Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2285: Toxic attack

Chapter 2285 is attacking with poison

Wang Wang Tieqing's face, tall and strong body, shook a little.

His big palm covers his eyes.

It seems that I can't digest Miao Rongrong.

Miss Miao Da, who is even a family of nursery, is helpless.

His madness... Is it always like this?

His madness is even more powerful.

Can not stand such consumption!

If you have been relying on Dr. Liu's potion, support the physical strength of the mad child.

A long time will only make the body of the mad child more and more weak!

"Let Xiao Wang Ye return to normal, there is no way." Miao Rongrong looked at the face of the war king, and raised a smug smile.

The king of war is a stiff body.

Immediately put down his hand and looked at Miao Rongrong: "Miss Miao Da, are you really? Can you really make the dog return to normal?"

Miao Rongrong smiled proudly: "But... the general of the king of war must tell me first, who is it, and the hand of the little prince, I can be right."

"Lower, lower?" The war king has a clear contradiction to these two words.

"Using mites, poisoning and poisoning, when the toxins in Xiao Wangye are swallowed by mites, I will re-call the locusts back, and will not have any effect on Xiao Wangye's body." Miao Rongrong squinted the eyes of the king , laughing and explaining.

But the bottom of my eyes is a flash of disdain and contempt.

This warlord general looked down on the shackles of their nursery family, but at the same time feared their locusts.

Since I look down, I am afraid.

There is also a face running to ask for help from Miao.

If it is not for us to have a good relationship with the people of the War King, prepare for the selection of the future Miao women.

She will not waste her energy to save the kind of disgusting little prince.

Although the bottom of my heart is extremely disdainful.

However, Miao Rongrong did not show the slightest disappointment.

One will not affect the body of Yu Wen crazy.

The heart of the king of war was also put down.

"Good! Ms. Miao Da, then trouble you!" The King of War did not find the scorn of Miao Rongrong's eyes.

Miao Rongrong raised his hand and pointed to the inside of the house. He looked at the warlord with arrogance: "The general of the war king, please ask someone, let the little prince calm down, this way... I don't use locusts."

The appearance of this command, the high on the top, so that the king of war slightly smashed the eyebrows.

But in the next moment, the war king nodded and looked behind him: "Liu Dafu."

Dr. Liu took out a pill bottle from the sleeves and stepped on the body of the land, approaching Yuwen.

Yu Wen violently smashed the woman in her arms, reached out and grabbed the woman on the other side who was scared to be soft and stuffed.

Dr. Liu seized the opportunity and suddenly dropped the medicine bottle in his hand on Yu Wen’s head.

Sprinkle the powder.

Yuwen's mad eyelids turned over, and the swaying body calmed down.

But the muscles that are inflated, and the places where they can't be reduced, still can't retreat.

"Make the little prince dressed and carry it to the courtyard next door!"

The guards still have some fear.

Carefully close together.

Seeing that Yu Wen’s madness did not respond, it was only nervous to lift Yu Wen’s madness.

After a while, everyone moved to the next courtyard.

As for the courtyard of Yuwen Mania...

The king of war ordered that he burned directly with a fire.

At night, the Qing dynasty pulled the gentle dance, and also followed the next door.

In the bedroom, Yuwen mad that fat body, squeezed on the wooden bed.

The body has been wrapped in a loose robe.


I wore clothes and covered the quilt.

Still can't stop Yuwen madness, that can't be reduced.

(End of this chapter)

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