Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2311: Juvenile eyes, faintly passing a touch of green light

Chapter 2311, Juvenile Binoculars, faintly passing a touch of green light

The words of the night fell, and the people of the Beibei mainland were actually like a fire.

Don't watch the night clearing the words, and say that you are polite.

The words and sentences are ridiculing the rudeness of Xia Lingling.

But... Xia Lingling did not understand the importance of this matter.

Instead, I want to send some more to the night, which can be used to devalue the Beibei mainland!

The onlookers’ eyes have reached a deep hatred for Xia Lingling.

Xia Lingling does not understand how the words of the night will affect the Beibei mainland.

She only understood.

The night is clear and mocking her.

Xia Lingling's mouth opened and closed, the muscles on her face, and she was sobbing and screaming.

Oh, there is no way to take another sentence.

The night was clear and smiled, and the look was quiet. I turned around and looked at the teenager behind me.

The teenager was hiding behind her and shivering.

The face is full of scared expressions.

Seeing the night and turning around and looking at him, the boy immediately squatted down: "Thank you for the girl's help! Thank you girl!"

His voice was full of excitement, and he heard the whimper in his voice.

The night cleared and moved away, staggering the young man’s worship.

She bent over and raised the boy: "You have a lot of injuries on your body. Go to the peach first and treat the wounds."

The girl's warm hand touched the boy's hand gently.

That warmth makes the boy's eyes look awkward.

In the deep scorpion, there is a faint glow of green light.

It’s fleeting.

The night cleared and the light condensed, and it condensed deeply into the eyes of the teenager.

In the eyes of the teenager, there is a pure, quiet ink color.

It seems that the green light is just her illusion.

It was this blasphemy, and the night fell to see the teenager staring at her behind the horror.

The night was clear and keenly felt, and the speed behind him was filled with a mysterious force full of killing.

She looked dull and was about to fight back.

The arm is tight.

The teenager took her wrist and pulled it hard.

The two exchanged a position.

When I saw it at night, I saw Xia Lingling, who was looking at her face. She was holding a dagger in her hand and was quickly rushing toward the back of the boy.

"Little county owner!"

Just when the night is clear and the face is dark and the mysterious force is released.

Suddenly a clear voice came from the direction of the lobby.

Then, I saw a man who was about 18 years old and rushed over.

The man stopped Xia Lingling's offensive and immediately buckled her in the arm.

"Wei brother!"

After seeing the man who stopped her, Xia Lingling struggled to come out of his arms: "Let me go! I want to kill the monk!"

The man tightened his brow.

His gaze was seen on the face of Xia Lingling swollen into a pig's head: "The little county owner is noisy, you are not her opponent."

"How can the county owner..." Xia Lingling screamed unwillingly, and even sucked a cold breath.

The man’s brows are tighter.

After seeing the man's expression, Xia Lingling closed his mouth and sighed with grievances.

The appearance of this man allowed the surrounding spectators to breathe a sigh of relief.

At night, I raised my eyebrows and looked at the peaches with interest: "Hey, what is the head? The young county magistrate of Zhang Zhangyi has succumbed to his majesty?"

"The side of the Miao patriarch, the son of Miao Er's family, Miao Zhengwei." The peach glanced at him and recognized the identity of the man.

"Is it a Miao?" The night fell and touched the chin. "The small county owner and the Miao people are very close."

(End of this chapter)

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