Chapter 383

“I don’t know about the Five Holy Pagodas? The most popular tourist attraction in Wutai in recent years!”

Yuffi suddenly became energetic and explained enthusiastically:

“We Wutai people worship [Water God], [Five Sages], and [Great Dynasty]. Among them, the Five Sacred Pagodas have the most meaning for Wutai…Oh! Heather, you hate it!”

Heather slapped Yuffi to the side with an impatient tone: “As annoying as I was when I was a child, are you dying?”

“Hiss…” Yuffi thought of the painful memories six years ago and couldn’t help taking a breath, and subconsciously covered her little ass, in a panic tone: “I, I, and I are now powerful beautiful ninjas, warn you not to Beat me!”

Tifa humorously pushed Heather’s shoulder gently: “Brother, don’t scare her.”

Heather gave a ‘tsk’, picked up the teacup in front of him and took a sip of steaming tea.

Uffie had never seen Heather listen to others so much. Even Heather’s master Zangan was often ridiculed by him. Her eyes rolled around, looking at Tifa differently, as if she had found a backer: “Sister, are you Heather’s girlfriend?”

Tifa’s face turned red all at once, and he stammered: “I, I…not…yes…”

On the side, Alice explained ‘kindly’: “Tifa is teacher Heather’s younger sister, and the relationship is normal.”


Yuffi nodded suddenly, and her gaze at Alice became more intimate: “Are you Heather’s apprentice? Then the two of us are of the same age, you can call me Yuffi.”

“My name is Alice, please advise.” Alice said with a smile, and the relationship between the two quickly heated up.

Not far away, Claude, who was leaning at the door, rubbed his eyebrows: “It always feels like it suddenly becomes noisy…”

Bullet didn’t mind, and laughed loudly: “Isn’t it nice that the atmosphere in the team is a little more cheerful?”

Although a bit noisy, Yu Fei’s addition made the atmosphere in the team lively. The noisiness continued until after dinner, when Old Bill vacated two larger guest rooms, one for three men and the other for four women.

Because Yuphy was too noisy during dinner, Heather planned to drive Yuffi to the birdhouse and let her sleep with Chocobos. He couldn’t hold him back, crying and refusing to go and add Tifa and Tifa and Alice interceded, and then gave up.

Regardless of what happened to the girls’ dormitory, the boys’ dormitory was arranged in a guest room on the second floor of the residence. The guest room is fairly spacious, with three single beds and clean soft sheets on them.

“Go to bed early, and set off in the direction of the earthly swamp tomorrow morning. Believe me, this journey is not easy.” Heather patted the pillow and lay down on the bed.

Crowder stood his great sword against the wall, and was secretly looking at the mirror in front of the cupboard to tidy up his hair. It’s not the same to have a girlfriend, even a dull gourd like Claude knows that he’s accidentally showing up.

The single bed is a bit narrow and short for Bullet, but it doesn’t matter. With a machine gun in his arm on the table, with one hand resting on the back of his head, he obviously couldn’t fall asleep for a while, and asked curiously: “Heather, that girl named Yuffi seems a little scared of you?”

“…She was only ten years old when I met her, because some misunderstandings caused her to be very hostile to me and Zangan, and always trouble us from time to time.”

Heather recalled: “Zangan likes children, so I just smiled and didn’t care, but I hated noisy children, so I caught her and taught her a profound lesson, and I got to know her father Guo Tuo. .”

“Futai City Lord Guo Tuo, I have also heard of his name.”

Claude, who was standing in front of the cupboard, turned around:

“It is said that he is an extremely powerful martial arts master who caused a lot of trouble to the Shenluo Army during the war.”

“Oh? Claude, you also participated in the Shenluo Army, have you participated in the battle against Wutai?” Bullet only then remembered Claude’s status as the former 1st fighter.

“No, when I joined the army, it coincided with the end of the battle against Wutai. When I was promoted to 1st, the impression of the special forces from the outside world was no longer a “war hero”, but a “Shinra loyal dog”.” Claude She shrugged helplessly.

Bullet sighed: “The war between Wutai and Shinra lasted for so many years, and finally ended in defeat. Alas, if Wutai worked hard to get Shinra to the ground, there would not be as much trouble as it is now.”

“There are many reasons for Wutai’s defeat, and the reasons are not as simple as you think. Zangan and I also broke up due to a series of incidents in Wutai. He continued to cruise the world, and I Kabuto Kabuto circled all the way and finally went to Midgar.”

Heather didn’t say much about himself:

“In short, be careful of the magic spar on you. Yuffi has had a special fascination with magic spar since he was a child, and his theft method is first-rate.”


Bullet and Crowder looked at each other, and subconsciously moved their respective weapons inlaid with magic spar closer to them.

“Okay, go to sleep.”

“Okay, okay… But I said in advance, I snore.”

“It doesn’t matter. I lived in a dormitory when I joined the army, so I can adapt.”

“Ah, I’m fine.”

“Oh, all right.”

So that night, Claude and Heather saw how loud a person’s purring can be.

The next morning, the girls’ dormitory opened the door talking and laughing. They were surprised to find that Claude and Heather had tired faces, but Bullet’s face was refreshed.

After some washing and breakfast, the convoy set off in a mighty manner.

Alice clasped the steering wheel of the light truck in both hands with a look of excitement, and Bullet checked her by the side. This SA-37 has a light body and is very suitable for people with low strength to drive. Coupled with the constant attention of the old driver of Bullet, I am not afraid of Alice driving the car over. Crowder and Heather were sitting in the back of the carriage huddled with the red comet, their heads hanging down to sleep.

On the other side, Jesse drove Claude’s Hardy Daytona, and Yuffi sat behind her and yelled very excitedly. Tifa drove Lei Langlong’s changing Rapid Thunder, although Tifa was not very good at driving motorcycles, but Lei Langlong intimately turned on the autopilot mode, and she only needs to pose.

Old Bill drove a truck dedicated to transporting chocobos, and Billy and Aller sat in the co-pilot with nervous expressions.

Traveling along the highway all the way to the south, the surrounding environment has gradually become barren from being full of greenery. The closer you get to the earthly swamp, the more foggy the surrounding area.

Three hours later, they arrived at the border of the earthly swamp in the pasture area.

At this time, the surrounding fog was already very thick, and the air was filled with weird smells. The highway stretched into the fog as a road to hell. On both sides of the road were endless mud and dead trees.

“Is this near?” Claude jumped out of the car holding his sword hilt and looked around vigilantly: “I always feel that something is staring at us in the fog.”

“That should be [Midgar Python]. It is said that adults can reach 20 meters in length. They are always lurking in the fog, waiting for the best time to hunt.”

Heather also jumped out of the car, his eyes seem to penetrate the fog:

“Although the purpose of our trip is not them, but if they don’t know how to promote, it is to cut two more swords. Let’s go, keep going, the distance between the earthly swamp and the Mithril Mine is quite long.”

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