Just as Wei Chengji expected, clues emerged one after another.

The clues are there, waiting to be discovered.

Wang Suyue’s observation records, a small half jar of fire oil, the leftover Ecstasy Incense and Ruanjin Powder, letters expressing love, obscene portraits, dolls with similar descriptions, two huge papayas...

After a search, these things appeared from all corners related to Huang Shan.

Wei Chengji looked boredly at the things slowly piling up in front of his eyes, his face uncertain and unpredictable.

"Father-in-law, it seems that's all there is."

The accompanying eunuch reported.

They had dug three feet into the ground where Huang Shan had stayed, but no new objects were found for nearly half an hour.

But having said that, the things they had found before were enough to form a small mountain, which was obviously accumulated over time.

Wei Chengji was reading a disgusting letter and couldn't help but rub his eyebrows after hearing the words.

Even though he boasted that he had lived for many years and had seen many things, he still couldn't help but feel a little twitchy when he looked at the letter in front of him.

"If you can't find any more, let's stop here."

"Pack your things up and take good care of them."

Wei Chengji threw the letter in his hand into the pile of objects, stood up and prepared to leave.

It was already past midnight, and he was also feeling sleepy despite his advanced age.

Whether it was physically or mentally, it made him too sleepy.

"Gather these evidences together for analysis and verification, and give me a result tomorrow."

The printing father-in-law gave the order casually, waved his hand and left.

"I will obey my father-in-law's orders!"

the next day.

Wei Chengji woke up early and listened to the reports of his eunuchs.

"So, how's the investigation going?"

"Eunuch, after our thorough investigation overnight, we have initially restored the cause and effect."

Then they began to take out evidence piece by piece and analyze the corresponding conclusions they deduced.

All the evidence found points to one fact:

"Huang Shan has coveted Wang Suyue since the day she entered the palace.

During this period, Huang Shan's twisted love continued to expand, causing him to start making dangerous moves.

He assigned his eunuchs to closely monitor Wang Suyue's every move and collect all information about Wang Suyue.

Later, Huang Shan escalated from one-sided obscene behavior to actual perverted behavior.

The last time I stole my bellyband was one of them.

But there were actually many undiscovered perversions during this period.

For example, secretly licking Wang Suyue's tableware, burying her face in Wang Suyue's clothes, secretly eating Wang Suyue's leftovers, secretly drinking Wang Suyue's bath water, dry chewing Wang Suyue's socks..."

The accompanying eunuchs were just like telling the names of dishes, endlessly.

Wei Chengji couldn't help it anymore, raised his hand to stop him, and asked with a solemn expression: "Have you confirmed these things?"

"Father, the evidence is conclusive, and the evidence is as solid as a mountain."

The accompanying eunuch answered confidently, and finally added: "Father-in-law, there are actually more perverted ones."

"It's just that someone lost Wang Cairen's chamber pot last time, so Huang Shan wasn't allowed to succeed."

"He fully recorded his regrets about this incident in his diary."

Hearing this, Wei Chengji subconsciously pressed the armrest, leaned back silently on the back of the chair, and was silent for a long time.

The accompanying eunuch did not continue the report, but gave the printer some time to accept it.

Last night, even young people like them who were having fun couldn't help but be shocked.

Not to mention old people like the printing house father-in-law.

Wei Chengji was silent for a long time before he turned to ask: "Does that mean that the two young eunuchs under Huang Shan are working for him?"

"It's not a matter of lewd thieves and perverts being released from our Yanqu Palace."

Thinking about it this way, Wei Chengji can accept it better.

"Judging from the evidence, Xiao Dengzi was indeed forced by Huang Shan."

"But that little table must be a pure pervert."

"Judging from Huang Shan's diary, he didn't tell him to do things because he didn't like the stupid little table."

"And father-in-law, you have forgotten that the target of the small table is not Wang Cairen."

Wei Chengji blinked twice, then sighed and said nothing more.

At least, there is one who is normal and not completely abnormal.

He also read the letter records and Huang Shan's diary last night, and the handwriting on them was indeed correct.

"Then how could Huang Shan die in the fire? What did he want?"

Regarding the question raised by the father-in-law of the printing house, the accompanying eunuch who reported it was very confident.

"Eunuch, according to my analysis, Huang Shan wanted to force Wang Cairen to die for love with him that day."

"He put medicine in the rice in advance to make Wang Cairen feel uncomfortable and come back to rest early. Then he stunned Wang Cairen, and then lit the fire with kerosene. In the end, he only burned himself to death. He really committed his own crime. ah!"

A happy smile appeared on the face of the accompanying eunuch. He seemed to be happy about Huang Shan's self-inflicted evil deeds, but in fact he was proud of his flawless deduction.

"Can't I hide the fact that I'm a god in solving cases?"

The accompanying eunuch pressed down the corners of his mouth, suppressing his smile and making himself look more serious.

"It is certain that I will be appreciated by my father-in-law this time. If I handle a few more major cases in the future and get His Majesty's approval, then neither the Ministry of Punishment nor the Dali Temple will be able to ask me to handle cases?"

"When the time comes, my name, Teng Yixin, will be spread all over the world, and I will even be remembered in history."


The accompanying eunuch became happier and happier as he thought about it, his expression distorted and he smiled.

"Xiao Tengzi, why are you laughing?"

Wei Chengji's face turned blue and he asked in a nonchalant manner.

The accompanying eunuch immediately knelt down and lowered his head.

"Xiao Tengzi, I am happy for my father-in-law!"

"The matter has come to light. Huang Shan deserved his punishment and died in the fire. The little Dengzi who helped the tyrant was also caught."

"It's really gratifying!"


Wei Chengji tilted his head and held his beating forehead with his palms.

Hearing that Grandpa Yinfang's tone was wrong, Xiao Tengzi immediately broke into a cold sweat.

"Huh? Why is father-in-law unhappy?"

"Did I make a mistake in my reasoning?"

Xiao Tengzi quickly ran through the chain of evidence in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that his reasoning was perfect.

"It should be fine?"

Even though he was thinking this, he did not dare to act rashly and knelt on the ground without saying a word.

Wei Chengji didn't doubt Xiao Tengzi's reasoning.

At his level, it no longer matters whether the facts and speculations are reasonable or not.

Wei Chengji has his own set of wisdom in life.

No matter how hard the evidence is, no matter how reasonable it is, if he feels bad there is something wrong.

Someone was taking advantage of him, taking advantage of him again and again.

Although this speculation is full of Wei Chengji's own subjective conjecture and emotional factors, he firmly believes it.

From a very young age, Wei Chengji understood that he was not very smart.

On the contrary, it is still at a relatively dull level.

At least this brain is no better than other people's.

This is the lesson he learned after countless painful experiences.

Therefore, he learned a way of looking at things that was unique to him.

Wei Chengji never looks at the process, only the results.

And he deduces facts from results alone.

This will inevitably slow people down and make them realize later.

But the key can often be seen in complex things.

Wei Chengji believes that in this palace.


It should be that in this world, apart from interests, what else can there be between people?

The fact now is that troubles have occurred one after another in the Yanqu Palace he is in charge of, and they are getting worse.

If he keeps losing money, someone must be taking advantage of him.

"The best person to take advantage of me is God..."

"Otherwise, I, Wei Chengji, am not a vegetarian!"

Wei Chengji's eyes flashed fiercely, and the armrests of the chair quietly turned into powder and scattered all over the floor.

Thanks to "Flame Eagle" and "North Wind Blowing Wind" for their monthly ticket support.

Bai Meow had another fulfilling day.

Good night everyone~~~


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