Chapter 372

Although at the apex of power in the entire world, the life and death of countless people can be determined with a single thought. But at this moment, President Shinra only felt endless fear and tremor.

The person in front of you is a monster that cannot be restrained by money, power, and beauty!

Was his plan to destroy the Seventh Pillar angered him? But aren’t those stinky ditch mice in the lower realm always silently struggling between mud and humbleness? Why, it’s just a bunch of ants, why do you have a heart of rebellion against Shinra! ?

Just as Heather was about to shake the mace to get rid of President Shenluo, he suddenly laughed and turned around and waved the iron club heavily towards the side platform!

The violent shock wave brought by the mace was slashed cleanly, and Sephiroth’s lonely figure stood among the glass shards on the platform, with long silver hair flying in the night breeze.

“Sure enough, your target is also this old guy.”

Heather picked up the mace “Narakawa”, and his mind kept rising: “Safiroth, the battle just started, don’t try to escape!”

Sephiroth! The president of Shinra was shocked. Is it true that what Palmer said is true? Sephiroth really returned from hell, if that was the case… the seriousness of the situation was far beyond what he had expected.

Sephiroth looked at Heather no longer contemptuously, but was extra serious, and his deep and magnetic voice sounded: “…name?”

“Heather.” Heather is ready to fight. Sephiroth is the strongest opponent he has ever encountered in various worlds, and he deserves one hundred and twenty minutes of concentration.

“Heh… Heather? I remember your name.”

Sephiroth gave a cold smile: “The duel between you and me should be reserved for the future, first of all…”

The three-meter-long authentic knife in his hand suddenly flashed a horrible light, and the president of Shenluo, who was not far from him, shook his body, splitting directly from the middle position, and fell to the ground with two bangs.

So fast… Heather frowned, his sword speed was faster than when he fought with him just now. Did he keep his hand before?

The sound of footsteps in the distance gradually approached, and then the door of the president’s office was slammed open. Claude was the first to rush in with a sabotage sword, and the others followed closely. Through the door, a huge wolf shadow could be seen in the distance. Occupied in the central hall of the top building.

As soon as Claude came in, he saw Sephiroth, and without a word, he ran a few steps faster and then leaped forward, clutching the hilt of the destroying sword with both hands and smashing toward Sephiroth!

It’s just that this fierce move seemed to be full of loopholes in Sephiroth’s eyes. He lightly turned the blade from bottom to top and slashed at the leaping Claude with a sharp angle. If it hits, Claude will follow in the footsteps of President Shinra.


The authentic knife was held firmly by the pitch-black giant mace, and the fierce fire that exploded between the weapons even illuminated the dark and empty office.

Sephiroth immediately leaped back when he missed a hit, and then landed lightly on the top of the steel pillar outside the platform, looking at Heather and Claude from a high altitude: “The next time we meet again, we will decide this one. A moment in the future of the planet.”

Heather sneered: “Next time? Do you think you can escape from here?”

Others also surrounded him, and faintly blocked Sephiroth’s path. Unless the opponent jumped directly from the steel high column for a cordless bungee jump, what awaited him would be a torrential rain-like attack.

“A senseless provocation is a sign of incompetence, Heather.”

Sephiroth just let out a sneer, his tall and handsome figure gradually changed, and eventually became a haggard man in a torn cloak. No matter his size or face, he was completely incompatible with Sephiroth, and he could vaguely see the number tattooed on his neck. [ twenty three】.

“What!” Claude rushed forward a few steps to catch the man in the cloak, but the other party first lay back and fell towards the bottom of the building. The tattered cloak gradually disappeared in the whistling wind.

Heather frowned. Is it Sephiroth’s [Missing Body] using Xenovia cells to achieve remote projection? The body shouldn’t have gone far…Huh?

Suddenly, he looked up at the sky. Under the bright full moon, Sephiroth was holding the headless mother Xenovia floating high in the sky, and a wing covered with black feathers grew out of his right shoulder.

It turns out that after getting Xenovia’s mother body, Xenovia cells in his body are greatly enhanced, so can the long-distance projection and flight ability of the thinking body be used?

It was no longer possible to catch him at this distance, and he didn’t have the ability to fly without using the Lanlong Knife. Heather lowered the mace in his hand, and suddenly smiled when he looked at Sephiroth, slashing his neck slowly than his thumb-next time I meet you will kill you!

Sephiroth didn’t think he was disgusted at all, but smiled at the corner of his mouth, then he turned and hugged Xenovia’s mother body, flapped his wings, and flew quickly toward the higher and farther night sky.

Seeing Sephiroth’s departure, Jesse and Bullet breathed a sigh of relief. The two of them were mortals in the true sense, and it was a bit overwhelming for Heather to fight with a fairy of Sephiroth’s level.

“Brother…Is that you?” Tifa walked over, looking at the giant dragonman and asked hesitantly.

Compared with the original brother’s symmetrical posture wearing glasses, the huge dragon man who is four meters tall and covered with dragon scales in front of him feels too oppressive. Even if the senses brought about by mind cannot be faked, Tifa is still a bit hesitant.

“Oh sorry, forgot to change back to the original state.”

The mace in Heather’s hand dissipated as thought energy, and his figure quickly changed back to a human body of 1.83 meters. Then, what greeted him was a dead silence.

Both Tifa and Alice’s eyes were rounded, and the latter sighed with both hands on her red face.

Jesse’s mouth grows like a screaming chicken pinched by her neck, but she can’t make a sound. She just pats her boyfriend Claude on the shoulder indiscriminately. Claude’s reaction was not much better, rubbing his eyes as if he felt hallucinations.

Heather’s glasses are already in the pants Kabuto. At this time, his head is curled up and his black hair is casually folded back. His naked upper body is full of strong muscles with distinct lines, and his handsome face directly restrains all the people present. People, the whole person exudes a wild and violent aura, which is very different from usual.

“…It turns out that glasses have such a great effect on blocking the face value?” Bullet nodded suddenly.

Alice jumped in front of Heather in twos and threes, her big beautiful eyes “Bringblin” glowing: “Teacher! Is this your true face? I know, the teacher is the most handsome!”

Tifa regained his senses, and ran over to pounce in front of Heather and began to touch his pants. Kabuto: “Quickly, put your glasses back on.”

After taking out the glasses from his pocket and putting them on Heather, Heather changed back to the plain style of his usual ugly appearance. Tifa breathed a sigh of relief. The real face of the brother just now scared her a bit, and she still liked the original appearance of the brother even more.

Heather doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter whether he wears glasses or not, because there is no danger of being eroded by the planet’s will.

The pressure that had always been ubiquitous suddenly disappeared, and Heather only felt extremely relaxed at this time.

Is this what Bast said [Gentlely accepted by the will of the world]?

While everyone was discussing what to do next on the platform, the whistling and rotating sound of helicopter propellers suddenly heard in the distant night sky.

The president of Shinra is dead, and Lufas Shinra finally waited for the best opportunity.

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