Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2346: The choice of night clearing (1)

Chapter 2346, the choice of night clearing (1)

At night, the five fingers and one grip, the singularity of the coldness of the forest: "Do you want to threaten me?"

Elder Miao three can see that the night is very concerned about his little lover.

There is a way to pick up the night and clear it.

Miao Miao elders naturally have nothing to fear: "Yes, this elder is threatening you!"

The night cleared the words and gave a chuckle.

The narrow and charming, outlines the curvature of the bend.

It seems that the extreme evil spirits are extremely sultry.

However, the faint glow of the bottom of the brilliance.

It is full of chills.

It was like the cold wind of December, gathered in her eyes.

Such a compelling pressure, Rao is Miao three elders, the bottom of my heart can not help but tremble.

He pressed the horrible fear of his heart.

Forcing yourself to appear to control the overall situation.

Forcing yourself, you can't lower the momentum of the night.

"Little girl, if you still want your little lover to be alive, squat on the ground, and admit mistakes with this elder! Then then... In the face of this elder, kill the old guys in Bujia Village!"

Elder Miao three looked up proudly and arrogantly gave orders.

Looking at the clear eyes of the night, the more cold.

Elder Miao three only felt that the body and mind were refreshing.

He is more and more proud: "Little girl, don't you like to be nosy? Now this elder has let you manage this gossip! How? Little girl, how would you choose? Is to save your beloved little lover Or are you saving these old guys who have nothing to do with you?"

The eyes of Elder Miao three swept over the more than 50 old villagers gathered in the corner of the teahouse.

The villagers were scared by his eyes.

I heard the contents of his words.

There was a look of horror and horror on their faces.

This Miao people... it’s too cruel!

They even came up with such a way to torture people!

They are not people at all!

The villagers are full of anger.

But no one dares to really vent their anger.

Only then can they work together and take the courage to fight back.

It has already been exhausted.

At this time, the tea old hugged the things in his arms, and the steps trembled out: "Little girl, you... you promised him to kill us, let him solve the poison for your relationship... ..."

"Tea old!"

The villagers behind him glanced, and the panic of the mouth called the old tea.

Tea old turned slowly.

Facing the villagers.

There were tear marks on his face.

A pair of eyes that were wet with tears swept through these ones and accompanied the villagers who had spent most of his life.

He choked and said: "The couple, this is just an innocent person passing by, it is our intention to bring them in."

All along, we are enduring, from the looting and brutal killing of the Miao people.

Again and again, enduring torture again and again.

However, they could not change the conscience of the Miao people, but instead... contributed to the brutality and cruelty of the Miao people!

All of this is our fault...

Not related to others.

Today, the innocent passers-by, because they helped us, led them to poison the Miao people.

How can we sit back and ignore? How do we watch the innocent passers-by, because of our lives, and suffer from scorpion?

The Miao people have no heart.

Don't we have it?

If this young man really died because of poisoning, can we really escape even if we survive, condemnation of conscience? ! ”

One sentence after another, the villagers were silenced.

They can't refute.

There is no reason to refute.

(End of this chapter)

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