Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 95 The style of painting gradually changes

"My son, I'm here to meet you, my godfather!"

Deng Weixian hadn't seen his godfather for many days, and he seemed a little excited.

Deng Weixian's godfather just nodded and asked, "How is your practice going?"

"My son's progress is slow, and I really failed to live up to your expectations."

Deng Weixian bowed his head deeply, feeling ashamed.

"Come, let me take a look for you."

Deng Weixian's godfather reached out and pressed Deng Weixian's arm, and then checked Deng Weixian's head.

After confirming Deng Weixian's progress, he said, "It's not bad, which shows that you haven't slacked off at all."

"I told you at the beginning that strengthening the body is a process that takes years and months, so don't be impatient."

Deng Weixian's godfather said, loosening his arm and persuading him.

"Although I understand, I can't help but feel impatient when I think that I can't share my worries with my godfather."

Deng Weixian's godfather hasn't appeared for a long time since he passed down the secret book of the copper head and iron arm last time.

This made Deng Weixian feel lost and a sense of crisis.

He knew that he had to become more and more important, so important that he could not be replaced in his godfather's mind.

But now he was too weak and could not play a big role.

This made Deng Weixian a little scared.

He was afraid that this opportunity that he had finally won would slip away from his hands again.

Deng Weixian's godfather just smiled softly when he heard this.

"It's enough for you to have this heart."

"Don't be anxious, the more anxious you are, the slower you will be. Keep a calm mind."

"If you really want to share my worries, then try to win the trust of Wang Cairen. You becoming her right-hand man is the best help to me."

Deng Weixian nodded, not quite understanding, and said no more.

If you say too much, it will sound false.

"As long as godfather can understand my intention."

At this time, Deng Weixian's godfather seemed to suddenly think of something.

"Speaking of which, although the Strengthening Body Realm cannot use natural materials and treasures to speed up progress, there is actually a stupid way." Hearing this, Li Xuan and Deng Weixian's eyes lit up. For them now, there is no better news than this. Deng Weixian's godfather pondered for a while, and then said: "You have read all the secrets of the Copper Head and Iron Wall, right?" "It records a method of hammering hard objects to speed up the process of strengthening the body with the power of qi and blood." Deng Weixian nodded repeatedly, and then took out the black stone hidden in the bushes. Looking at this stone, Deng Weixian's godfather smiled: "Black rock, you are really concerned." Black rock is one of the most common stones in the Daxing Dynasty, and it has the highest hardness. The black dragon statue in the Imperial Garden is also carved from this black rock. It's just that the black rock is even rarer. Not only is it harder, but it is also carved from a whole huge piece of black rock. It is also a rare treasure. "But in addition to this method, there is actually another way."

Deng Weixian's godfather asked him to put down the stone and stand in front of him.


"What are you going to do?"

Li Xuan, who was hiding in the dark, felt a little strange.

Then, he saw Deng Weixian's godfather walked to the side and broke off a branch.

The branch was neither long nor short, just convenient for waving.


Li Xuan seemed to have a premonition, and showed disbelief one step ahead.

But the development of the next thing did not disappoint him.

"Concentrate your mind and infuse your strength."

Deng Weixian heard the words and immediately put on the basic posture of a copper head and iron arm, and then infused his strength into his arms and head.

The muscles in these two parts immediately hardened, and even flashed a hint of metallic color.

Deng Weixian's godfather saw that he was ready, turned his wrist, and then swung it, bringing a snap, hitting Deng Weixian's right arm.

This was not the end. The branches exploded with two more crisp sounds, hitting Deng Weixian's left arm and head in succession, leaving a light red mark on each.

Deng Weixian subconsciously took a breath of cold air, gritted his teeth and did not scream.


Deng Weixian's godfather did not continue, but asked first.

Deng Weixian panted, and after a while, he felt the burning pain coming from his body.

"The process of strengthening the body with the power of blood and qi seems to have accelerated a little."

The three hits of the branches just now were like forging iron, forcing the power of blood and qi into the parts that needed to be strengthened.

In this way, the progress was naturally accelerated.


Deng Weixian felt the pain on his body that was completely incomparable to hitting the stone, and he couldn't help but waver.

"Is it always so painful to practice martial arts?"

Such a question subconsciously emerged in his mind.

He still remembered the pain of absorbing the blood of the fierce tiger when he broke through the blood coagulation realm before.

Now facing the difficulty of strengthening the body, he seems to have to continue to suffer.

"This is the other way I mentioned."

At this time, Deng Weixian's godfather explained.

"Although it is faster than hitting the stone, the side effects..."

"You have already experienced it now."

"Do you want to continue?"

Deng Weixian's godfather stood aside with a branch, waiting for his answer.

"This time, I want to trouble you once."

Deng Weixian answered with a firm look in his eyes.

Deng Weixian's godfather had expected this.

"Okay, then I will help you."

"As long as I am free from now on, I will come to your place to help you practice."

Having said that, Deng Weixian's godfather was no longer polite and waved the branches in his hand.

Bang bang bang bang...

Deng Weixian was in so much pain that he kept letting out a heavy groan, holding back the pain.

But feeling that the advance of the bronze head and iron arm was a lot faster, a twisted smile actually appeared on his face.

Deng Weixian's godfather looked at his reaction with satisfaction and thought to himself: "Such a heart is the best talent."

Li Xuan watched this scene silently in the dark, and he also felt itchy.

"Look at Xiao Dengzi's pained and happy smile, this method will definitely work."

"But who should I ask to help me?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but feel embarrassed when he thought of this.

Now he wanted to rush forward, hug Deng Weixian's godfather's thigh, and read that classic confession.

"Xuan has been wandering for half his life. He only regrets that he has never met his master. If he doesn't give up, Xuan is willing to be his adoptive father!"

Li Xuan only regretted that he could not speak now and had missed such a great opportunity. He could only watch helplessly as little Dengzi enjoyed such a beautiful thing of improving his skills.

"Youyou Heaven, how can you treat me less favorably?"

Li Xuan looked at the bright night sky through the gap in the bushes, and a drop of crystal tears fell down unsatisfactorily.

the next day.

Unwilling to accept his fate, Li Xuan made his own efforts.

Yu'er looked at the broken riding whip she picked up from somewhere in her hand and fell into deep silence.

This riding whip has been used for I don’t know how many years. It has split at the front and has several strands.

And her cat was lying in front of her, looking at her eagerly.

No matter how dull Yu'er was, she noticed something was wrong.

She seemed to have been led down a crooked path unknowingly, and was going further and further.


Thanks to "Ertian EX" for your reward support.

Thanks to "Old People Are Gone, Old Dreams Are Gone", "Yongye Weixin", "Book Friends 20201003104739999", and "Grid Xi Qi" for their monthly support.

Guess who made the last meow?


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