Chapter 369 Heather vs Sephiroth

In an instant, all the perceptive powerhouses on the scene cast their gazes into the pit, where there seemed to be a terrifying behemoth slowly recovering, stretching his huge body.

The huge experimental subjects released by Bao Tiao let out a scream of horror, and they were instinctively driven to stay away from the huge pit as much as possible. Even if Treasure issued the order of [Attack the enemy who invaded the laboratory], it could not overcome these. The survival instinct of monsters.

boom–! !

The heavy walls made of cement and steel swelled up huge bulges suddenly, and then exploded! The scattered rocks and iron filings turned into bullets and blasted towards Sephiroth, but they were all chopped off by the latter’s lightly shaking the long knife in his hand.

A huge black shadow suddenly jumped out of the huge crater with a diameter of several tens of meters, and stepped heavily on the metal platform covered with rubble beside the pit, shaking the rubble.

This is a huge dragon man with a height of four meters, with a stout inverted triangle shape, and his muscles pierced all over. He has long black hair dancing with the wind like flames. Two huge dragon horns extend upward from the top of his forehead. The surface of his naked upper body is mostly covered by dense blue dragon scales. Above his mouth is a dragon head posture with golden vertical pupils. Exudes a dangerous light.

The dragonman was holding a huge black mace in his hand. From the outside, except for its size, this weapon was unremarkable, except for occasional black lightning lingering on the surface of the mace.

“Did I cut it off just now? Come on, try it again this time.”

Heather opened a huge mouth full of white teeth, and slowly spouted a burst of white steam.

Sephiroth is not the kind of fighting style that likes trash talk. In fact, he also likes trash talk when fighting with Crowder. He is the world’s strongest swordsman with arrogance when dealing with other enemies. Hearing Heather’s provocation, he just showed a cold smile, and slowly turned the three-meter-long authentic knife in his hand, in a [stab] starting position.

Heather carried his mace lightly, grinning with sharp fangs. The next moment, he turned his mace in his hand, and his whole person turned into a thunder that could not be caught by the naked eye and blasted forward!

At the same time, Sephiroth also turned into a flashing shadow. As the dark feathers fell from the sky, his long knife struck Heather across the battlefield, bringing up a burst of purple-black sword light on the dark battlefield.

[Thunder Eight Trigrams]!

[For a while]!

The attacks of both sides converged in one place, and immediately produced an extremely violent shock wave!

At this moment, both the high-ranking Shinra people on the top floor of the building or the Shinra soldiers garrisoned at the bottom of the building, without exception, felt the unprecedented violent vibration, as if a very powerful bomb inside the building was detonated.

And Claude and others in the laboratory faced the shock wave directly. The metal floor under their feet could no longer withstand a heavy blow of this magnitude, and they collapsed and fell towards the lower level. Claude had no time at his feet, and only had time to grab the nearest Jesse and Bullet, and then he smashed his great sword into the wall and drew a long line of sparks, which stopped the downfall, Tifa, who was far away from him. And Alice fell towards the lower level in a scream.

Before Crowder could yell out, a bluish-white thunder light split from the air, chasing after the falling Tifa and Alice.

Just when Lei Guang was about to catch up with the two of them, the bluish-white rays of light entangled suddenly, and it was a thunder wolf dragon with a full length of twenty-five meters! It used its huge long tail and light Earth Coiling to hold Tifa and Alice and threw them between the white bristles on its back, and then the black claws on the front of the four claws popped and plunged deeply into the metal wall, agile A few bounces on the ground finally steadily jumped to the bottom. The majestic king’s posture didn’t last for two seconds, and he saw it drooping its tongue and turning its head to look at Tifa, looking at it as an invitation.

“Jin, Jin Oga?”

Tifa touched the long white mane of the Thunder Wolf Dragon in disbelief. This feels unpretentious. It was indeed the cute young wolf Jin Oga who was discouraged by his Tenten. But this body type…what ripening agent did the brother give this child?

Before Tifa could recover, Alice suddenly exclaimed, “Be careful! They are here again!”

The five huge experimental bodies wrapped in exoskeleton jumped from the air, and the target was directed at Tifa! Treasure’s repeated orders finally overwhelmed instinct, and they were directed by Treasure to target Tifa.

Seeing that Tifa was about to be attacked, Claude had a heartbeat and went down to rescue, but the two teammates hanging on his body restricted his movement.

It’s just that there are ‘people’ who react faster than him.

Tifa and Alice were gently shaken to the ground, and then the Thunder Wolf Dragon single-clawed the entire huge body into the air, directly began to whirl at high speed, at the same time the golden outer armor of the tail and the roots of the thorns turned into giant mace. With just one blow, the two huge experimental bodies that fell first were cut into minced meat, and the ones who died couldn’t die again!

The other three experimental subjects screamed sharply, and their back tentacles slammed out and attracted to the distant wall, pulling them up which was about to fall into the meat grinder Uzumaki. This is just to make them live for a few more seconds. Dozens of ultra-electric lightning bugs gathered together and turned into six lightning balls and they were thrown out by the Thunder Wolf dragon. The lightning balls drew a bluish-white tail in the air, ready to go. The bombardment hit the three test subjects that had just landed, and immediately blasted them into pieces of meat.

Seeing that Thunder Wolf Dragon grew up so powerful, Tifa hurriedly grabbed its long white mane and said, “Jin Oga, go and help brother, his opponent is that Sephiroth!”

Lei Langlong looked up at the two warring parties, and barked his teeth. Just kidding, the old wolf knows how hard Heather has been holding back these years. It is rare for this guy to meet such a suitable opponent as soon as his suppression is lifted. He must have a good time before he will give up. The old wolf will not interfere with Heather’s heads-up.

Over the laboratory, Heather was continuously fighting Sephiroth with a mace, and the violent laughter shook the surrounding gravel trembling like a dragon.

Sephiroth has already entered a serious state, sharp and powerful sword moves are emerging one after another, and the sword power sinks vigorously. If it were Heather before, I am afraid that he has already bitten the sword. But the current Heather is the ‘strongest creature in the sea, land, and air’ mode. Even if Sephiroth’s blade pierces the dragon scale and cuts the bleeding mark, the wound will recover in just a few seconds, and even the dragon scales will regroup. And every time the mace was swung, the Conqueror’s Haki wrapped around it would shake the authentic knife in Sephiroth’s hand, and the blade screamed constantly.

You should know that Sephiroth can chop the huge metal fort that is 100 meters long in Zhunong Port like an onion with only slashing, but such a powerful attack can only barely smash Heather’s dragon scales and cut it open. The epidermis, let alone chopped his bones and meridians.

Heather now surpasses Sephiroth in strength and endurance, and even his speed is gradually approaching Sephiroth’s level.


The mace that Sephiroth had avoided hit the wall heavily, and the entire metal-cast wall immediately dented a huge pit inward and rippled waves. Immediately afterwards, the metal walls were all blown up! At the same time, a huge pothole suddenly exploded in the upper middle of the outside of the Shinra Headquarters building, which was several hundred meters high, and all the surrounding glass exploded into debris.

He fell to the surface of the other wall and used the toes that turned into dragon claws to dig deeply into the wall to stabilize his figure. Heather, who picked up his mace again, laughed and said, “I really can hide! Be like Hiding like a fly can only take advantage of now, I will catch up to your speed soon…Huh?”

Suddenly, Heather noticed that Sephiroth had disappeared from his [seeing and hearing] surveillance.

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