Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2547: You can't think of being close to the Emperor!

Chapter 2547, you can't think of being close to the Emperor!

"No... the old man means..."

The old man sank his voice: "He has a very familiar power in this palm of his hand."


Immediately, she flew again and quickly avoided the offensive that Miao Yixiong once again attacked.

"Yes... although the induction is very weak, but the old man can be sure that this palm of the hand, mixed with the breath of the dark forces!" The voice of the old man, obviously dignified.

dark power?

These four words make the night clear and sharp.

Looking at Miao Yixiong's gaze, it also revealed some horror.

Was the forces of darkness not long taken away by the peace messengers of the Three Realms?

How could there be a breath of dark power that remains in the nirvana?

The night is close to the eyebrows, and this thing is getting more and more complicated.

Forget it!

Now is not the time to consider this.

She must first "grab" her own man back!

Then slowly investigate the reasons why Miao Yixiong will become stronger!

"Seven seven!"

At night, the spirit of the Qing Dynasty fell, and the feet quickly retreated, and the name of the seven seven was shouted in the mouth.

Seventy-seven, one bite off the arm of Miao Rongrong, as a holy beast that has not been killed for tens of thousands of years, it said... too bloody!

Moreover, the meat of Miao Rongrong is really stinky.

It is full of odors of mites.

It really can't bite the second.

Here I heard the call of the night.

It was almost sloppy, shrunk from the body of Emperor Mo Xuan, and rushed to the night.

"Stuck Miao Yixiong, I will go to Axuan first!" The night fell quickly and retreated to the back of Qiqi.

"Hey!" Seventy-seven said that this is absolutely no problem!

Seventy-seven screams, and rushed toward Miao Yixiong.

"Night falls!" Miao Yixiong is proud of hitting the night and clearing.

But seeing the night clearing suddenly changed a white tiger, wanting this tiger to entangle him?

An ordinary World of Warcraft, but also want to stop him?

Never do it!

Miao Yixiong sneered, and did not put seven or seven in his eyes.

Xuan Li gathered in both palms and shot directly toward the tiger head of Qiqi!

I thought that this palm can definitely make this white tiger into a meat.


I only listened to the palm of my hand, and I was so excited that I felt everything around me.

A strong hurricane, in the bedroom.

On the ground, there was a huge deep pit.

The gravel splashed around and the room began to wobble.

Miao Yixiong violently withdrew his palms and his eyes swept swiftly around.

The palm of his hand...

Did not hit the white tiger!


A powerful tiger scream came from behind.

Miao Yixiong just turned back.

The head is a paw, scratching his face directly.

Seventy-seven sharp tiger claws directly scratched the skin on Miao Yixiong's face into a strip of blood.

Miao Yixiong’s face was a bit fleshy.

At night, he smirked at the corner of his mouth, and gave a thumb to the seven or seven, and then turned around and rushed straight toward the direction of Emperor Xu Xuan.

"You let it go! Let it go! The Emperor is my, it is mine!"

Miao Rongrong noticed the closeness of the night, and she raised her head sullenly, and her eyes fell to the night.

That crazy and awkward face, the yin test... is terrible.

The night fell to the eyes of Shang Miao Rongrong, full of crazy and crazy eyes.

I know that I am afraid that this Miao Rongrong is not normal...

The time is calculated in my heart, and a musk is almost coming.

It’s too lazy to entangle with Miao Rongrong at night.

Lift your foot directly and turn Miao Rongrong to the corner.

Immediately half a squat, just approaching the emperor.

Behind him, the voice of Miao Yixiong’s fury screamed: “The night falls, you can’t think of being close to the Emperor!”


[First put two chapters~ Baby guess, who will be the first person we see when we are the best!]

PS: Ink weak hand: I, I, I, I! ! Emperor Supreme is seeing me! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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