can't hear what they are saying.

I can only see the night when I slap the shoulders of Miao Yiyi and say something.

The expression of Miao Yiyi is very subtle.

It seems like it was moved by the night.

The elders of the recent judges thought that Miao Yiyi had promised to join the world mercenary group, and could not help but rushed forward: "No, no! Miao Miao, the nursery genius, this elder will never put !"

He said, he reached out and grabbed Miao Yiyi's arm.

The white flower's beard is blown straight: "Night girl, in any case, Miss Miao Da is our Miao people! Even if it is not a saint, she is the future patriarch of the Miao! You can't take her away, absolutely not!"

Said, the elders of the judges will pull Miao Yiyi behind him.

Miao Yiyi is still awkward.

At night, the corner of the mouth was hooked, and I smiled softly and bent: "If she doesn't want to, I naturally won't take her away. But..."

She paused, and if she had nothing, she swept the direction of the nursery.

She was still laughing, and in the ridiculous voice, there was a hint of warning: "If I want to leave, no one can stop me."

The elders of the judges were in a stiff face, and Miao Yiyi took a few steps back.

Then turned around and bitterly advised: "Miss Miao Da, do you really want to give up everything in the Hmong, give up where you are free to grow up, leave your hometown?!"

"This kind of place to grow, don't worry about it." The night fell to the side, a cool opening.

The elders of the judges were once again blocked and speechless.

The other Elders of the Miao nationality did not bow their heads at this time.

They can't refute the words of the night.

The days when Miao Yiyi lived in the Miao nationality were not really worth mentioning... what is worth remembering.

The elders are also very clear.

Miao Yiyi was after fleeing the Miao nationality.

Because of the reason of the ancient king.

Miao people are all kinds of chasing.

Even for it, a village was slaughtered.

If they change to be them, they will never have any good feelings for the Miao.

Miao Yiyi even gave up the Miao.

That is also a very normal choice.

The elders have bowed their heads.

Even the elders of the judges who were holding Miao Yiyi’s wrists were in the middle of it, and they unconsciously let go of their hands.

Miao Yiyi stepped back and grabbed her wrist.

At night, I raised my eyebrows and smiled at her: "Iyi, do you want to leave the Miao with me, or... prove your efforts and strength, and strive for the position of the Virgin?"

Miao Yiyi is still worried.

There was no urging at night.

In the square, I fell into silence again.

Jomo, half a column of incense time.

Silent Miao Yiyi, the eyelashes re-twisted and restored a trace of radiance.

She slowly, fixed the focal length on the body that cleared the night.

In the double eyes, there is a brilliant light shining.

Obviously, a decision has been made.

"I..." Miao Yiyi said.

When a word is spit out.

Behind him, the woman’s calm and majestic voice suddenly came, and the momentum of the whole audience was suppressed in an instant: “When did I say that I would force you to leave the Miao nationality and not let you participate in the selection of the Holy Virgin?”

It is a nursery.

She had not spoken for a long time and finally spoke up.

(End of this chapter)

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