Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2309: Hands-on

Chapter 2309 hands-on

"I heard that Xiao Wangye called her a favor! Could it be that Xiao Wangye liked her?"

"Definitely like it! Xiao Wangye's temper, who is not known to the whole Yue Yuecheng, who is not known? You have seen who has sinned the little prince, can you appear in front of us safely?"

The people agreed to nod and nod.

The rumors about the women who were arrested in the War King House have been spread all over the streets.

Although the War King House intentionally concealed.

But how many still know that this woman was in publicly stunned Yuwen’s face, and that Yu Wen’s madness was cultivated in the War King’s House for several days.

In particular, Xia Lingling’s personal blast broke out.

Yu Wen crazy is being poisoned by this woman!

To poison the little king, you can also let the generals of the war to cancel the search warrant!

This woman, what is it!

Onlookers, the mood is both embarrassing and exciting.

Whether or not the king's palace will be murdered by the generals of the war kings because they know the secrets of the war king's house.

Excited is... I saw this with my own eyes, so that the War King House can not pinch the woman.

"You...you are all talking nonsense! How can a crazy brother like this old woman!" Xia Ling's spirit was unstoppable, his face was full of grievances.

The more I listen to the people around me, the appreciation of the monk.

The more you listen to the people around you, the one who is with the madman.

Xia Lingling’s heart has long been unable to hold back because of his anger.

The anger of the back of the chest is like a storm.

"Hey! You have repeatedly provoked the anger of the county lord again and again! The county lord will let you see and see, the lord of this county is terrible!"

Xia Lingling gritted his teeth and made a word from the gap between the teeth.

Immediately, the palm of the hand stretched out, and a black long whip appeared in the palm.

The thin and long whip, under the cover of Xuan Mang, faintly flashes the dark and cold mans.

At some angle, the audience clearly saw that the long whip was covered with a very thin and sharp silver thorn.

Although it is small, if it is tied to a person, it will definitely break through the skin and make countless tiny blood holes!

A ferocious whip!

Xia Lingling actually took out such a hot whip!

The onlookers’ eyes were all showing their disdain for Xia Lingling.

However, no one dares to remind or stop.

They are very little ignorant of the king of the war.

Also very annoying and the little prince is a small county owner.

These two mixed kings are simply the nightmare of Yue Yuecheng!

It is rare for someone to come out to teach the two people who are the devil.

They are very excited in their hearts.

Due to the influence of the devil, they dare not be too obvious.

The long whip in the hands of Xia Lingling has already drawn the door to the night.

The sharp silver thorns are reflected in the hazelnuts that fall in the night.

At night, the dawn of the light flashed slightly, and the corner of the mouth raised the coldness of the arc: "Small county lord, is this dog jumping over the wall? Even your mad brother, my hand is defeated, just because of you, I want to see me?"

The night is sweet and clear.

Surging and swelling a powerful mansions.

Endless cold, from the foot of the night, turned into a white cold, straight to Xia Lingling.


The white chill, flew away.

Xia Lingling only felt that she was forced to breathe a little more power, so she had no strength at all, and then waved her long whip.

Her body is stiff.

Tightly under the strange power, I kept shaking.

(End of this chapter)

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