Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2657: The night girl fiancé didn’t say anything, why are you so excited?

Chapter 2657 Night girl fiance does not say anything, why are you so excited?

"Second second, this, what should I do!" Miao four elders looked anxiously to the Elder Elder.

Miao Er’s elders looked dignified and shook their heads: “The people in the dark palace want to start, no one can stop it.”

"Don't you just let them fight?" Miao four elders tightened their brows. "If this continues, it will not only scare the guests who come afterwards, but also delay the selection of the saints!"

"Dark Palace..." Miao Er’s elders looked at the girl surrounded by more than a dozen guards. "We can’t stop it. Now... it’s better to take a look at the power of the dark palace. ......"

He paused and the twilight gradually deepened: "The young girl who has already entered the realm of Xuanjiu, will have much potential..."

Miao four elders glimpse, carefully consider the words of Miao Er Elder.

Suddenly, Miao Si’s elders had a heavy shoulder.

A big palm, pressed down heavily.

Then I heard a rushing voice behind me: "What look at the strength of the dark palace! Look at the potential of the night? She was invited to participate in the Ms. Saints selection ceremony, now it is dangerous, as Master, are you this attitude?!"

The voice of the man is very big.

In this quiet and serious atmosphere, it is extremely clear.

The eyes of everyone, looked over.

Even the sight of Yan Feifei has moved over.

"Gu Shaosong."

The elders of Miao Er saw the face of the people, whispered the sentence, and immediately said, "This matter, Gu Shaozong is still not good at interfering."

This person is exactly the same as Gu Jingyu.

His handsome face is full of anger.

His big palm, one hand pressed on the elders of Miao four, one hand pressed on the elders of Miao Er: "The young master does not intervene, then... don't the two elders plan to intervene?!"

"Let your guests, on their own sites, be treated like this. Is this the way the Miao people treat themselves?"

Gu Jingyu’s voice is full of anger: "It is to let the young masters have a good knowledge!"

Miao Er elders face iron blue.

Most of the surrounding guests noticed the movement on their side.

The face of the elders of Miao Er is getting darker.

If you intervene.

It is bound to offend the dark palace.

Today's Miao nationality, absolutely no match for the power of the dark palace.

If you do not intervene.

That is to say, the words of Gu Jingyu.

Guests invited to do so cannot guarantee the safety of their guests on their own site.

The reputation of the Miao nationality will certainly be destroyed.

Moreover, watching Gu Jingyu care about the night falls.

The night fell on the Miao people.

Gu Jingyu absolutely... will not let the Miao people.

A dilemma.

Several elders present in the Miao nationality are unable to respond.

at this time……

The true voice of arrogance and arrogance is not screaming: "What is the relationship between Gu Shaozong and the night girl? Why is it so good for the night girl?"

Gu Jingyu’s angry look suddenly became stiff.

Yan Zhenfei caught this and the smile on his lips was thicker.

She squinted deliberately, standing on the side of the words and other people, and the figure of the body was long.

Meaningful smile: "Gu Shaosong, you see, the night girl's fiancé didn't say anything, but... are you so excited?"

She paused and covered her mouth in surprise. She laughed and said: "I don't know, I thought you were the fiancé of the night girl. I really envy the night girl. There are so many handsome men, Ken is Her liver and brain are painted."


[See you at three in the afternoon, what? 】

(End of this chapter)

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