Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2345: Scorpion

Scorpion venom in Chapter 2345

"You... you dare!"

The night cleared and said that he would not want his life.

The more elders Miao three are afraid.

His eyes wide open and his hoarse voice filled with grievances and killings: "You dare to kill me... I am the Elder of the Miao! I am the elder of the Miao!"

The night cleared the lips, and smiled without fear: "Soon, you are not."

Xu is this sentence, angered the Miao three elders.

His body on the ground began to distort sharply.

"Hip hoof... This elder wants you to die... wants you..."

He is roaring.

The sound is almost hoarse.

At this moment, the night cleared clearly, and the elders of Miao San’s elders suddenly became the boss.

Countless black things, spread in the right eye of Miao San elders.

The whole eye is white, and it turns black in little by little.

It blends with the color of the glutinous rice.

The right eye of Miao San elders is dark.

Like a bottomless black hole.

Especially infiltrated.

The night fell slightly and frowned, staring at the right eye of Miao San elders.

It is still not clear what the eyes of Miao San elders are.

Behind him, suddenly there was a panic of Gu Jingyu’s voice.

"Night girl, be careful!"

In the next moment, her wrists tightened.

The body was suddenly pulled by one.

Her face slammed into a hard chest.

"Gu Jingyu, what do you do!"

The breath of a strange man wrapped her body.

The night is clear and unbearable, except for the man other than A Xuan, such a touch.

All over the body, aversion and discomfort.

She is struggling.

Gu Jingyu is taking her tighter.


In the ear, there was a squeaking noise from the man.

At night, I fell to the ground and slammed the mirror, and looked at him.

Gu Jingyu's face was pale, and the corner of his lips overflowed with traces of blood.

Touched the clear eyes of the night.

He immediately raised his hand, wiped the bloodshot of his lips, took a deep breath, and stabilized his body.

"what happened?"

The night fell to the arm of Gu Jingyu.

The cold touch makes her eyebrows tighter.

"Nothing." Gu Jingyu pulled the corner of his mouth and shook his head faintly. "You don't need to care for me, these people, give it to you."

The night fell but did not let go of his wrist: "To tell the truth!"

Gu Jingyu's thin lips are slightly stunned. Don't overdo it, don't talk.

Obviously, I am not going to tell the truth.

"Ha...hahaha... it’s really a sensation..."

The Miao three elders gasped, but they kept laughing.

At night, the Qing Dynasty fell to open the valley mirror feathers and looked at the Miao three elders.

The eyes of Miao San elders have returned to normal.

She frowned, thinking of the dark eyes of the Miao three elders.

Reminiscent of Gu Jingyu holding her tightly, back to the Miao three elders, after the injury picture.

Is it...

"Your little lover, I have already made my special anti-drug... As long as I am injured, he will also be hurt... hahahaha!"

Miao San elders pressed their chests and laughed a lot: "Little girl, don't you want to kill me? Kill me, kill me, you little lover, you will die together!"

Sure enough, it is vicious!

The night was clear and the face was heavy, and the side looked at Gu Jingyu.

Sure enough, with the laughter of Miao San elders.

Gu Jingyu's face is getting paler and paler.

Even the station, some stations are not stable.

At night, he quickly reached out and held him, turning his head to look at the elders of Miao San: "I will solve it immediately!"

"Little girl, if the elders solved it for him, can this elder leave alive? Are you really a fool of this elder?" Elder Miao three snorted and was very proud.

(End of this chapter)

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