Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2656: Mei’s plan

Chapter 2656, Mei’s plan

Mei took advantage of the words of Zhenfei, and was cleared by the night.

Also successfully separated the relationship between her and Yan Zhenfei.

If Mei still wants to have a place in front of Yan Zhenfei.

This is indeed the only chance for Mei.

With his own body, he saved his life.

In this way, let Yan Zhenfei's guard against the dark palace, initiate orders to lay his own position.

As long as the guards of the dark palace shot.

Fang Cai said that all the wolverines of Zhenfei will be covered up.

Everyone will only remember that the strength and power of the Dark Palace!

I have to admit that this woman named Mei is still very smart.

The night was clear and the twilight was pressed, and the gaze was swept over the open collar of the plum.

The smile on the corner of the mouth was getting colder and colder.

"Mei girl, I don't know how to pity the jade..."

Her voice is like a demon, it is awesome.

Mei’s heart suddenly slammed and shrank.

I only heard the sound of a broken bone.

Mei’s face suddenly became pale.

The hands that fell across the night and fell, unable to hang down.

At the same time, the night fell and lifted a foot, squatting on the belly of Mei.

The body of Mei flew in the direction of the guards.

The dozen or so guards were quick and unpredictable.

It was the moment when Mei Fei jumped away.

More than a dozen figures have turned into countless residual images.

The naked eye can't be captured at all.

The dozen or so guards have already appeared around the night.

Wrap the night in the clearing group.

And the plum that originally flew to the guards was directly on the ground.

"Mei sister!"

Sun Yutong watched Mei play a few rolls on the ground, and his voice screamed.

She is trying to walk in the direction of Mei.

But what I thought of, the footsteps were a little bit, and some hesitated.

Yan Zhenfei’s eyes glanced at Mei’s eyes, his darkness and darkness, and his unpredictable emotions: “You, the past.”

Sun Yutong stunned and ran quickly and ran to Mei.

Mei was thrown into the internal organs, and there was a tearful tear.

The blood of the big mouth is pouring out of the mouth.

But she, her hands were broken and broken at night, and it was the pain of tearing heart.

"Mei sister!"

Sun Yutong immediately squatted beside her and fed the remedy in her hand into Mei’s mouth.

Mei Shuangmu is somewhat godless and extremely sloppy.

For a long while, I saw Sun Yutong.

In her eyes, a glimmer of light emerged.

The body is also trembled slightly.

Her lips moved, silently spit out a few words: "words, words and messengers... forgive me..."

"Sister Mei, don't talk! Take a break." Sun Yutong carefully held Mei's head and lowered his voice. "It is my sister who allowed me to come and give you medicine."

The light in the eye of the eye is getting brighter and brighter.

She wants to laugh, but she can't afford to work hard.

Her heart, let go of it little by little.

Fortunately... she succeeded.

As long as you can talk to Feifei, stand firm...

She will be able to climb to the head of Feifei with her own skills!

For my own future.

In order to ... will belong to her to win back!

She must be suffocating.


The square of a sacred ceremony, inexplicably, became a battlefield.

However, no one dares to stop blocking the crowd.

Even the elders of the Miao nationality were stupidly standing aside, staring at everything in front of them.


[Two chapters, see you at 11:30. Ask for a ticket for a monthly ticket and ask for a book review! 】

(End of this chapter)

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