Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2280: The experiment was successful

Chapter 2280 Experiment succeeded

"Sister! It's really you!"

The bright scorpion of the glass cat was bright.

She quickly plunged into the arms of the night, hugged the night, and cried, "The cat is worried about you! But the dancing sister will not let the cat go out to find you!"

The night fell on the kitten's head and squatted, holding her into the room.

Jun light dance sits at the wooden table.

Her eyelids were not lifted, and the faint opening: "How long does it take, it has caused such a big trouble, you are really unscrupulous."

Obviously, I have heard that she is in the "Glorious Deeds" of the City of Joy.

At night, I loosened the glass cat and sat down on the opposite side of the gentle dance. I poured myself a cup of tea for myself: "No way, the charm is too big, and the trouble always comes out and looks for me."

"This trouble, but the war king's house." Jun light dance raised the eyes, coldly squinting at the night, "the general of the king of war in the northern Fujian mainland is not lower than the lord of the Yuetzong. As long as the king of war The general said, not to mention Yue Yuecheng, that is, the entire Beibei continent, you can only sneak up, can not be bright and square appears on the site of the Beibei continent."

The night is lazy and leans on the wooden table: "It’s a big deal, it’s a face change."

"You change a face, then... what about this kitten?" Jun light danced and stood in the night, and the slimy glass cat, "Do you want to change her face?"

At the beginning of the glass cat, there was no easy tolerance.

If the night is clear, change a face.

It is also necessary to give the glass cat easy to accommodate.

But... As a beast of the orc family, the glass cat can't stand his face and paste things.

She can't control the blood of the cat and beast, and erase all the things on her face.

"That's not necessary." The night fell and leaned back, "Soon... things will end."

Jun light dance and raise an eyebrow: "What did you do?"

The night cleared the mysterious hook and did not speak.


The next day.

After the night fell, the glass cat had brought back the news.

Yesterday's things, the fermentation is getting worse.

And... According to rumors, the first child prodigy of the Yue Yuecheng, after being lifted back to the government yesterday...

It started to be evil!

Although the things about the evils were suppressed, there was no rumor.

But, generally know...

After Yu Wen woke up, his heart changed.

It is reported that Yuwen’s mad courtyards have overflowed with a very rich **** taste.

Upon hearing these news, the night cleared and satisfied and nodded: "It seems that the experiment is a success."

"Experiment?" Jun Qingwu knows that there is a plan for the night, and when she hears the tone of the night, she is interested. "What did you do to Yuwen?"

"I want to know?" The night cleared the eyebrows and asked with a smile.

Jun light dance no expression.

"That... let me go to the palace of the war." The night fell and fell softly, and fell on the shoulders of Junjun dance. "Not only can you watch a good show, we may..."

She paused and did not continue to say.

Just smiled and turned around and looked at the glass cat: "Cat, you ~ stay in the inn and continue to ask us for news."

The look of the glass cat with a look of joy, suddenly stunned: "Sister, you have to leave the cat again!"

"It's not a drop of you, but a new task that your sister gave you." The night cleared the cat's ears that kept shaking the cat. "And, do you remember the girl's taste last night?"

The glass cat flatted his mouth and nodded unpleasantly.

(End of this chapter)

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