Bang bang bang bang...

"Meow! Meow! Meow..."

"Sister Yu'er, sister Yu'er, stop fighting!"

Princess Ankang's anxious voice was mixed with the fierce whipping sound.

"If you keep fighting, A-Xuan will die."

Princess Ankang sat in a wheelchair, beating her chest and feet, filled with grief and anger.

"Hurry up and give me a couple of smacks, let's enjoy it!"

Panting, Yu'er handed over the forked riding whip and said, "Your Highness, please be careful not to hurt yourself."

"Axuan likes the head, paws and tail the most."

"Your Highness, please draw more accurately."

Princess Ankang took the riding crop with a smile and kept replying: "I know, I know."

But as soon as she took over, she was immediately noticed by Li Xuan.

"I said it was so boring."

"Why are children joining in the fun?"

Li Xuan lay down boredly, recalling the previous feeling.

Although Yu'er's hand strength cannot be compared with Deng Weixian's godfather, the effect is still good.

Thanks to Li Xuan's profound knowledge, he specially found a loose whip, which improved the experience by more than one level.

Only after experiencing it himself did he understand that the purpose of choosing a whip was to transmit the power as much as possible.

I'm afraid other weapons really don't have such a good effect.

Although I don't know how effective it is compared to Deng Weixian, it at least allows Li Xuan to increase his progress by one or two points every day.

This is already an incredible improvement.

And it also allows Yu'er to get some exercise.

She is now being supervised by Li Xuan every day to practice the Ten Tiger Forms, and her physical strength and appetite have increased.

It just so happened that the extra energy could be expended on Li Xuan.

Although Yu'er didn't say it, this method was actually quite stress-relieving.

When Princess Ankang saw this scene at first, she was almost frightened to tears. She thought Li Xuan and Yu'er were having some conflict.

At that time, she drove her wheelchair to extreme speed and inserted herself between a person and a cat. She was so anxious that she almost shed tears.

Later, after hearing the explanation, I burst into laughter and even watched the excitement from the side.

Now that I am itching again, I have to try it myself.

But her strength was much smaller than that of Yu'er, so Li Xuan had no experience and simply lay down on the ground.

"Axuan, why don't you scream?"

"If you don't scream, it's boring for me to do this."

Princess Ankang also disliked the lack of interactive experience.

Li Xuan had no choice but to make a fuss by shouting once and for all.

As a result, the little girl was not happy anymore.

"It's not fun, it's boring."

Princess Ankang returned the riding whip to Yu'er.

When Yu'er saw Li Xuan staring at her with piercing eyes again, she couldn't help but shrink back.

"Axuan, let's stop here for today."

"Look, I'm so tired that my back aches. Let me take a rest."

Hearing this, Li Xuan could only get up from the ground in disappointment.

He is exactly the opposite of Deng Weixian.

Deng Weixian couldn't bear it, but Li Xuan couldn't stop.

I just wish I didn't have a strong man like Deng Weixian's godfather to serve me, otherwise his bronze head and iron arms would be perfected soon.

At this moment, Li Xuan suddenly caught a glimpse of a huge orange figure on the wall.

Fat Orange stood silently on the wall, staring blankly in the direction of Li Xuan. He didn't know how long he had been looking there.

Li Xuan found Fat Orange and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, his brain was a little down.

But then he calmly shook off the dust on his body, and then gracefully walked towards the wall with cat steps.

Princess Ankang and Yu'er saw Li Xuan's friends visiting, studied the riding whip in their hands and returned to the house.

Li Xuan jumped on the wall and stood next to Fat Orange.

The two cats stood side by side, neither of them making a sound, just staying silent.

After a long time, Fat Orange opened his mouth leisurely.

"Meow? (Is this the way to become stronger?)"

Li Xuan had a heavy expression and shook his head slowly.

"Meow, meow. (It's too early for you to know these things, so don't ask any more questions.)"

Then he meowed somewhat harshly:

"Meow! (Forget everything you saw!)"

Fat Orange lowered his head, pondered for a while, and changed the topic.

"Meow. (Something happened.)"

Li Xuan frowned, and then followed Fat Orange away.

They came to a corner of the royal garden and found the cat bully and the cow.

The cow seemed to be frightened, emotionally unstable, and trembling all over.

But even so, it still stayed by Mao Ba's side.

However, Cat Tyrant's condition didn't look very good.

There were blood stains on its hind legs and a few teeth marks, which didn't look like they were bitten by a cat.

"Meow? (What happened?)"

Li Xuan asked as soon as he arrived.

Mao Ba lowered his head lonely and said nothing.

The cow, on the other hand, kept meowing as soon as she saw Li Xuan, just like a chatterbox.

It's just that the information it gave was too mixed and fragmented, so Li Xuan couldn't tell what exactly happened.

In the end, Fat Orange couldn't stand it anymore and came out to summarize what happened.

It turned out that earlier today, when they were playing outside, the cow was accidentally blocked by a few dogs.

Generally speaking, if cats want to run and run towards the wall, there is nothing a dog can do to them.

But the cows reacted a step slower, and the dogs were also insidious and surrounded them in advance.

Both Mao Ba and Fat Orange jumped to the wall one step ahead, but the cow's movement was interrupted, and then she was surrounded by a group of dogs.

Seeing the danger, the cat bully jumped down to fight. Finally, he managed to get out and fled the scene with the cow.

After hearing what happened, Li Xuan was silent.

There are wild cats in the palace, but no wild dogs.

The dogs kept in the palace all have owners, and all of them are either rich or noble.

The cat bully was able to fight its way out of the siege of these dogs. In addition to its already strong fighting power, the training during this period also played an important role.

From time to time you can see dogs chasing cats running around in the palace.

Moreover, most of the dogs in the palace are well-trained hunting dogs, and you can often see some unlucky wild cats being caught up and killed by them.

Naturally, dogs do not eat cats, but purely for fun.

When the dogs in the palace are not participating in hunting patrols, they cannot consume their excess energy on weekdays.

Therefore, the helpless wild cats in the palace became their targets.

Because of this threat, the cats in the palace are accustomed to walking on the wall.

Even if he has to walk on the ground, he will observe in advance and be extra vigilant.

But I didn't expect that Mao Ba and the others would fall into the trap of these dogs today.

Li Xuan stepped forward to check Mao Ba's wounds and found that they were not fatal.

It’s just that if you don’t handle it properly, you might end up with a lame leg.

He thought that there was medicine in Jingyang Palace that Yu'er had used before.

"I don't know if it will work on cats."

"Anyway, let's give it a try."

Li Xuan immediately went back, took a bottle of wound medicine, and applied it to Cat Ba.

Mao Ba didn't react at all during the whole process, he just lay there and fell asleep.

I'm afraid it wasn't what it expected for Li Xuan to see him in such a mess.

Seeing the cat bully protecting his self-esteem, Li Xuan just smiled in his heart.

Many times, his kind act like little children.

Although each has a different temperament, they are all simple.

After treating the cat bully's wounds, Li Xuan barked at the cow and Fat Orange.

"Meow! (Take me to those dogs!)"

Thanks to "Book Friends 20220908130758655" for the reward support.

Thanks to "Book Friends 20230121171034942", "Xin Lin Mu Sensen", "Zhang Mou", and "Book Friends 20200622121747681" for their monthly ticket support.

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