Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2286: The final outcome is up to me!

Chapter 2286 The final outcome, let me decide!

Miao Rongrong is a girl after all.

The War King was somewhat embarrassed. He bowed his head slightly and said: "Miss Miao Da, the dog will be handed over to you, I... I will go out and wait for news."

After that, I immediately walked out of the room.

Miao Rongrong is also not vague.

When I got to the bed, I put my mites out.

The slap-up worms slowly plunged into the nose of Yu Wen’s madness.

The general lady’s heart was horrified, and the distressed tears were stunned.

See Miao Rongrong walked down to the side of the seat and sat down.

She immediately walked to Miao Rongrong and lowered her voice: "Miss Miao Da, my family is mad at him... He won't have anything?"

"The poison in his body, I will help him clear, but ... other, I can't guarantee it." Miao Rongrong elegantly leaned on the back of the chair, like a smile and picked a lip.

The general's wife heard the mockery of Miao Rongrong's tone.

There is anger at the bottom of my heart, but now I can only help Miao Rongrong to save my son.

The general's wife gave birth to the anger, and asked with concern: "Miss Miao Da means... mad child, in addition to the toxins in the body, there are other problems?"

Miao Rongrong just smiled slightly and did not answer.

How can this kind of person who grow up in the palm of his hand have no problem?

This weight, this body type, is the biggest problem affecting one's own health.

Moreover, under the long-term love of the generals of the Warlords and the Generals.

Yu Wen ate and ate, but it was completely temperate.

Plus, the aspect of private life is also confusing.

How could it be no problem?

The arrogant appearance of Miao Rongrong made the general's wife feel more resentful.

Miao Rongrong is not willing to take care of her, she is too lazy to ask Miao Rongrong.

Then he turned to Liu Dafu and repeated the words of Miao Rongrong.

Dr. Liu looked a little dignified.

As a doctor, Dr. Liu naturally understands the meaning of Miao Rongrong.


In the dark, the night is half-scented and charming, and his eyes have been moving upstream in the body of Yuwen.

"Your poison, can her locust solve it?" Jun lightly danced slightly to Liu Mei, and asked coldly.

Looking at her at night, she smiled and said: "Yes."

"Under the poison, how come you are close to the Miao family?" Jun light dance can't understand what the night is clear.

The night shrugged and shrugged his shoulders: "This is the first step for me to approach her. You don't think ~ Miss Miao, are you very interested in me now?"

Jun light dance: "..."

Not just the Miao family.

It is the people of the entire War King House, I am afraid that they are very interested in the night clearing!

"I don't think that you can convince the Miao family." Jun lightly glanced at Miao Rongrong's face.

"Of course, not everyone is like a little dance, and it's cold and hot." The night falls and leans on the body and leans on the body, smiles and smacks into her ear.

Jun light dances a stiff body, and the look on the face is also a bit stiff.

The night fell and smiled even more joyfully: "As for Miss Miao, will I be convinced by me, or willing to accompany me to save Azhan... That is not something I have to consider. Anyway... The thought of Miss Miao Miao, the final outcome, I will decide."

Her words are extremely public.

But it reveals the charm that people can't refute.

Jun light dances the general face of the ice, unconsciously loosened a few points.

She looked at the night and fell, half a sigh, and the bottom of her eyes crossed a complex emotion.

She really... can't take the look of ordinary people and see the night clear.

(End of this chapter)

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