Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2364: This peach must be smashed!

Chapter 2364 This peach must be smashed!

Gu Jingyu's face was white, and it was like a thunderous thunder, and he stared at the night with incredulousness.

The night fell and the amount of caressed, quite helplessly sighed: "I look, is it like a person without a fiancé?"

"No...no." Gu Jingyu was so long, only to find his voice, his face was still pale. "Just... very surprised, you have already made a fiancé so early..."

Looking at Gu Jingyu's face, it looked like a blow.

It’s not good to put anything in the night.

Just nodded casually.

Immediately, and bitterly persuaded: "So, Gu Shaozong, your future is infinitely beautiful, it is not good to focus on me alone, as you said, there are no other women around you, so look When I arrive, it will give me a different feeling. In fact, this is not what you think of love and love."

But the first time I met, it was not too long.

The fall of the night does not think that Gu Jingyu has deep feelings for her.

At most, that is, I am interested.

She was interested in her.

For Gu Jingyu, it is better for her.

the most important is……

Her home is Xuan, a mobile vinegar!

An unintentional one has already made A Xuan extremely unhappy.

If there is another valley mirror feather.

A Xuan is estimated to tie her to her side.

I thought that the little dance dance had already gone to the upper bound, and told A Xuan what happened to Beibei.

A Xuan is likely to come back in the near future.

Before A Xuan came back...

This peach must be cut off!

Cut off without leaving any traces!

It’s just when the night is clear and the heart is lingering.

The face of Gu Jingyu became extremely gloomy.

There is a grief between the eyebrows.

There has been no consistent warmth.

His five fingers clasped, such as the eyes of the vast stars, was actually a slight red.

"You are not me, how do you know if I love and like you?"

His voice reveals the pain of forbearance.

It seems to be accusing the cruelty of the night.

At night, the throat was tight, and the man with pale eyes and red eyes was silent.

Indeed, she is not Gu Jingyu.

Can not stand on the position of Gu Jingyu, judging his feelings.


In the night, the lips of the cockroaches fell, and the fascinating sputum was slightly lifted, and he was confronted with his red eyes: "Sorry, my heart is very small, only my fiancé can be accommodated."

Gu Jingyu’s two fists hanging on his side are getting tighter and tighter.

The fingertips are already white.

Night clearing can only be seen as not seen.

Sometimes, there is no hope, but the hope of the other party is the real cruelty.

She whispered: "Thank you when you were in Bujia Village, I blocked the viciousness of the Miao three elders. This kindness, I will remember it."

After all, she turned and walked in the other direction of the city gate.

Gu Jingyu opened his mouth a few times and wanted to catch up and call her.

But when I got to the lips, I thought of the cold eyes of the night, and all the words stopped in my throat.

In the end, the hand stretched in the air and slowly let go.

The whole person is like losing all strength.


When the night fell back to the basement of the Peach Blossom Restaurant, the night was already late.

Smell the smell of the night and the close, the glass cat first flew out, holding the arm of the night clear: "Sister, you are finally back!"

The night was clear of the small head of the glass cat: "Let you worry."

The glass cat smashed his head and licked her.

The bright otter, 眨巴眨巴, 煞 is cute: "Sister, what you have told me, I have already finished, and tomorrow morning, we can watch the show!"


[Update the update and start the update~]

(End of this chapter)

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