Chapter 377 Original Work: Ishimori Shotaro

Have you played GTA?

Heather now feels that he and his party are in a five-star wanted state in the game.

As soon as he broke through the gate, he saw a dense array of Shinra soldiers armed with guns. At a glance, there were at least three hundred people, not to mention several five-meter-high mechanical war golems. The sound of the helicopter’s propellers rotating at high speed was constantly coming from outside, which was simply a net of heaven and earth.

“What’s the situation? This is what the young master said [not much], [low combat power], [weapons low end]? XXX! I XX him XXXX!!”

Bullet, who had packed the cab full by himself, yelled at him with irritation, and his words made Alice beside him laugh awkwardly.

Claude didn’t worry so much. He screwed the throttle to the end, and the four silver exhaust pipes at Hardy Daytona’s tail instantly ejected fierce fire, which carried him and Jesse forward like a black meteor.

Standing at the forefront was a line of Shinra armored soldiers holding oversized explosion-proof shields nearly two meters high. Before they could routinely scold their opponents, they saw a black light hit from far and near instantly, followed by a huge impact from the shield. It spread to the arms and even the whole body, accompanied by a dull impact sound!

Bang! ! The explosion-proof shields of the first few armored soldiers were directly torn apart by the nails of Hardy Daytona’s front wheel, and even the armored soldiers screamed and fell to the ground.

“Damn it! These madmen…fire! All fire!” The leader of the Shenluo soldiers roared. Following his order, the hall on the first floor of the Shenluo Building suddenly sparkled with hundreds of guns. Mouth flames!

The two motorcycles were extremely fast and dodged to both sides, while the light truck on the back was completely exposed under the firepower net.

All the bullets hit the car body, making a clanging bullet bounce. I saw that the blue car body was covered and protected by the solid red armor. The lower half of the mechanical armor of the V8 war golem in the cargo box at the back of the truck was moved to cover the truck. Up and down, the upper body was transformed into a double-armed rotating machine gun, and began to shoot frantically at the surrounding soldiers.

“Claude, the soldiers below will leave it to you, and give priority to clearing a path for the truck.”

Heather’s voice passed through the battlefield with intense gunfire and reached Claude’s ears. The latter nodded and turned the accelerator to rush towards the commanding officers, holding the huge destruction sword in his right hand, as mighty as an ancient general who charged on horseback.

And Heather’s Thunderbolt turned into a real thunder, swiftly sprinting a few sharp angles on the battlefield and rushing to the wall in an instant. The surface of the golden tires immediately lifted up the golden thorns like turbofans. With the help of the ‘bite force’ of the tires and the high speed of the motorcycle, the Thunderbolt sprinted at an incredible speed on the inner wall surface of the Shinra Building!

“Tifa, let Shiva come out and breathe!”


Tifa hugged Heather tightly in one hand, and wore a bracelet on the wrist of the other hand, and the red magic spar was shining. Nian Qi transformed into the purest magic power and quickly condensed in the air, and the magic circle transformed into a mysterious entrenched in the sky.

In the next moment, a sorrowful chill swept the battlefield instantly. Countless streams of life condensed and formed, and turned into a beautiful [woman]. Her figure is no different from ordinary people, her figure is very graceful and uneven. She wears only exotic clothing with very little fabric. She wears complicated silver ornaments on the surface of her body. There are elegant dark blue streamers on the back of the shoulders and waist dancing in the air. Her face is exquisite like a god, wearing large earrings in a circle, full of ice blue waist-length hair in a ponytail on top of her head, pointed ears gently swaying in the cold wind.

The goddess of ice, Shiva!

This is the profound meaning of the summoned beast. In ancient times, it was so powerful that it deeply carved its own traces in the river of life circulating inside the planet. They are projections, mind bodies, and proofs of the strong who once existed on the planet!

Shiva emerged from the magic circle, first looked at Tifa who had summoned him, and then turned his gaze to Heather, chuckling slightly.

On the other side, the Shinra soldiers all stared at the peerless beauty floating in the air. Not obsessed with beautiful women’s desolate eyes, but extremely horrified look of fear.

summon monster! Why can a summoned beast with extremely demanding summoning conditions be easily summoned as scheduled? And she is also the extremely powerful ice goddess Shiva!

There was not much time left for them to think, Shiva hooked his fingers, and a large number of ice ridges immediately condensed from the air and gathered into a deadly ice gun, which impacted the formation of the Shinra army like a torrential rain. Accompanied by wailing and cracking ice cubes, gunfire shot back. The bullet hit Shiva, and it couldn’t pose the slightest threat to her, because she didn’t condense the entity at all.

Even if the lack of physical body results in the lack of strength compared to the ancient body, Shiva is still a genuine combat power against the military.

There was Shiva upset, and the pressure on Bullet and Claude dropped sharply. Heather was not idle either. He drove the Rapid Thunder from the wall and quickly rushed towards the heavy war golems that were moving towards the light truck.

Heather held the accelerator with one hand, raised his other hand, and then slammed it towards a war golem in the distance.

The golden flames exploded and flashed past. Almost at the same time, the head of the war golem exploded with fierce fire, and the head that could withstand the impact of the bullet was directly exploded!

Absolute Throne has been used by Heather as a very handy throwing weapon. After all, it is not only extremely strong and sharp, but also can switch back and forth between the state of the chain blade with the thin chain and the state of throwing without the chain at any time. There is no need to recycle or repair. As long as the Master has good strength and timing, and even the built-in cooldown can be ignored, this is simply the perfect throwing weapon.

Heather shot one after another, blasting all the heavy war golems into bulky scraps completely paralyzed with sparks in just a few seconds.

On the other hand, relying on Shiva’s help, Claude successfully cleared a road that was large enough for trucks to pass. At the end of the road is the main entrance of the Shinra Headquarters building, but now it looks like it has been completely sealed. The strong and heavy door can not be opened with the destruction sword in Crowder’s hand, which makes him frown.

Jessie smiled and kissed her boyfriend’s ear, and then said cheerfully: “Look at me!”

With that said, she held the controller with one hand for a dazzling operation, sending a series of commands to the V8 Light War Golem.

Bullet was clutching the steering wheel with both hands and rushing forward, suddenly feeling the red armor around the body spinning constantly. Alice lay on her seat and looked through the window behind the cab, and she couldn’t help letting out a “so awesome” exclamation.

Jesse’s baby war golem changed its shape again, folded his arms together and twisted the mechanism. It transformed into a huge muzzle amidst the dull metal crashing sound. The gun body rested on the top of the truck and pointed directly at the metal in front of it. Main entrance.

“Although this one will consume 70% of its energy, the robot must have nirvana to be handsome~~”

Jessie gave a cheer and pointed to the metal gate and issued an order: “Go to the red comet, lift the maximum output limit! 3! 2! 1-launch!”

Intense red beams rushed out from the muzzle, leaving short burn marks on everyone’s retina, and blasted directly on the metal gate!

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