Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2359: Let them be self-defeating

Chapter 2359, let them be self-defeating

The look of the villagers, the night and the clear are all in the eyes.

She squinted her lips and softened her voice: "Of course, all this is to see your own thoughts."

The villagers looked at the Miao people.

I looked at the villagers around.

For a long while, suddenly, among the villagers, an old villager about 60 years old picked up his own **** and rushed over: "Why don't you kill them! They are not good people! They... they kill innocent people and bully!"

A villager rushed up.

The other villagers are also unable to hold back.

They have picked up their gimmicks and followed the past.

Some villagers are still full of shackles, standing in the same place, uneasy.

Those angry villagers.

It used to be...

In the hands of the Miao people, the villagers who almost died.

There are still many, once their own relatives, they died in the hands of the Miao people.

For the Miao people.

How can these villagers not hate in their hearts?

A dozen villagers, holding their hoes, slammed one of the Miao people.

The Hmong people were firmly clamped by silver, and there was no way to resist or escape.

It’s hard to bear the pain of the villagers’ hoes and their own bodies.

The villagers vented their anger.


In a villager, when the head of a Hmong is smashed with a hoe.

The villager was slow to start.

The other villagers also stopped the move to beat the Miao people.

Looked at the villager.

The name of the village was raised high and the body was tight and stiff.

For a long while...

The villager suddenly burst into a sorrowful roar in his mouth: "Ah-ah!"

He used force to throw the **** in his hand to the ground.

The wrinkled face is already a tear.

"I can't do it... I can't do it... They are all living people... If I avenge the loved ones who have died in their hands, and kill them... then what is the difference between me and them? ......"

Resent, then complain.

The murder, the villagers still can't do it.

The same is true of other villagers.

They just want to punch Hmong meal, since the vent so long, insulted pain and anger.

I never thought about killing them.

The villagers dropped the hoes in their hands one by one: "Forget it... Little girl, you have taught us the elders of Miao San, and let the elders of Miao San set a poison oath... This is enough."

The first villager who rushed up to the ground slammed the **** to the ground: "Put them here and let them kill themselves!"


The choice of the villagers can be said to be in the expectation of falling in the night.

The villagers are kind.

They are just ordinary people.

How can it be like the Hmong people, or other mysterious people, seeing human life as a mustard.

"As you said, put them here, it is life to die, see their creation."

The night was a faint smile, and did not persuade the villagers. They really succumbed to the hunger and killed the Hmong people.


This group of Miao people.

However, the embarrassment and humiliation of the Miao three elders today are in the eye.

Moreover, I witnessed the sale of the Miao people by the Miao three elders...

How can Miao three elders make them alive... Go back to the Miao?

These people will die sooner or later.

Don't let these Hmong people who are not even as good as the animals.

It disturbed the hearts of the villagers in Bujia Village.

The night was clear and talking to other villagers. Behind him, suddenly there was a serious voice of tea: "Little girl, I have one thing, I want to be alone... talk to you."


[Chapter 5 of the late arrival]

(End of this chapter)

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