Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2312: Nirvana is her parents?

Chapter 2312, Nirvana is her parents?

The bright eyes of peaches shine with the radiance of hydration: "Yeah, after all, it is a nursery family, even today's monarch, they have to fear the nursery family."

This thing.

Those who don’t know will only cross the gods.

The people of the royal family naturally fear the mystery of the nursery family, and they are also afraid of it.

The night cleared, she said that she was pitiful to the royal family of Beibei.

There is a 沁悦宗.

There is a war palace on the left.

There is a nursery family on the right.

The position of this monarch, sitting every day is a war.

"The relationship between Miao Rongrong and Xia Lingling is also good, and... Miao Zhengwei, who has a crush on Miao Rongrong for many years, often stays with Miao Rongrong, and has a good relationship with Xia Lingling."

It is worthy of being the head of the Peach Blossom Three Thousand Mercenary Corps. These gossips are all clear.

Encyclopedia of action.

The night clearing said it was awesome.

"Well... As far as I know, Xia Lingling is together with Miao Zhengwei... Entering the restaurant of Peach Blossom Three Thousands, called a table of food." Peach and mysterious lips smirk, meaning something.

At night, the long and narrow singularity flows through a meaningful streamer.

Miao Zhengwei came with Xia Lingling.

Xia Lingling made trouble, Miao Zhengwei was definitely watching.

But... Miao Zhengwei came to this time, only to stop Xia Lingling...

The night fell and fell.

This man named Miao Zhengwei is not so succinct on the surface...

Well, it is a crowned animal.

I am afraid, but also use the delicate personality of Xia Lingling to test her strength.

After all, this Miao Zhengwei, like Miao Rongrong.

"Girl, the young county owner has been spoiled since childhood, please do not care about her." Miao Zhengwei determined that Xia Lingling's emotions stabilized, and then released Xia Lingling, apologizing to the night.

If it is to change to other women, in Miao Zhengwei is so handsome, temperament and elegant apology.

It must be red-faced, and shyness does not care.


"She is spoiled, what is it with me? She is spoiled, so I should be accused of being swearing by her? She is spoiled, so I have to laugh after I want to kill me. You think that the world of Nirvana is her parents?"

At night, the direct fall of a sentence of shelling, full of momentum, the oppression of Miao Zhengwei is a glimpse, and immediately turned red, but there is no way to refute.

The phrase "the nirvana is her parents" has aroused the laughter of the surrounding guests.

Have to admit.

The phrase that clears up at night is really too fast.

Has Xia Lingling been so insulted when he was in geometry?

The night of the fall, the ridicule of the people around.

Xia Ling Ling almost fainted.

For a long while, Miao Zhengwei reorganized the words: "Where is the little county owner causing the girl to be unhappy, Miao is willing to pay for the crime of the small county."

"No, no." The night fell sneer. "Your apologize, I am not interested."

Miao Zhengwei's face is heavy.

Watching the night clear the support of the boy, walking in the direction of the peach.

I didn’t look at him at all.

Miao Zhengwei could not help but clench his fist.

Where can he compare to the waste?

Whether it is body, appearance, strength, or family.

He is much stronger than the waste man!

However, this monk turned the waste man into a treasure, but he dismissed him!

Miao Zhengwei’s self-respect has been seriously traumatized.

"Girl, no matter what identity you have in other continents, but... this is Beibei mainland after all, a lot of things, not so absolute." Miao Zhengwei's face is calm and depressed, it seems to be threatening.

(End of this chapter)

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