Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2281: Yuwen madness

Chapter 2281 The Status Quo of Yuwen Mania

"If it is late, we haven't come back yet, you go to the girl."

The night cleared and pinched the cheeks of the cat: "She called Miao Yiyi, and the peach seems to be a friend, then ask her how to contact the peach."

Yesterday, she saw the signal bullet of the peach blossom of 3,000 meters held by Miao Yiyi.

If it is not intimate with Peach Blossom 3000.

Miao Yiyi is absolutely impossible to have that signal bomb.

If the peach is willing to help investigate the nursery family.

She can return to Xiqiao mainland as soon as possible, and suppress the poisoning of Long Yunzhan as soon as possible.

The glass cat is unwilling to do so, but he is unwilling to refuse the request for the night.

In the end, I had to use my resentful eyes to watch the night and the gentle dance.


War King House.

A deadly atmosphere, coming and going, the look is extremely dignified.

Walking one by one is cautious and fearful.

Perhaps this atmosphere is too oppressive.

The guards of the War King House have slacked off a lot.

It was easy to go to the Qing Dynasty and the gentle dance of the king.

Jun light dance through the gaps in the dark, seeing the slaves who come and go, Liu Mei picked and picked: "What the **** are you doing to Yuwen? The entire War King House has been affected."

"You will know it later." The night fell, and the charming smile, and a smile of evil spirits, "Go, go to the courtyard of Yuwen crazy."

It is not difficult to find the courtyard of Yuwen Mania.

The repressed atmosphere of the War King House is due to Yu Wen’s madness.

In other words, Yu Wen is crazy.

There are many people, and the most noisy, where is the Yuwen mad yard.

However, for a moment, the two arrived at the Yuwen mad courtyard accurately and without error.

The courtyard is full of people, full of blood and breath, full of breath.

The night falls and the gentle dance stops at the corner next to the Yuwen crazy bedroom.

Outside the bedroom, people come and go, all with horror and utter slaves.

Not far away, it is the general lady who was supported by the donkey and the donkey.

The pain and worry of the general's wife's face, from time to time holding the shackles around her, asked about the situation inside the house.

Every time I ask, the look on the face of the general's lady is a bit gloomy.

The locked door of the bedroom, the sound of the "砰砰" impact was constantly heard.

It is also faintly mixed with the screams of men and women for help.

This time lasted for about two quarters of an hour.

The sound in the bedroom gradually stopped.

The general's wife was delighted and immediately let the neighbors look at the situation.

The face was pale, but he did not dare to disobey the words of the general.

Had to move the steps, close to the bedroom.

Silently dancing for two quarters of an hour, I was already impatient.

Seeing that the bedroom is about to be opened, she leaned a little forward.

As a coincidence, the open door and the situation inside the house were unobstructed.

Jun light dance has always had a faceless expression, and it’s time to condense.

At the bottom of my eyes, I gradually came up with a layer of frost.

He shook his hand and opened the door lock.

Just pushed the door open and fell down two women who were covered in red fruit.

The two women were covered in blood, and they were the bosses who seemed to hate something.

He screamed and jerked.

The two women fell straight on the ground and did not move.

The rich **** smell is coming from the nose.

Among the **** smells, there is a strange taste.

It is unbearable to roll over the stomach and wants to vomit.

In the bedroom, there is blood all over the place, and the red fruit body is lying on the ground.

There are men and women.

Blood poured over the ground.

However, standing in the middle of the house, the obese pig-like boy still has a woman with a red fruit in her hand.

Teeth, biting the woman’s neck...

(End of this chapter)

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