Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2525: The brain is a good thing, but unfortunately you don't have

Chapter 2525 is a good thing, but unfortunately you don't have

At all times, everyone likes to sympathize with the weak.

In particular, I saw that the night was clear and high.

Miao Rongrong is very pitiful.

The balance in my heart is naturally biased towards Miao Rongrong.

As men, they feel that it is an ordinary thing for men to have three wives and four wives.

Especially people who are as good as the Emperor.

Even if you are sitting in the harem of three thousand, that is normal.

Miao Rongrong even has an affair with the Emperor.

At night, this is a good thing. At best, it is the bed of the Emperor, and it is not qualified. It accuses Miao Rongrong and prevents Miao Rongrong from contacting the Emperor.

However, they think so in their hearts.

However, there is no intention to intervene in this.

After all, at present, the Emperor is still very fond of the night.

They still can't provoke the Emperor of the Emperor for a Miao Rongrong.

Feel the opposite side of the pavilion, the constant gaze.

At night, the corners of the falling mouths raised a very cold cold arc.

She is naturally clear.

What is the idea of ​​Miao Rongrong?

The more she is arrogant.

The more Miao Rongrong is, the more pitiful it is.

But... what about it?

Even those people who think that Miao Rongrong is so pitiful?

Can you still come out to save the hero?

Hehe, she said, she just likes people to see her unhappy, but dare not do her look.

"Night girl, I am serious, as long as you give me the antidote, I promise... I will confirm for you, you are not the finer of his country!"

Miao Rongrong saw the night with a smile and a smile, and suddenly he was anxious.

Looking at Miao Rongrong's face, she couldn't help but hate it. The night couldn't help but smack the lips. She smiled and said: "Miss Miao Da, the brain is a good thing, but unfortunately... you don't."

Her evil spirits are publicized and reflected in the coix seed of Miao Rongrong.

Some kind of Miao Rongrong is a hate that can't be concealed. More, it is the fear and uneasiness of the night.

The night cleared and slowly stood up.

A dress like a fire, pouring down.

Obviously, it is just a beautiful face. At this time, it is shining with dazzling light.

Miao Rongrong's coix seed, unstoppable contraction.

At the bottom of my eyes, she did not realize the horror.

The night cleared her intently and glanced at her, whispering: "Miss Miao Da, based on my relationship with A Xuan, who would think that I am a fine country? If I want to ruin the nursery family, Destroyed the northern continent, need to toss yourself, what is it?"

Miao Rongrong was pale when he was pale, and stood up in a squatting position. The body stumbled and slammed into the railing of the pavilion.

"Miao Rongrong, who gave you the confidence, let you think... When you want to seduce my man, I will also give you the antidote?" The night cleared the lips and smiled, and the eyes were disdainful.

Miao Rongrong was stunned with pale lips and a petite body against the railing.

Looking at the sneer of ridicule at night.

Miao Rongrong clenched his fingers and lowered his eyes slightly.

The scattered blue silk covered the look on her face.

Also obscured her facial features, gradually distorted.

Since the night is the toast, the toast does not eat and drink fine wine... then she does not have to be soft!

Originally, I also intend to give this opportunity to the night.

As long as the night falls, she will give her an antidote.

She will also be at night, a little gentle and so little.

just now……

She will let the night fall, and the wolf will be on the ground!

Not only let the nightfall surrender the antidote.

Let the night fall, completely ruined!

The strong killing of the night made the night clear and frowning.

(End of this chapter)

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