Chapter 382 You Fei Ruyue

Everyone walked out of the feedlot in doubt, and found that the entrance to the farm had become a mess.

The fence gate of the park was opened somehow, and all the chocobos in the free-range air ran out and rushed and dashed around. Countless bird claws stepped on the ground and raised a large area of ​​smoke. Feathers are fluttering in the wind.

“What’s the situation? Oh my God… the big mouth, the little feathers, the long feet, what’s the matter with you! Huh? Isn’t this kid sent to Midgar? Why is he back again?”

Old Bill ran to the restless chocobos in a panic, shouting their names while trying to calm them. Little Billy and Ale also wanted to rush over to help, but Tifa and Jesse pulled them back one by one. Chocobos are generally very close to humans by their docile nature, but even more docile animals are still animals. A herd of cattle can even trample a lion to death, and an adult chocobo that can carry several people with one foot is likely to directly trample normal humans to fractures, and it is common for them to die.

Bullet, who was strong and fit, leaped forward and directly threw the chocobo closest to him to the ground. And Jessie also manipulated the red comet to join the battlefield. The chocobo’s long beak and big claws could only scratch the red steel armor in vain with a rustling sound. The robot faithfully implemented Jesse’s instructions with one hand. A chocobo stuffed them back into the open-air park.

Heather and Crowder didn’t move, their eyes moved to the rear.

“A little mouse came in during the mess?” Heather smiled grimly: “Whether it is a robber or a chocobo thief, I will make him regret coming to this place.”

Alice couldn’t help but vomit: “Teacher, your smile looks like a villain…”

Claude reached out and held the hilt behind the sword: “…coming!”


A figure leaped high, and after spinning several times in the air, it steadily landed on the haystack piled up next to the feeding ground, followed by the energetic young girl’s voice:

“Clang clang clang! Calling me a robber? It would be too rude! The five strongest beautiful ninjas, Lord Yufi Kisaragi is here!”

This is a beautiful and slender girl with a huge cross shuriken hanging behind her. The high-necked green sweater she wears has obviously been cut down. Its length is more like a tube top, and the exposed slender waist can be seen. To the faint vest line. Beige shorts uphold the characteristics of the top, slender legs are already very good for her age. The left arm is covered by thick arm armor, and the left leg and right arm are also wrapped in simple and lightweight light armor. With a headband tied to the forehead, the beautiful face is full of vitality.

“I heard that there are monsters nearby, and there are high rewards. Although it is an enemy territory, the people are innocent, so I came to save…”

Before she could finish her words, her eyes met with Heather’s blind eye.

“His…seems a bit familiar?”

A girl named Yuffi slightly squinted her eyes and looked at Heather carefully. When she saw the pair of glasses, she suddenly realized: “Ah! It’s Heather pervert!”

Feeling Tifa’s suspicious look, Heather was furious: “Asshole Yuffi! Don’t call me pervert! There are enough of you! Are glasses my main body?”

After some tossing, all the chocobos running around were finally caught and returned to the park. After relocking the fence gate, everyone came to the second-story building where Old Bill lived.

“So, Yu Fei and Senior Brother knew each other a long time ago?”

In the warmly decorated living room, Tifa took the teapot from Ale and looked at Yuffi curiously while pouring tea for everyone.

“It’s Nie Yuan!” Heather looked at Yuffi with a warning gaze, and then said: “You don’t stay in Wutai, and why are you running to the enemy’s territory?”

“Hi… so hot and so hot!”

Yu Fei took a sip of hot tea, then was scalded with slanted eyebrows, and stuck out his tongue for a while before replied:

“Since Wutai was ruled by Shinra, the bastard dad has not only been devastated, but also advocated that the whole country should obey Shinra. He is a coward! I am already a powerful ninja. Infiltrating the enemy country to steal key information is what the ninja should do. It’s something.”

“Five stations?”

Alice looked at Jesse curiously, and the latter began to explain to the innocent and curious lady:

“Wutai is an extremely western island located further west of the Western Continent. It not only has a strong national power but also a powerful special skill group [Ninja]. Seven years ago, the grand battle between Wutai and Shinra came to an end. The war The result ended in the defeat of Wutai. Until now, Wutai has become a tourist attraction under the rule of Shinra, and the Ninja Group has all been disbanded and no longer has any resistance.”

“Big mistake! Wutai still has resistance, that’s me!”

Upon hearing Jesse’s popular science, Yu Fei immediately slapped the table and shouted:

“I have studied with great concentration for many years and found that the reason why Wutai was defeated was because of the lack of enough powerful magic spar. Magic spar, what a beautiful and powerful treasure! Now I am not only a beautiful girl ninja, but also a leading magic spar. Spar hunter!”

“What is the sense of sight introduced by this strong character background?”

Heather interrupted Yuffi’s passionate self-introduction impatiently:

“Speak upside down, exactly the same as before. From the beginning, why are you here?”

Yuffi was obviously a little afraid of Heather, and when the latter got upset, she shrank subconsciously and said honestly:

“Actually, there have been many voices against Shinra in Wutai in recent years, and they have established a relationship with Midgar’s Avalanche Organization. The two sides have established a cooperative relationship through exchanges and jointly overthrew Shinra. They can learn from Shinra. The company liberates Midgar, and we can get a lot of magic spar and weapons.”

“Wait for a moment… an avalanche?”

Heather raised his hand to signal Yuphy to stop first, then looked suspiciously at Bullet and Jesse. They also spread their hands and said they didn’t know Yufi at all, let alone contact Wutai.

“The organization we contacted claims to be the Avalanche General Association, and its leaders are Na Yao and Ji Jie. Oh, yes, I heard that there is also an Avalanche branch. The general meeting and the branch collapsed because of a disagreement. How do you say that word? What? Points… Points…”

“Parting ways?”

“Yes, yes, part ways!”

Yu Fei gave a thumbs up to Alice who reminded her, and then continued:

“In short, I invaded the headquarters of the Shinra company with their help. Before I could steal the effective information and powerful magic spar, the building suddenly exploded one after another, and then there were Shinra soldiers everywhere. No way, I just I can escape. Hell, who is so annoying that he invaded the building at a critical moment and disrupted Master Yuffi’s perfect plan!”

“What then? You stole a chocobo from Midgar and ran all the way here?”

Heather finally figured out what the chocobo riots were all about. It must be that Yuffi herself didn’t know where to go, and simply let the chocobo ran by herself, but the chocobo she stole from Midgar ran back to the chocobo’s house following the memory. Afraid of being caught in theft, Yuffi thought about stuffing the stolen chocobos back into the park, but he didn’t expect a huge commotion when he opened the fence door.

“Say, how ugly is it to steal? I borrowed that chocobo.”

Yuffi said unconvincedly, but seeing Heather’s dangerous eyes wilted again:

“Scare me again…I’ve grown up, I’m not afraid of you…probably…”

“Does Guo Tuo know you ran out?” Heather frowned and looked at Yu Fei. Guo Tuo is the lord of Wutai City and Yu Fei’s father.

Yu Fei puffed up his cheeks: “That idiot dad only knows all day to go drinking and fooling around with those bad old men in Guidaole, or just go home and slept, so I don’t have the energy to control me.”

“I’m really curious, how did Heather meet Yuffi? That should be a long time ago, right?” Jesse asked curiously with his big eyes flashing.

“Ah! That was six years ago! At that time, he went to Wutai with an old man named Zangan, and then challenged the Five Sacred Towers…” As soon as Yuffi raised his hand to speak freely, he was slapped and pressed by Heather. Went back.

“Five sacred towers?” Tifa felt the key words.

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