Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2308: Withdrew her search

Chapter 2308 revoked her search

"So, you are now giving up to the county owner! The county owner will bring this citizen back to the county government!" Xia Lingling was full of resentment, but had to choose to compromise.

Just leave the peach blossom restaurant.

Tao Tao has no excuse to intervene in this matter!

The guard behind him immediately walked over and took the boy.

After the teenager took the medicinal herbs, the temperament was a little better and he had the strength.

He struggled to get up and hide behind him.

He is very clear.

Only this girl can save him now.

Otherwise, he will die.

When the guards came forward, they lifted their hands at night and stopped them.

"What do you want to do!" Xia Lingling saw it and gnawed his teeth.

At night, I smiled and took a step forward, blocking the boy behind me: "Whether he harassed you, he was in the peach blossom restaurant, I have to protect him safely, not to mention that he only ate me a middle product. If you let me take it away, my drug will not be wasted."

"It’s not the owner of the county who asked you to feed!" Xia Lingling was crazy.

She looked up and tried to calm her mood. She gnashed her teeth and said: "How many coins of that medicinal medicine, the county owner will give you!"

"I have a small peach to raise, what do you want to do with the coin?" The night is clear and serious.

Xia Lingling’s chest was violently undulating, pointing at the night and clearing his fingers. His fingers trembled: "You...you are a monk, you are clearly...just deliberately and the county master can't go!"

She was so mad, her cheeky face became awkward: "The county lord knows, are you looking at the power of the mad brother, you want to marry the mad brother, want to be the prince of the mad brother, So for the county owner!"

The night cleared the smile of the original smile, and it was a stiff time.

Mad brother?

Yu Wen crazy?

Lying in a big slot!

Please, the little county owner, not everyone is like you... so heavy!

The night fell and fell into a shackle.

And the change of this look at night is in the eyes of Xia Lingling, that is, it is poked in the mind, guilty!

Xia Ling Ling’s face changed with agility: “Hey! I know that you are in a bad heart. What you have poisoned your mad brother is enough for the monarch to marry your nine people! Even if it is a Tao girl, it will not save. you!"

The roar of Xia Lingling reminded the spectators around me that they had returned to God.

One by one staring at the night.

"Right, the woman who was arrested by the generals of the War Kings in these days is her!"

"Isn’t the general of War King not looking for this woman for ten days? There is no news of her! How come out now!"

"You haven't heard of it yet? Just two quarters of an hour ago, the War King House has released a message and revoked her search!"

"Withdrawn? No wonder she dared to appear in the restaurant!"


The voices of the surrounding arguments were introduced into the ears of the night.

At night, raise your eyebrows and look at the peaches: "Undo the search for me? What the hell?"

"I just didn't show it to you, you don't look at it yourself." The peach shrugged.

What piece of paper did the peach just give her?

The night fell and the paper was touched out and spread out.

The above is really the news released by the war king government not long ago.

Revoke the announcement of the woman in the search for the portrait.

There is no explanation for the reasons for the search and arrest of the night.

There is no explanation for the reasons for the withdrawal of the search.

General Wang Wang, what is this playing?

She is not credible, the War King is not going to pursue her, for Yu Wen mad, for the literary descendants of Yu Wenjia who are too late to come to the world.

Among them, there must be some conspiracy.


[Updated, what? So sleepy, break together and feel good~ Good night. 】

(End of this chapter)

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