Chapter 370: Up!

At first, Heather thought that his [seen and heard color] had been blocked by the opponent with an unknown technique, but after using [Circle], he still couldn’t find the trace of Sephiroth.

Looking down again, I saw that the culture tank containing Xenovia’s mother was completely split at some point, and the emerald green nutrient solution was overflowing along the edge of the neatly cut glass cover, originally connected to the size of the mother’s body. All the pipelines were cut off, and the most critical Xenovia body was missing.

Known as one of the best bosses in the history of the game, did he escape with Xenovia’s body like this?

Heather found that his opponent had run away as soon as he was on the rise. This state of inefficiency made him very annoyed.

Bastard, do you think you can escape this way? The battle between you and me has just begun, Sephiroth!

The giant dragonman swung the huge pitch-black mace in his hand and pulled back to accumulate power, and saw strong black lightning lingering on the surface of the mace. After the power was charged to the limit, Heather slammed the mace diagonally upwards of his head!

“[Vajra Yaksha·Ran Yuan has feet]!!!”

The simple swing drove an extremely violent shock wave, and the shock wave drove a violent storm condensed into a huge cannonball! The violent shock wave slammed into the thick wall at the upper oblique angle in the distance, and the entire metal wall was pulled inwardly into an exaggerated limit arc without sound. Then, with a deafening noise, the wall above the entire laboratory was blasted through!

Brightly lit like the Sky Tower of Babylon, the outside of the Shinra headquarters building in the center of Midgar exploded into a huge cavity. Smoke and dust continued to spread outward. Helicopters hovering outside and troops on the ground immediately projected searchlights toward the explosion area.

After giving the old wolf the order of [Guard] from the bottom of my heart, Heather leaped high in the posture of a huge dragon, and instantly crossed a distance of tens of meters and grabbed the edge of the broken wall. He turned over as soon as he turned over. We arrived outside the Shinra Headquarters building where the night wind was raging. At the same time, those searchlights and helicopter lights were all transferred to Heather.

A dozen Shinra gunships were hovering outside. Everyone was wondering if the leak of the magic pipe caused the explosion. Suddenly, under the light, they saw a huge monster escaping from the huge hole that just exploded. out. I saw that the monster began to crawl along the outer wall to the top floor. His target was the president’s office on the top floor.

Sephiroth must be there too! Heather vowed to end the battle.

“So, what is that?” The soldiers of Shinra always deal with the experimental bodies of Baotiao. It is also very knowledgeable, but there has never been a monster that will bring them both physical and spiritual levels like the dragon people in front of them. A sense of oppression.

“Director Heidegger gave the order! Fire! Free fire!”

“Fire! That dragon monster is about to approach the top floor!”

Under the night sky, countless gunpoints were emitting flames. Bullets from helicopters, ground turrets, Shinra soldiers, and war machinery made a torrential rain-like trajectory. The overwhelming bullet storm struck Heather from all angles. The surface of the wall and the glass were immediately shattered.

The bullet storm that can instantly shoot heavy tanks or high-intensity war golems into iron filings does not work for the dragon-like Heather. He allows the bullets to hit the dragon scales or skin and explode into fragments, but Cover the pants with Armament Haki a little, and then continue to climb to the top floor without any scruples.

At the same time, Crowder and others also avoided the first round of shock waves under the protection of Thunder Wolf Dragon. Because the power of Heather’s previous move [Round Round with Foot] was too powerful, the entire huge laboratory was crumbling, dropping steel plates and gravel down continuously.

Even so, there were still experimental subjects and monsters that came out of the cultivation tank and rushed towards Crowder and others. By now, Bao Tiao no longer intends to capture Alice alive. He wants to bury Claude and his party in the depths of this terrifying and gloomy laboratory.

Perhaps it is very difficult for Cloud and others to deal with these monsters in a short time, but in the eyes of Thunder Wolf Dragon, they are not as good as the Big Wild Boar King. The imposing wolf king will crush an experiment every time he swings a claw. The body, the super-electric thunder bugs surrounding its body also spun out of its own accord, constantly bombarding the approaching monsters.

[Although I can’t help Heather for the time being, it’s a pity that you will all die here. Hey hey hey… Friendly reminder, I have activated the emergency self-detonation program in the laboratory, and there is an operation desk near the elevator. If you have the ability, try to crack the code before the explosion hahaha! 】

Baotiao’s smooth voice echoed in the laboratory through the loudspeaker device, and Claude and the others immediately rushed towards the elevator as soon as they heard it.

When they rushed to the elevator, they first tried to start the elevator, and found that the elevator door had been locked by Baotiao with higher authority. And there is a screen on the next console, the blood-red countdown is beating every second, there are 34 seconds left! Seeing that the elevator shaft outside can lead to the upper floor, they can only stay here and die.

“Jesse, can you unlock it?” Bullet raised his arm-mounted revolving machine gun to assist Thunder Wolf Dragon to continuously slash the attacking monsters, shouting loudly.

Jesse threw his head sweaty in front of the console, his slender fingers kept flapping, and he yelled back nervously: “Don’t disturb me! I’m cracking it! Damn it… I don’t have enough time…”

Tifa slammed the metal wall with a fist, but the metal material here seemed to be particularly reinforced, and it was impossible to break through the wall and metal door blockade except for a pit. She turned to look at Thunder Wolf Dragon and asked for help: “Jin Oga, help us!”

Hearing Tifa’s request for help, the Thunder Wolf Dragon let out a low roar, and all the ultra-electric lightning bugs flew back to its body and began to discharge violently!

More and more monsters took the opportunity to rush towards Thunder Wolf Dragon, but they were forced to retreat by Claude brandishing a destructive sword. Then Alice’s large-scale ice attribute magic [Blizzard] froze all the front monsters in the ice block. In, build a huge ice wall to buy time for Thunder Wolf Dragon.

With a loud howl of the wolf, the currents of all the super-electric lightning bugs poured into the battery shell of the Thunder Wolf Dragon and further induced the current in the Thunder Wolf Dragon. All the golden storage shells on its body are tilted up like a mecha shell, and the white mane flying like a flame is also standing upright like a steel needle. The eyes and the crown of the giant Kakuzu’s head can’t helply leak out blue-white thunder.

[Super Charged Mode]!

Thunder Wolf Dragon raised its giant claws, and his entire body turned into fierce thunder light and slammed into the thickened metal wall. It also uses [Thunder Eight Trigrams], so that it can be done in one hit.

boom! The heavy metal wall was easily torn open with huge cracks like straw paper, and even the elevator outside was hit hard and flew down. Before everyone was astonished, Thunder Wolf Dragon, who had released the super-charged mode, rolled Tifa and Alice on his back with his tail, and turned his head and roared at the remaining three people. When Cloud saw this, he hugged Jesse up and rushed to the back of Thunder Wolf Dragon, and Bullet rose up and grabbed the long white mane of Thunder Wolf Dragon, and almost fell off without grasping it. Tifa and Ellie. Si hurriedly grabbed his arm and pulled him up.

The ice wall could no longer support the attack of the monster group on the other side, and it broke into pieces. As soon as the monsters and the subject rushed over, they found the Thunder Wolf Dragon’s figure jumping outward along the huge hole in the wall.

In the panic screams of Jesse and Bullet, Thunder Wolf Dragon jumped directly to the outside of the building where the night wind was rushing through the holes. It leaped accurately to the side of the helicopter that just flew over from the outer layer. Its paws slammed on the “Shinra” logo printed on the side of the helicopter. With the help of recoil, it jumped back to the surface of the stairs, and the four paws were heavily buckled on the surface of the building. . After Hualala brought out countless broken glass and metal shards, Thunder Wolf Dragon finally stopped the fall, carrying Tifa and others and began to climb up along the outside of the building.

The Thunder Wolf Dragon family lives in jungles and canyons, and they are very good at climbing and jumping. Don’t you just climb a hundred-story building? This is not a problem at all for the old wolf who wants to behave in front of Tifa.

The rotted helicopter whistled and smashed to the ground with a whistling sound, exploding the giant Great Fireball among the crowd of Shinra soldiers. At this time, the Shenluo Army also noticed that another giant monster resembling a giant wolf appeared on the other side of the Shenluo headquarters building, and it was also climbing upwards.

The question is, which one to attack first?

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