Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2358: Play the Miao three elders

Chapter 2358, playing the seedlings and three elders

The night cleared up thoughtfully and nodded.

Miao three elders can't wait, full of fear and uneasiness, rose to the apex: "I said everything! Your request is all I have done! You are now... I will give you the antidote!"

"Antidote?" Eyes cleared at night.

The entire face of Miao San’s elders was screwed up into a group: “Little ancestors... I really said everything, you will soon solve the drug... Give me the antidote to me...”

The more urgent.

The more Miao Miao elders felt their own abdomen, the sharp pain that struck.

He can't panic.

I think of the horror of Yuwen.

He almost cried out.

The smile on the night of the night was gradually enlarged in the cousin of the Miao three elders.

She smiled lowly: "What antidote... You really believe it."

Miao San elders cried a meal.

For a moment, I haven’t turned around.

The night cleared the mouth, and "噗哧" laughed out: "Miao three elders, I just fed you a... um, it is a pill that helps you detoxification, you go to the latrine one or two God, it’s okay.”


Miao three elders full of fear and uneasiness.

In this moment, I was told that it was just a joke?

And he is in this joke.

Let the night clear and round, and slyly answer all the questions of the night!

"Is there still energy and me to settle accounts?" The night clear smile pointed to the belly of Miao three elders, "Be careful, don't fall on the pants."

"You...you this...oh!"

The Miao three elders did not have the energy, and then settled with the night.

His stomach rolled over the sea.

I couldn't stand it. I fell to the night and my fingers pressed **** the air.

Immediately hugged his stomach, and quickly smashed away.

The remaining fifty or so Hmong people were abandoned by Miao San elders.

"You really... just give him..." Gu Jingyu looked at the face of Miao San’s elders, and some of them couldn’t help.

He did not expect it.

At night, the pill made of croton was used as a poison, and the elders of Miao San were deceived.

This psychological confrontation.

Night clearing is simply a big win!

The night fell and smiled and shrugged: "He is so deceiving, I am very helpless."

The smile of Gu Jing’s mouth is more and more gentle.

However, the night fell but did not appreciate his warm smile.

It is directly to the direction of the old tea: "The people of the Miao nationality will not harass you in the step house, and... the Miao three elders will protect the safety of your step house, you can rest assured."

The old look of tea is a bit embarrassing.

Even if I talked to him at night, I didn’t understand it.

He was just a very casual "hmm", and his eyes were always projected without a focal length.

The villagers behind them expressed their gratitude.

After the night cleared the smile and responded.

Followed the old eyes of tea and looked at the past.

I saw that the Hmong people who were in the same place and could not move.

She patted the old hand of the tea gently, and the lips were lightly swayed: "These Hmong people used to be accustomed to the Miao three elders on weekdays, and they did not bully the step house. They are now the meat on the chopping board. If you want to take revenge..."

Tea is old.

The villagers who thanked him behind him also bowed.

Killed... those Hmong people?

Revenge for the villagers who died in Bujia Village?

For their humiliation and revenge in the hands of the Miao people?

Kill... have them?


[Today's update is fast enough~ First four chapters~ The rest of the night is even more~ Today, the store is not busy on Monday, I want to start making up the update! 】

(End of this chapter)

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