"Haha, let me borrow Mr. Wang's good words."

Bileg thanked him, then raised his head and drank, and drank the wine in his glass generously.

The atmosphere at the banquet gradually became heated, and while changing glasses, the four of them drank a lot.

It's a pity that they didn't talk about any secrets during the dinner, they just kept complimenting each other.

But thanks to their exchange of rainbow farts, Li Xuan was able to have a simple understanding of the four people attending the banquet.

The middle-aged man on the throne is the leader of this mission, named Bileg.

Li Xuan's conversation seems to be somewhat intelligent. Although he comes from the desert, his behavior is not vulgar at all, but elegant and generous. In terms of emotional intelligence, he completely crushes the Daxing Master Wang. He was so flattered that he could hardly hold his butt down.

The only Daxing official who visited the battlefield was already flushed with alcohol. He gradually became dissolute. The etiquette at the beginning was gradually thrown out of his mind, and he started talking nonsense after drinking. It was really embarrassing to watch. very.

From his own family or his own bragging, Li Xuan learned that this Lord Wang was actually an official of the Ministry of War. Although he was just a member of the military, he was in charge of such a fat job as ordnance.

"Are such officials free to attend the banquets of foreign envoys?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but frowned. Even though he was just a cat now, he felt that this was very inappropriate.

"Yuan Wai Lang? He doesn't sound like a high official."

"Why did the people from the Desert Mission contact him?"

Li Xuan couldn't think clearly and could only continue to observe this boring banquet.

"What do four grown men have to drink?"

"It's better to dance outside with the dancer from the desert."

Li Xuan shook his head and cursed endlessly.

When he came from the front yard before, he saw many figures singing and dancing there.

Different from the dance of Hu Yulou orchid, the dance of the desert dancers is obviously more powerful and full of healthy power.

Li Xuan, who is very knowledgeable about dance, naturally couldn't help but want to explore the exotic dance of the desert.

It's a pity that he has something serious to do now, otherwise he wouldn't lie here and watch four grown men drinking and bragging.

In just a short while, Li Xuan almost felt sleepy.

Li Xuan watched like this for a long time, but he also got a lot of understanding of the four people present.

In addition to Bileg and Lord Wang, the two protagonists, the other two people accompanying the drink were a giant man as strong as an iron tower. He was taciturn and drank neatly without talking nonsense. Compared with the other three, It was obvious that he was not very interested in this banquet, and his expression was indifferent.

The other one is actually a qualified companion.

This man is not old, he looks to be in his early twenties. He is dressed in desert clothes and has an extraordinary appearance. However, when he drinks and brags, he appears to be experienced. Moreover, he will not steal Mr. Wang's limelight. He will always say a few compliments at the right time. He gave a few flattering words in a vague way. Although he looked a bit filthy as a philistine, he was still pretty good because of his good skin.

Through the conversation at the table, Li Xuan learned that the giant man was called Battle and the young man was called Meng En.

This boring party lasted until late at night, and Li Xuan was so suffocated that he looked up at the stars to experience the fun of the Seventh Princess.

Not to mention, after listening to the Seventh Princess briefly introducing some knowledge about the stars, Li Xuan could now recognize a few stars when he raised his head.

The banquet in the front yard had ended long ago, and Li Xuan was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

"Damn it, I have to come again tomorrow."

"If there is no party tomorrow..."

"I'll come back the day after tomorrow!"

All four people in the room were drunk.

"Master Wang, it's already late today, why not stay overnight in the Desert Pavilion?"

Bileg opened his tongue and invited Mr. Wang.

"No, not...my home is not far away."

"That's it, I won't disturb you any more."

Mr. Wang reluctantly made his meaning clear.

He shouted several times and summoned his attendants outside the room.

Bileg and others enthusiastically tried to persuade him to stay, but they were just talking words and looked like they couldn't reach Master Wang when they stretched out their hands.

In this way, the guests enjoyed themselves and said goodbye.

Li Xuan did not go with Mr. Wang, but continued to stay in the Desert Pavilion.

Mr. Wang is an official in Daxing, so it would be more efficient to leave it to Zhao Feng to investigate.

Li Xuan stayed on the roof, thinking that there would be nothing to gain tonight.

He sighed for a while, and was about to get up and go home, when another conversation came from below.

"Sir, why should we waste our time with this kind of food and drink?"

The dull voice sounded, and Li Xuan suddenly became energetic.

The giant man who remained silent throughout the banquet did not speak until the banquet was over.

Li Xuan hurriedly looked at the situation inside the room and found that the three of them were still sitting in their original positions, but they each had an extra basin and a clean towel at hand.

Everyone was wiping their faces and hands, and apart from their still red faces, there was no sign of being drunk in their demeanor or movements.

"Hey, you can drink well."

Li Xuan knew that there was no way there could be any sincerity in this kind of situation. Everyone was just acting on occasion.

But judging from tonight's results, it seems that only Mr. Wang himself has true feelings.

"Good fellow, only Mr. Wang can enjoy himself by drinking."

Regarding his subordinates' questions, Bileg did not rush to answer. Instead, he wiped his face slowly and then slowly replied: "Battle, don't be impatient."

“After a seed is planted, it always takes time for it to take root and sprout.”

Bileg said meaningfully.

"Master, can that guy just now be considered a seed?"

The young Meng En wiped his hands and asked in surprise.

I didn't expect that these two people were actually master and disciple.

Bileg laughed loudly at his disciple's question and then replied:

"Something like Wang Zongqing can't be seeds, it's just fertilizer at most."

Hearing this, Meng En also laughed, but Battle remained expressionless.

"But even fertilizer has the function of fertilizer, and it is also an indispensable role for seeds to take root and germinate."

"Remember, no matter how useless people are, they still have value. The only difference is whether you can find them or not."

Meng En and Barter both looked thoughtful.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go to bed early."

After saying that, Battle stood up and left.

Meng En and Barter immediately stood up to see each other off with respectful attitudes.

It was obvious that Bileg, the team leader, was highly respected by the two of them.

"Bileg, Battle, Meng..."

Li Xuan muttered the names of the three people, remembered them firmly, and planned to go back to the two managers to inquire.

Realizing that the three of them had really gone back to their rooms to rest, Li Xuan wandered around the Desert Pavilion and Sifang Pavilion a few more times to get familiar with the terrain before leaving.

Not long after Li Xuan left, another figure appeared on the roof of the Desert Pavilion.

This figure was none other than Bileg, who had gone back to his room to rest.

Bileg stood on the highest roof of the Desert Pavilion like a ghost, overlooking the Desert Pavilion and the Sifang Pavilion outside, and stood there for a long time.


A soft moan floated away with the wind and disappeared into the night wind.

"Why was there no movement when you went last night?"

"I thought you'd been caught in the act."

Early in the morning, Zhao Feng said unfavorable words.

Li Xuan rolled his eyes at Zhao Feng and was too lazy to talk to the old man.

"Oh, tell me."

"What happened yesterday?"

Zhao Feng touched Li Xuan with his elbow and asked him curiously.

Li Xuan yawned, then weakly waggled his tail.

"Then it will be almost dawn when I come back."

Zhao Feng looked happy when he saw the first sentence Li Xuan wrote.

"In other words, is there something going on?"

Li Xuan sneered, exposed one of his small fangs, and cursed in his heart: "Old man, you only care about your own information. My little kitten has been blown by the cold wind all night, and I don't know how to care about it."

Zhao Feng also saw what Li Xuan meant. After smiling awkwardly, he quickly made amends: "Ah Xuan, thank you for your hard work. You are indeed a rising spy star in our Ouchi Palace. No wonder His Majesty trusts you so much. "

"A born spy, a born spy!"

Zhao Feng sighed repeatedly against his will, shaking his head for a while.

Don't tell me, this veteran actor is an experienced actor, and his acting is really similar.

Li Xuan's little mouth grew wider and wider, and he couldn't help but expose all his two fangs.

He suppressed the corner of his mouth and decided to tell Zhao Feng what he saw last night because Baba had been waiting all night.

After Li Xuan described it, Zhao Feng immediately cursed angrily:

"Wang Zongyu, this idiot!"

Li Xuan didn't expect Zhao Feng's reaction to be so big, and quickly asked him what was going on.

And Zhao Feng explained the situation clearly in just one sentence.

"Wang Zongyu is the younger brother of General Zhongwu."

Li Xuan was stunned. He didn't expect that there was such a relationship.

Last night, he thought the people from the Desert Mission were just developing connections in the Ministry of War.

After all, Wang Zongyu was in charge of ordnance. He was not a big official, but he had a lot of money and money.

Unexpectedly, the Ministry of War and ordnance are nothing, but this guy is actually the brother of General Zhongwu.

Others didn't know what the desert mission was up to, but Li Xuan and Zhao Feng knew it.

Now, when Wang Zongyu goes to attend the meeting of the Desert Mission, isn't that the old hen cackling to the weasel to pay New Year's greetings?

"Doesn't this person know about the festival between General Zhongwu and Da Mo?"

There are people in General Zhongwu's mansion who are active on the front line with Da Mo. Everyone in the family should be aware of this kind of thing, right?

"Wang Zongyu is just a idiot. Otherwise, given his family background, how could he still act like a junior member of the Communist Party of China at his age?"

Zhao Feng cursed bitterly.

"I will report this matter to Your Majesty today. Ah Xuan, you don't have to worry."

Zhao Feng saw that it was still early, so he was not too impatient. After teaching Yu'er, he would have time to go to the Manlu Hall to report.

Li Xuan was relieved when he heard that Zhao Feng was responsible for this matter.

Anyway, he is just a kitten, and it is not his turn to come forward in such a big event. He can just do what he can to the best of his ability.

It's just that Li Xuan couldn't understand what the Desert Mission was doing.

Thinking about what they are planning, doesn't this increase the risk of exposing themselves?

Regardless of the outcome of the poisoning plan, General Chungwu's mansion will definitely face a rigorous investigation.

By then, if it is found that Wang Zongyu had contact with the Desert Mission last night, this matter should be detrimental to them.

"That Bilge doesn't look like a fool. What is he planning?"

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