Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2526: Calculation

Chapter 2526 Calculation

She picked up her charming, even though the hair of the Miao Rongrong scattered, can be seen in the eyes of Miao Rongrong, full of the chill.

This can't stand it?

I want Baba's face to let her fight.

After I finished playing, I felt that I was trampled on pride.

Then why should Baba send it to her?

The night fell cold and sneered: "Since Miss Miao Da does not intend to continue to squat, I will not accompany you."

She came to the back garden, not just watching the performances.

She still has to find out, the soul of another part of Xuanwu, exactly where in the back garden.

"Night fall!" Miao Rongrong saw her going, and immediately raised her head in a panic, shouting her name.

After shouting out, I realized that it was not right, and bowed my head, and shouted: "Night girl... Don’t, don’t go... If you want me, I’m just...”

She said, we must continue to kneel down.

Miao Yixiong pulled Miao Rongrong behind her, and her face sank: "Night girl, although you and the Emperor are in front, but ... you have not been married to the emperor, why should you be so aggressive!"

He seems to be holding back his anger, and Miao Rongrong is about to leave: "Rong Rong admires the Emperor, and that is also the thing of Rong Rong and Emperor. If you have not married the Emperor, you have no right to stop it. The Emperor is in contact with other women! This kind of woman is not worthy of being the emperor's mother! Rong Rong, let's go!"

Miao Yixiong’s angry and angry roar.

However, the night clear eyes are over Miao Yixiong, looking at somewhere across the pool, a fleeting figure.

She frowned slightly.

How do you seem to see Miao Yiyi and Xuangui?

What are they doing?

I want to see it carefully.

I can't see the figures of the two.

The night is clear and the eyebrows are tighter.

It is about to push Miao Yixiong, rushed to the opposite side, chasing Miao Yiyi and Xuangui.

The arm was slammed by people.

In the ear, it is the cry of Miao Rongrong.

Looking at the night with impatience.

I saw Miao Rongrong pear flower crying with rain: "Father... I don't go... I don't go..."

Immediately, I struggled to "break free" Miao Yixiong's arm, and both hands were dead and stunned by the night's wrist: "Night girl... please forgive me... forgive me..."

"Let's let go." The night was clear and cold, and the eyes were cold and swept across the arms around his arms.

Yes, this time, Miao Rongrong has no fear of looking.

On her face, she still had tears in her eyes, and she was crying out of breath.

What can be said, but with her pride and sneer: "Night... You will pay for your stupidity."

When the voice just fell, she suddenly tightened the wrist that cleared the night, and immediately screamed "Ah!"

Then, the body leaned against the railing of the pavilion.

She kept screaming: "Night girl... Don't kill me... I don't dare to admire the Emperor, I don't dare..."

Screaming and crying.

Her body rolled over at the railing.

The whole person turned into the pool water.

From the opposite point of view, it is only to see the night clear and push the Miao Rongrong into the water.

"Ah - help... help..."

Miao Rongrong threw a few in the water, and then he went down.

"Miss Miao Da!"

A few people in the opposite direction of the forces have seen people’s lives, and it’s not good to continue watching the movie.

They jumped into the pool and saved Miao Rongrong to the shore.

At this time, Miao Yixiong was so angry that he was angry and angered at the night. "The poisonous woman! If Rong Rong has a good sorrow, even if I put on the whole nursery family, I will avenge Rongrong!"

After all, he flew away from the pavilion and rushed to the opposite side of the pool. From those hands, he took Miao Rongrong.


[Updated, what? 】

The home is not busy, the update tonight is that your family has opened the cool dog music to the biggest, and has finished writing... Now the ears are humming...

(End of this chapter)

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