Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2711: Digging the wall: The world mercenary group is in need of a nursery genius

Chapter 2711 Digging the Wall: The World Mercenary Corps is in need of a nursery genius

Miao Yiyi turned back and saw that the night fell and she came over.

Her eyes are reddish and her throat is tight: "Clear..."

"I don't have to want you to be a saint." The night cleared his hand and gently placed it on Miao Yiyi's shoulder. "So, you don't have to grieve yourself."

Miao Yiyi’s lips trembled and his voice was hoarse: “I’m an esteemed man...”

"Whether you are a saint or not, I will not let Axuan have something to do. This is not something you should consider." The night cleared her words. "You become a saint, it is only a little more convenient."

"Yes, but..." Miao Yiyi’s voice became more and more dry and tight.

At night, she smiled and patted her on the shoulder: "Nothing. I don't know what happened between you and the Miao women. If you don't want to be a saint, don't want to have anything to do with her, then it's not appropriate." This saint."

Miao Yiyi's long eyelashes flashed.

It is faint, mixed with silk and crystal.

The night was clearer and more gentle, raising her hand and screaming on her head: "If there is no place to go, there is me, the world mercenary group needs a nursery genius."

The sound of the night clearing the words is not small.

Clearly passed to the selection platform, the ears of those elders.

The elders were anxious when they arrived: "Night girl night girl... This is no good! This is the genius of our Miao! You can't take it away!"

At night, I raised my eyebrows and smiled. I smiled and smiled at the elder: "Now I am not going to take Yiyi, but you Miao, you can’t stand it."

Her voice was very calm, some cold, and she could not hear the emotions in her words.

The half-sentence of the elders was refuted.

He looked at the elders around him anxiously and looked at the nursery.

They have been in Miao for a long time, and there have been no nursery geniuses!

Finally, there is a genius to come to the world.

How can they be willing to let her go?

How could she be willing to let her join the mercenary group with her talent?

However, the saints do not let go.

They simply don't know what to say in order to retain Miao Yiyi.

"Yiyi, let's go." Seeing the elders were silent, a sneer in the night, and holding Miao Yiyi's arm, they went in the direction of the seat.

The elders want to catch up and stop.

But there is no position.

Watching the night clear, watching Miao Yiyi leave.

Miao Yiyi was taken a few steps, and the footsteps were again opened: "I can't give up, I can't give up!"

The night fell and I stepped back and looked back at her.

Miao Yiyi hangs her eyes and licks her lips. The voice is dumb and said: "I can't just leave..."

"Why?" The night cleared her hands and asked softly.

Miao Yiyi’s eye trembles and trembles: “There are many reasons... I have never done anything for you, and you...have been encouraging me, teaching me to grow, helping me a lot... If I let the emperor I can't do it without the poison in my body!"

"Who said that you didn't do anything for me?" The night cleared, referring to the bombing of Miao Yiyi's forehead. "When the mother and daughter of Miao Rongrong gave Axuan a squat, if not because When you come in time, A Xuan’s first sight will definitely not be me."

She snorted and her eyes glanced in the direction of Emperor Xu Xuan: "Then he will become centrifuged with me, and because of love, love other women!"

Miao Yiyi: "..." said that it makes sense, she can not refute!

(End of this chapter)

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