Chapter 378: The Journey Begins

The bright moonlight was obscured by layers of dark clouds. At this time, the surrounding area of ​​the Shenluo Building was surrounded by countless searchlights, which was brighter than during the day.

The president’s office on the top floor of the building has been cleaned of all the gravel, iron filings and glass. Except for the big hole in the wall, the president’s office is basically completely new.

Rufas Shinra was sitting on a large sofa chair and looking forward, Zeng in a black suit stood respectfully behind Rufas with his hands on his back.

All department heads except Baotiao were present, looking at the blond young man who inherited the throne of highest power in the world with different expressions.

The news of the death of the former president has been communicated to all the senior leaders of Shinra Corporation. The killers were [Safiros] and [Avalanche]. This was the information that was personally confirmed by the new president Lufas.

Heidegger wanted to gain a good impression in front of the new president as soon as possible. Before Lufas could speak, he eagerly took two steps forward and said aloud:

“Your Excellency, I have dispatched six hundred Shinra soldiers with live ammunition to surround all exits on the first floor of the Shinra headquarters building. I have also mobilized six heavy war golems from the weapon development department. These fanatics can hardly fly with their wings. Ha ha!”

He thought that his heroic laughter made the surrounding supervisors frown slightly. Rufas picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number calmly, and then turned on the public release: “Ilena, how is the surrounding situation in the lobby on the first floor?”

[The avalanche has succeeded in breaking through the siege. The soldiers of the Shinra have suffered heavy casualties. All the heavy war golems were damaged and could not be started again. Four other helicopters were shot down, and Tux could only hang far behind to track them. May I continue to track them? Trending? 】

“Let Renault and Luther follow, and the rest will come back. Thanks for your hard work.”

[You are serious. 】

After the call was hung up, Rufas raised his eyes to Heidegger who looked stiff at his desk, and slowly said, “It seems that your subordinates are not as reliable as you said, Heidegger. This is not the era when my father was in power. Yes, I really hate that the people under my hand act without my consent or even dispatch the army, even if you are the head of the public order maintenance department, you understand?”

“…Yes, I understand.” Cold sweat oozes from Heidegger’s forehead, and the burly body, which is as strong as a giant bear, becomes a little rickety at this time.

“Also, don’t laugh so stupidly in front of me, it will make you even more incompetent.”

Rufas waved his hand gently: “You should withdraw first.”

Heidegger, who had not been able to touch the president’s hobby, obviously flattered his horse’s legs, and had to bow slightly in cold sweat and then withdrew from the office.

Rufas looked at Li Wei again, his attitude was obviously more kind: “Levy, Midgar is the foundation of our Shenluo, and the planning and reconstruction of the city is up to you. Don’t worry, I’m not as short-sighted as my father, so I know. Who is behind the stable development of Shinra?”

Li Wei bowed slightly with his hands on his chest, “I will not let you down.”

Rufas nodded. He paid close attention to Li Wei, the head of the urban development department a long time ago. This person has extremely high talents and abilities, and is the hero behind Midgar and even Shinra. It’s a pity that Rufas’s happy father didn’t value Li Wei, but instead focused all resources on the science department and weapon development department.

Compared to his father, Lufas will naturally not make the same mistake again. He decided to reuse Li Wei, further expand Midgar, and build a second, third, and fourth Midgar if possible, so that the world will eventually build a huge steel city. At that time, all mankind will be bathed in Shinra…no, they will all be bathed in the light of his Rufas.

Watching Li Wei walk out of the office, Rufas looked at the red-dressed beauty who was still talking: “Scarrett, do you have something to say?”

Scarlett held up a proud chest, and said softly: “Your Excellency, since Bao Tiao is no longer there, can the resources of the science department be allocated to the weapon development department? You know, the weapon development department is now The development of a new generation of magic spar, if it can succeed, will inevitably increase the power of Shinra Corporation.”


Rufas nodded: “But I need the weapon development department to restart the [Cannon] in Zhunong Port and adjust the state to the extent that it can be fired at any time. Can it be done?”

“Hehe, don’t worry about giving it to me.” Scarlett smiled charmingly at Rufas, then bowed slightly and turned away.

Only Rufas and Zeng are left in the office, and Palmer, the head of Youyu’s development department.

Palmer, who has been deprived of his right to speak and resources in recent years, looked at Rufas tremblingly, not even daring to drink his favorite lard black tea.

“Palmer, it’s been a hard time since the rocket launch plan failed, right?”

Rufas stood up and poured a glass of wine for Palmer himself.

Palmer was flattered and thanked again and again: “Yes, it’s not a good time, my President, please give me another chance, I won’t fail again!”

“I left you in the end just to talk about this.”

Rufas smiled: “Are you interested in restarting [Rocket Project]?”


On the highway, two motorcycles galloped in tandem, followed by a light truck, and the roar of engines echoed on the empty highway.

“Stop it first.”

Hearing Heather’s words, the motorcycle and truck stopped.

Alice lay on the car window and poked her head out and looked back: “Huh? Are there no chasing soldiers?”

Sitting in the back seat of Hardy Daytona, Jesse let out a long sigh of relief: “Hoo…I’m tired, I didn’t expect to be able to run out of the army…”

“Anyway, Midgar can’t go back. I hope Wiggy and Biggs can take care of Marlene for me.” Bullet’s right arm machine gun was resting on the steering wheel, his tone a little anxious.

Heather waved his hand: “The two of them are struggling to take care of themselves, let alone taking care of Marlene. Don’t worry, before leaving, I notified the old lady Mare and Alice’s mother Emina in advance, and they will take Marlene. Lin left Midgar.”

“Really? Great!” Alice’s tone was obviously happier: “If it weren’t for me, my mother would have planned to leave Midgar a long time ago.”

“Brother, what should I do next?” Tifa’s voice was a little confused, and he suddenly left the seventh heaven, which was regarded as [home], which made Tifa, who has always pursued a stable life, very uncomfortable.

“Go to Sephiroth, I’m going to have a break with that guy in public or private.”

Heather touched Tifa’s head: “Don’t worry, it’s just that everyone will go out for an outing together, and they will go home in the end. Isn’t it interesting to use this adventure trip as a conversation piece in the future?”

Feeling the warm and powerful hand above his head, all the anxiety and confusion in Tifa’s heart disappeared, but his face blushed with a ‘um’.

“But there is no clue about Sephiroth. Where can I find it?” Claude raised his own question.

“Go to Kam Town in the ranch area first. Vehicles and supplies need to be supplied and maintained.”

Heather pointed to the north-east direction: “If you walk, it may take a day and a night, but if we have a car, it will be there in an hour or two.”

“And then?” Claude didn’t believe that Heather had no plans.

“When we are ready, let’s go to Zhunong Port and take an airship to the Western Continent. Six years ago, I had something to store there…”

Heather showed a look of remembrance:

“It’s time to get it back.”

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