Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2363: 掐谷谷镜羽This peach

Chapter 2363 掐谷谷镜羽This peach blossom


She should go back and deal with the things over the Wangfu House.

The injured villagers have already been bandaged.

After a few days of rest, you can recover as usual.

The Miao people who were clamped by the silver wire were ready to take the night before in the woods.

Under the gratitude of the villagers.

The two were taken to the village gate.

At night, I settled down and looked at the tea. "Grandpa, do you really want to go to Yueyue City?"

Tea old man lowered his head and slowly shook his head: "Don't go... If you can, you will bring this letter to my wife..."

From his arms, he took out a letter that had been wrinkled.

Obviously, it was not just written.

It is a letter that has been written for a long time.

The night cleared the letter and took it over, solemnly collecting: "I will bring the letter."


On the way back to Yuecheng.

Gu Jingyu has been looking for a topic, changing the way, inquiring about the news of the night.

In order to save her, Gu Jingyu was taken over by the Miao three elders.

Simple question, the night cleared or answered a few words.

But the more she came back, Gu Jingyu had already asked about her family's situation.

At night, it was finally noticed that something was wrong.

Her emotional intelligence is not high.


If you don't feel wrong.

The little lord of this valley wind sect... looks like... is it interesting to her?

Inquire about her family's situation.

Is it going to come to the door?

This thought, let the night clear only feel a thunder.

It should be... she is too narcissistic!

After all, the face that she is now tolerant is not a big beauty.

A small patriarchal identity like Gu Jingyu, what kind of beauty should have been seen before...


The night cleared the clear scorpion and stopped.

Gu Jingyu, who was inquiring about the situation at home in the night, immediately followed her footsteps and looked at her warmly.

That look, as if under the sun, he can only accommodate her alone.

When the night fell, a sigh: "That... Gu Shaozong... Can I ask you a question?"

Gu Jingyu's eyes are slightly bright, and the smile on the corner of his mouth is also a touch of joy: "I asked you so many questions, you can naturally ask me."

"You... is it..." The night is clear and discreet, "Is it interested in me..."

Gu Jingyu smiled and condensed, and a suspicious flush appeared on the surface.

He moved his eyes in confusion and did not dare to watch the night again.

It seems that she did not expect her to be so straightforward to poke his heart.

Gu Jingyu’s expression makes him feel in love when he falls to the night.


This is obviously true, she was told by her!

She has been easy to accommodate, but also to provoke peach blossom!

Is her personality charm so powerful?

"That ha..."

The night cleared and scratched the head: "If you are really interested in me... it is still early, to dispel this thought."

"Why!" Gu Jingyu raised his head sharply and his lips were slightly stunned. "Night girl, although I am a lord of Gu Fengzong, I am different from those who are blind."

He is anxious to defend himself. It is a rare sight: "I am innocent and there are no other women around me. And, I always feel that true love and love should only be given to one person. If you can Stay with me... I promise you, I will never be jealous..."

"Cough and cough..."

The night was cleared and I was scared and coughed.

She quickly raised her hand to stop Gu Jingyu's more enthusiastic confession: "Well, although you don't have a woman, but...but I have a fiancé, and when I return to the West, I will be with him."


[First put two chapters, today I have to fight for more! 】

(End of this chapter)

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