Chapter 373 Rufas’ Aspirations

The surrounding lights dimmed for some time, deliberately creating a dark area.

The entire fuselage was painted matt and pure black. The helicopter landed on the huge platform on the top of the building. This is the super large apron used to park the helicopter. Standing in the center of the apron, Heather and others watched the helicopter land steadily.

The cabin opened, and Rufas Shinra, dressed in a white coat, walked down first, followed by two female Tuxter workers in Tux suits and uniforms. The three of them, without exception, did not carry any firearms. Obviously It is to show one’s attitude.

Heather had already put on a coat and was standing in the middle of the tarmac with his arms folded, showing impatience: “Really cautious… Did you deliberately leave the Shinra headquarters building to avoid suspicion?”

“Although I was the first in line after the death of my father, now is a critical moment. After all, I must avoid some rumors.”

When Rufas Shinra came, he had already understood everything that happened in the Shinra headquarters, and he could only say that he was very lucky that he had chosen the right partner. He snapped his fingers behind him, and a female Tuxter with short blond shoulder-length hair picked up the exquisite black suitcase, stepped forward and handed it to Heather.

“Why, your own life money?” Heather did not answer, but asked jokingly.

Rufas smiled: “Please don’t say such a terrible thing casually, this is my unilateral thank you.”

Bullet got a signal from Heather and walked forward to take the box. As soon as he opened it, he found that the box was shining with various colors, and there were all kinds of magic spar in neat rows, including rare varieties such as purple attribute stones and red summoning stones. There is also a small notebook specially placed in the box, on which the name and effect of the magic spar are listed in detail according to the number.

“Most of them are natural varieties, not man-made cheap goods.” Jesse has studied this aspect very well, and at a glance the quality of these magic spars is surprisingly good.

“Unfortunately, the only Bahamut Summoning Stone from Shinra Company has disappeared with Sephiroth.”

Rufas really wanted to collect some good things for Heather, and such a high-quality and powerful ally should naturally try his best to win them. But Bahamut Summoning Stone is too scarce. With the development of war and the times, it has been lost in every corner of the world or directly annihilated and returned to the stream of life.

Heather didn’t take this set: “You are really courageous, so you dare to appear in front of me like this. If you kill you, the Shinra company will fall apart immediately, right?”

Rufas is the most suitable successor to the Shinra Corporation. If he also dies here, this super kingdom that dominates the world will immediately fall apart and form a new era of separatist rule.

“I’m here just because I’m sure you don’t want to kill me.”

Rufas’s smile remained undiminished: “Once the Shinra Corporation collapses, the slum dwellers will be the first to suffer. Then the whole world will immediately break out due to lack of resources and the loss of suppressors. Only if I live and inherit the position of president, can I be alive. Maintain the current situation to the maximum, and let Shinra Corporation change the direction of progress with my will.”

“Where are you going?” Bullet asked suspiciously.

“Father wanted to use money and force to control the entire world. On the surface, it did work. The people believed that the Shinra would save them. You would get paid for working for the Shinra, and if you were attacked by terrorists, the Shinra army would come. Save them. Human life is inseparable from Mozhuang, and the Shinra company that governs Mozhuang is the god of mankind. But my thoughts are completely different from my father’s.”

Rufas spread his hands and talked freely:

“I will lead Shinra to change its operational strategy and take the lead in abandoning the use of magic energy. Over the years, I have been around the world and have witnessed countless desolation of the earth and human tragedies caused by excessive extraction of magic energy. The magic energy is not necessary. I will prove this to the world. Of course, it is definitely unrealistic to completely abandon the evil spirits at once. This process needs to be done slowly, but Shinra will develop more suitable energy sources during this period and become a leader in the energy industry again. At that time, under my leadership, Shinra will once again become a hero of all mankind.”

“Wow… I have seen President Shenluo’s speech on TV. This young master is just like his dad. Rory is noisy, and he deserves to be father and son.” Jessie whispered in Tifa’s ear, teasing Tifa covered her mouth with joy.

“I’m not interested in knowing your ambitions.” Heather interrupted Rufas’ passionate inauguration speech impatiently: “If you want to survive, then you have to show your unique value.”

Rufas is not a good bird in the original work. Although he finally changed his mind to the righteousness, he did not miss the protagonist and the group of people in the plot. If the other party answers that Heather cannot be satisfied, then Heather will really hurt the killer here. Anyway, the transaction has been completed, and it is not considered that Heather has violated the agreement.

Rufas raised his hand to stop the agitation of the two female agents of Tux, and the smile on his face was as perfect as when he first met Heather:

“The Shinra Corporation is the most powerful in the world in terms of money and intelligence. Although I don’t know why Sephiroth conflicted with you or even nearly demolished half of Shinra’s headquarters building, I think it’s between you and Sephiroth. The battle has not yet been completed, right? I can mobilize the resources of Shinra Corporation to help you search for the trail of Sephiroth in the world. It is difficult to travel the world to find someone deliberately hidden by your own words, especially if the other party is still The former world’s strongest fighter who is very good at concealing identities.”

As he said, the female agent of Tucks behind him brought a box with a beautifully styled flip phone: “This is a PHS portable mobile phone, the latest mobile phone developed by Shinra. We will use this phone. Keep in touch with you, and as soon as there is news about Sephiroth, I will inform you in time.”

Heather raised his eyebrows. It was not a smart phone. It seems to be different from the reset version of FF7.

Seeing that Heather did not refuse, Rufas was determined in his heart, looked at the others with a smile, and bowed slightly: “Everyone, although the Shinra Company under my father’s rule has had all kinds of unhappiness with you, But I promise that the new Shinra company will not let you down.”

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say. As the saying goes, not hitting the smiley people with their hands, and Heather, who is the leader of the team, didn’t say anything to refute, everyone slowed down. Even Bullet, who has always hated Shinra, didn’t say much.

“President…” The female agent stepped forward and motioned Rufas to pay attention to the time.

Rufas smiled slightly and looked at Heather: “We are running out of time, and all the executives of the Shinra company will definitely come to investigate his father’s situation. By then, I will concentrate on suppressing them and taking control of power. You may be wronged at times.”

“You mean…?” Claude frowned.

“I will order the dispatch of the Shinra army to pursue Sephiroth and everyone. Of course, the real main force is chasing Sephiroth. The number of Shinra troops chasing you is not very large and most of them are low-powered and low-end weapons. Low-ranking soldiers. As you know, new officials will have to behave after all.

Heather said sarcastically, “I’m afraid that the troops that pursue us will be packed with many diehards who are loyal to your father? Use us to eradicate dissidents, and you will really make you call me young master.”

“It’s nothing more than helping each other between allies. Isn’t it difficult for you?”

Rufas smiled sincerely:

“In about 30 minutes, the chasing troops will surround the Shinra headquarters building. In the meantime, you can stop for a while when you pass the exhibition hall on the first floor. I have prepared a small gift for you, I believe you will like it.”

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