Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2548: Array

Chapter 2548

Miao Yixiong’s voice just fell.

The night is clear and sensitive to the changes in air flow.

From the bottom of her feet, a circle of extremely awe-inspiring airflow, lingering around her body.

That airy air.

It made the night clear and stopped.

"not good!"

The old man is constantly floating in the water bracelet: "Liaotoutou, Miao Yixiong wants to trap you with a smashing array!"

蛊 ??

What is that ghost thing?

Listen to the name and know... definitely not a good thing!

"蛊 ...... ...... is the use of thousands of locusts, the formation of the array! Is a long-lost taboo trick!" The voice of the old man is a little trembling, "How can Miao Yixiong use this array? ... Is he not afraid of causing punishment for heaven?!"

This long-lost taboo trick.

Once it is made, the sensation caused is likely to attract the attention of peacemakers.

This is a taboo trick that undermines the balance of Nirvana.

Miao Yixiong was taken away by the Messenger of Peace.

The position of the patriarch of the nursery family that he insisted on, isn’t it a basket of water?

In order to trap her.

In order to control the Emperor Xu Xuan.

Miao Yixiong is even so risky, are willing to bear?

Don't think too much about it.

Around her feet, the strong airflow that lingered, gradually surrounded her.

Then, in front of me there were countless, sticky green liquids, various forms, various sizes of aphids, following the lingering airflow, creeping toward her little by little...

This array is extremely narrow.

Turning around at night.

Very likely...

Touching the lingering airflow, touching the nausea that drips down...

A viscous green liquid, drip.

In this quiet bedroom, it is extremely strange.

"Taro, don't move! These mites have different effects. If you climb into your body... you will be swallowed by these mites... from the internal organs, and become their cockroaches!"

The voice of the old man was a little bit tight, and he did not expect it. In the world of Nirvana, he could still encounter such a sinister array.

It’s absolutely impossible to move at night.

When the mites are not in contact with human skin, the speed is very slow.

They will follow the smell and slowly squirm into the human body...

Once the night falls, it is swallowed up by these mites.

So many locusts...

Absolutely it will treat the night as a food, completely swallowed up the night!

"How to break the battle! The fastest way!" The night fell silent and stood in the same place, full of anxiety.

She has eyes and stares at Di Mo Xuan.

A fragrant time... It’s coming soon.

In any case, she has to leave this battle!

Yu Guang saw that Miao Rongrong, who was kneeling in the corner, dragged her body into blood, and leaned against one hand, and continued to climb toward Di Mo Xuan.

This angle looks at the past.

The night clear can clearly see...

In the eyes of Miao Rongrong, a black thin line faintly floats.

That thin line, like the props that control her...

"The old man...the old man did not study the martial arts!" The old man was also anxious, and he wanted to rush out of the water bracelet, and suffered the bitterness for the night. "Unless...the peace messenger came..."

At this juncture.

The night trapped by the locusts cleared.

Not only is it necessary to watch the Emperor Xuan Xuan open his eyes and see Miao Rongrong.

In the face of Emperor Xu Xuan, he was swallowed up by locusts.

Miao Yixiong is too sinister, too hot!

Even the Messenger of Peace is coming...

I am afraid, Emperor Xu Xuan has also opened his eyes, the first person to see, or Miao Rongrong!

Still too late!


[In the new January, the monthly votes are all wow~ In October, Miss Qi’s monthly ticket list is more than 320.~~ This month, I will continue to stabilize and not fall! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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