When the eunuchs accompanying him saw Mr. Yinfang suddenly going into a rage, they all did not dare to take a breath, for fear that they would be implicated.

After a long time, Wei Chengji slowly calmed down and suppressed his anger again.

"In this case, the mastermind Huang Shan is dead, what should Xiao Dengzi do with it?"

After hearing this, the accompanying eunuchs suddenly became energetic.

As the printing father-in-law, how could Wei Chengji not have any ideas? He would rather use their mouths to say something.

"My father-in-law, that little Dengzi helped the emperor to do evil and helped Huang Shan cause trouble in Yanqu Palace. He didn't take my father-in-law seriously at all."

"Although the fire this time had nothing to do with him, he still needs to be severely punished to deter other people from their evil intentions."

Xiao Tengzi, who was kneeling on the ground, answered first and made a gesture of wiping his neck with his hand.


Wei Chengji looked hesitant and said with an embarrassed look on his face: "But Xiao Dengzi also rescued Wang Cairen after all. Our family is the most fair. Those who have merit will be rewarded, and those who have made mistakes will be punished."

"Although Xiao Dengzi has had his faults, he has also made meritorious deeds. It really embarrasses our family."

Wei Chengji rubbed his eyebrows and hesitated.

But the accompanying eunuchs had been with Wei Chengji for a long time, so they naturally heard the implication of his words.

Someone immediately jumped in front of Xiao Tengzi and said: "As my father-in-law said, Xiao Dengzi has merits, but he also has his faults."

"And the merit is not worth the effort!"

"Yanqu Palace caused such a big disaster because of him and Huang Shan. I don't know how much my father-in-law has to bear for them. If he is not severely punished, he may not be able to convince the public."

"We must also feel sad for our father-in-law. It will be difficult for us in the future!"

As soon as these words came out, the other eunuchs accompanying him all knelt down and shouted together: "Father, think twice!"

Each one of them performed the expression "It hurts my father-in-law, it hurts my heart" to perfection.

Xiao Tengzi was overtaken by someone and glared at the person, but there was no other way besides following the words to show his loyalty.

"Oh, it seems that even for your sake, our family has to punish Wang Cairen's savior."

Wei Chengji looked helpless.

"My father-in-law, you are worrying too much. Wang Cairen is only a talented person after all, and her life is not worthy of comparison with the commotion in Yanqu Palace."

"Everything my father-in-law has done is to give Yanqu Palace a peaceful future."

Wei Chengji nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, okay, go down and arrange this."

"Remember not to touch him today until you have dealt with the inquiries from above."

A group of accompanying eunuchs immediately took the order and left.

Li Xuan listened for a long time on the tree outside the door, and couldn't help but secretly thought that it was bad.

He never expected that Wei Chengji would be so insidious and would not let Deng Weixian go after finding out the truth.

"Is this old eunuch venting his anger, or is he still suspicious?"

But no matter what, Deng Weixian is now in danger.

Although it is said that his life will be spared today, what about the day after tomorrow?

According to Wei Chengji's words, he planned to deal with Deng Weixian after he had dealt with the above inquiries and then deal with him when he lost his role.

"Sorry, I wonder if my godfather expected this?"

He quickly left this place and headed towards the woodshed where Deng Weixian was detained.

Li Xuan came to see Deng Weixian last night. He was not embarrassed, but his personal freedom was restricted.

The woodshed where Deng Weixian was imprisoned was not large, with only one door and window leading to the outside world.

Standing at the door were two eunuchs accompanying Wei Chengji, guarding the place.

But luckily the window is on the back wall.

Li Xuan climbed to the window and looked inside through the gap.

The windows of the woodshed are not paper windows, but several iron bars.

Through the gap in the iron fence, Li Xuan suddenly saw Deng Weixian inside.

Deng Wei first sat cross-legged and meditated, closing his eyes to rest, and a layer of skin peeled off his lips.

He hasn't eaten or drank since he was arrested last night.

But because he hadn't been hungry for long, it didn't affect his condition too much.

"Fortunately, it shouldn't be a problem for Xiao Dengzi to hold on for a few more days."

"All that's left is to see how to escape from the clutches of Mr. Yin Fang."

In name, Deng Weixian was still a young eunuch belonging to Yanqu Palace.

According to the rules, Eunuch Yinfang can deal with him however he wants.

In this palace, there are many people who die suddenly every day, and the causes of death are also all kinds of strange, so Deng Wei is not the first one at all.

"With his godfather's ability, I'm afraid it won't be long before he knows the current situation."

"But be prepared for the worst."

Li Xuan thought so, jumped down from the window, and planned to go to the kitchen to get something to eat for Deng Weixian.

He had taken a closer look at Deng Weixian's fierce expression on Wei Chengji.

This kid usually seems quite steady, but he can be impulsive sometimes.

And he actually dared to fight Wei Chengji, who was greatly disparate in strength. Deng Weixian was also somewhat bloody.

Li Xuan was heading to the kitchen, but he heard a noise on the way and couldn't help but look in the direction of the sound.

Yanqu Hall, at the palace gate.

"Your Majesty Yanqu Palace, please welcome General Manager Zhao!"

Under the leadership of Wei Chengji, all the maids and eunuchs knelt down in unison, even more solemnly than the last time Zhao Bugao came.

They were greeted by an old eunuch wearing gorgeous floral clothes.

This floral dress is actually several times more gorgeous than the one worn by Mr. Shang. It has dense lines and special silver edges. It is clearly made with fine workmanship and is worth a lot of money.

"This floral dress!?"

Li Xuan's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

The old eunuch has gray temples, a thin figure, and a kind expression. He looks like an ordinary old man with a thin body.

The old eunuch stepped forward to help Wei Chengji up, and then blamed him: "Oh, Aji, we have been friends for many years, and you are still playing this trick with me."

The old eunuch smiled, not blaming at all, but more like joking.

For those who didn’t know, I thought the relationship between these two people was very good.

The old eunuch's voice was deep and powerful. It was not as shrill as the eunuch's, but it was quite distinctive in this palace.

"Manager Zhao, the rules cannot be broken."

After being helped up, Wei Chengji maintained a humble posture with his head bowed, appearing extremely respectful.

"Okay, okay, whatever you want."

"Aji, take me to the place where the accident happened."

Wei Chengji was about to lead the way, but Zhao Bugao emerged from behind the old eunuch and interrupted:

"Although my godfather helped Eunuch Wei cope with His Majesty's situation last night, we still need to find out more so that we can feel more at ease."

"Otherwise, if His Majesty blames me in the future, he will no longer be my godfather."

"Do you think so, Eunuch Wei?"

Hearing this, Wei Chengji sighed in his heart, bowed his head and bowed.

"Mr. Zhao, Wei Chengji will keep this kindness in mind and will never refuse if asked to do so in the future."

It turns out that this old eunuch is Zhao Feng, the number one eunuch in the palace today, the director of the House of Internal Affairs, and Zhao Bugao's godfather.

Zhao Feng glanced at Zhao Bugao, shook his head and said, "How can you say this?"

"If your child exceeds the rules, please be punished by your godfather!"

Zhao Bugao stepped aside obediently, not daring to say any more.

Seeing that he had become more honest, Zhao Feng didn't care too much about the adopted son and helped Wei Chengji up.

"Tell you not to be so polite. We don't have to be like this."

"After so many years, the only people left who entered the palace at the same time are you and me."

"Thanks to you, I won't be too lonely."

Zhao Feng's face was filled with a sincere smile.

But Wei Chengji didn't even have the courage to look up.

Thanks to "Autumn Ripe", "Naughty Duoduo", "Taotie Swallowing the Sky", "Wang Hengchen", and "Portable 7" for their monthly ticket support.

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