Seeing that Li Xuan agreed, Zhao Feng cast a grateful look, and Manager Shang on the side also smiled.

Whenever Li Xuan said "no", Zhao Bugao's life would also end after this incident.

This is what Mr. Shang means.

He would not allow a traitor to become a barrier between them and Li Xuan, even if this person was Zhao Feng's adopted son.

Don't look at the two general managers who always look kindly to Li Xuan, but you would think that they don't have a cold side.

In this palace, who can climb to the position of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who can still hide a trace of cowardice in his heart.

The two managers will never be lenient in what needs to be done.

Zhao Bugao didn't know that he had walked through the gate of hell, but he was still staring at his toes.

He himself is also very aware of his situation.

If it weren't for Zhao Feng's death guarantee, how could his godfather have allowed him to live until now.

After his plan was exposed, Zhao Bugao felt much more relaxed.

He also took the opportunity of confronting Zhao Feng to express many of the things he had hidden in his heart.

He originally said those words with the intention of dying, but Zhao Feng did not kill him and kept him here till now. This actually made Zhao Bugao feel increasingly guilty towards Zhao Feng.

As a godfather, Zhao Feng had absolutely nothing to say.

But Zhao Bugao really couldn't see any hope.

In the future, a hundred years after Zhao Feng, who can Zhao Bugao rely on to continue to thrive in the Ouchi Palace?

"That's all..."

The winner is the king and the loser is the enemy, the outcome is decided.

It was useless for Zhao Bugao to think about this.

Now he is a piece of fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

But when Zhao Bugao thought of Deng Weixian standing next to him, he felt guilty.

He had a good godfather, but he failed to become a good godfather to Deng Weixian, and instead harmed him.

"This is a good boy. I hope his godfather and others can spare him."

Just when father and son Zhao Bugao and Deng Weixian were having complicated thoughts, Zhao Feng's voice suddenly sounded:

"Zhao Bugao, Deng first."

"Keep your heads up."

The two of them bowed respectfully before slowly raising their heads.

But when they raised their heads, they couldn't help but be stunned at the same time.

Naturally, the two stewards at the stone table would not surprise them.

The problem is that there is a black cat suddenly on the stone table.

The black cat was looking directly at the two of them, its dark and profound gaze making them feel uncomfortable.

But the two general managers didn't speak, and Zhao Bugao and Deng Weixian didn't dare to take the initiative to ask questions. They just waited silently for the next step.

But what Zhao Feng said next made the father and son suddenly feel uncomfortable.

"This is Master A Xuan."

"He will be your supervisor for this operation against the Desert Mission."

Deng Weixian couldn't help it first and lowered his head to hide his trembling pupils.

"Isn't this A Xuan from my sister's place?"

When he went to Jingyang Palace a few days ago, Yu'er had just introduced him to it.

Deng Weixian just thought the black cat was cute and didn't think much about it.

But who would have thought that this black cat would suddenly transform into "Master Ah Xuan" and be solemnly introduced by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as the supervisor of his mission.

Deng Weixian was determined to risk his life this time, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent a cat to supervise him?

Deng Weixian affirmed that he was the most insignificant role at the scene, and the big shots must have their own considerations.

But no matter how much he tried to make amends, he couldn't find the reason for Zhao Feng to do this.

"What the hell is going on?"

Unlike Deng Weixian, who was in a panic, Zhao Bugao was better. He only twitched the corners of his mouth slightly and didn't comment much on it.

Zhao Bugao knew very well that although these two managers were old, they were definitely not old fools.

Otherwise, the vital internal affairs department in the Ouchi Palace would not be in their hands, and it would have been managed in an orderly manner.

Zhao Bugao had served as the second-in-command in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and knew how difficult it was.

This is also the reason why he is convinced that he is not strong enough, even with Zhao Feng's support, he cannot be the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The difficulty is that there are too many people staring at this position.

Zhao Feng gave them some time to react and continued after a moment of silence:

"Da Mo wants you to frame Wang Jieyu, so he will implicate General Zhongwu's mansion."

Soon after Wang Suyue was favored, she moved out of Yanqu Palace and got a courtyard in Caiyun Palace. She was also canonized as Jieyu, one of the twenty-seventh wife under the four concubines and nine concubines.

Or else they would say that someone with a good background will get promoted easily.

This is also true in the harem.

She could be promoted to Jieyu in just one visit, and I don't know how many little maids in the palace would be envious of her.

Zhao Feng continued: "According to the secret letter, the method is to poison your majesty on the day Wang Jieyu goes to bed."

Everyone present looked calm. They had all read the contents of the secret message before.

Li Xuan even denounced this vicious method.

"It is not easy to kill Emperor Yongyuan with poison, but for Da Mo, their goal can be achieved whether it succeeds or not."

"It's done, Daxing is in turmoil, maybe it can give Da Mo a perfect opportunity. By this time, Da Mo doesn't need to care about a Zhongwu General's Mansion."

"No, Wang Suyue and General Zhongwu are facing a catastrophe. The most likely possibility is to confiscate the family and exterminate the clan. After all, Wang Suyue's confidant Deng Weixian planted the poison. He can't clear his suspicions no matter where he goes."

"Even if Emperor Yongyuan has doubts, if he does not severely punish General Zhongwu, his trust in General Zhongwu will definitely be reduced."

"From the moment Deng Weixian walked to Wang Suyue and gained her trust, the plan was already in place."

"People in this desert are not bad at all when it comes to intrigues."

Li Xuan always had stereotypes about these foreign races as "barbaric" and "lack of brains".

But now it seems that it was his fault.

Although Da Mo's strategy is simple, it is effective enough.

Mainly because they managed to win over the professional Zhao Bugao.

It was definitely not easy to impress Zhao Bugao at first, but Da Mo did it, and they almost succeeded.

If Zhao Bugao's plan had not been exposed in advance, I am afraid that this conspiracy would have been successfully implemented.

"Wang Jieyu's bedtime will be four days later, and the desert envoy has not yet sent the poison."

Zhao Feng tapped the stone table, pondered for a moment, and continued:

"Based on this, it is speculated that there are spies from the desert in the palace, and they are in high positions and can influence the arrangements for sleeping."

"As for the poison not being delivered immediately, I'm afraid it's because we were waiting to see whether Zhao Bugao's attitude was firm."

"After all, this letter is enough for everyone in the Desert Mission to leave without ever returning."

Zhao Feng said and waved the secret letter on his hand.

"But they definitely have ways to avoid the risk of secret messages, and we will not make things bigger with just one letter at this time."

"Zhao Bugao, Deng first."

"As usual, don't make any changes and wait for the next contact from the Desert Mission."


Zhao Bugao and Deng Weixian answered in unison.

Deng Weixian's voice was a little tight, and he was obviously nervous.

"Okay, let's wait for the follow-up orders for the rest."

Zhao Feng waved his hand and asked Zhao Bugao and Deng Weixian to leave first.

The father and son bowed, not forgetting Li Xuan, and then dared to exit the courtyard.

Manager Shang just watched silently from the beginning to the end and did not interfere with Zhao Feng's arrangements.

In front of outsiders, Manager Shang would always save enough face for his adopted son. After all, Zhao Feng was now the nominal manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Seeing that Zhao Feng simply sent Zhao Bugao and Deng Weixian away, Li Xuan couldn't help asking:

"Is this okay?"

"Don't you need to tell them anything else?"

Zhao Feng's arrangement was much simpler than Li Xuan's expectation.

Zhao Feng smiled slightly and then replied: "The more complicated the arrangement, the more likely it is to make mistakes. This is good for now."

"Axuan, I know what you are worried about, but don't worry."

"My unscrupulous adopted son has made it clear before that his contact information with the Desert is under my control. There is no need for him to worry."

"It's the other hidden rats that we need to be careful about."

Zhao Feng looked at the secret letter in his hand with a cold look in his eyes.

The arrival time of the Desert Envoy and the day when Wang Suyue was about to go to bed were very close.

But the sleeping arrangements for the concubines were decided a month ago.

Unless something unexpected happens, sleeping arrangements will not be changed.

Judging from the secret letter written by the Desert Mission to Zhao Bugao, Wang Suyue's bedtime date has long been known to them.

Now this unhurried arrangement shows their confidence.

From this point of view, among the few eunuchs who can influence the sleeping arrangements, there must be people who have connections with Da Mo.

Zhao Feng also didn't expect that besides his adopted son, there were other people in the palace who would follow suit.

It is an intolerable fault for a great eunuch to betray the royal family, let alone a traitor to the country.

Every great eunuch is deeply favored by the emperor, which is why he is what he is today.

But now I just don’t think about repayment, and I am still trying to sell the goods for glory.

Naturally, the two stewards could not tolerate such a great eunuch.

Seeing that Zhao Fengdu had made arrangements, Li Xuan didn't worry about it.

"I have some experience catching mice, do you need my help?"

Li Xuan is still very interested in this kind of thing.

He has been busy lately, and he hasn't listened to other people's opinions in the palace for a long time.

"Haha, Ah Xuan is a cat after all. It seems that he is very interested in catching mice."

Manager Shang joked, and Zhao Feng also laughed.

"Axuan, don't worry about this in advance, let me make some arrangements."

"If you feel up to it tonight, why don't you go see the Desert Mission for me?"

Li Xuan thought for a while and felt that the night was fine anyway, so he agreed to Zhao Feng's request.

The moon is high in the sky and the night is cold, with clear light and bright shadows.

The late autumn night was already very cold.

Li Xuan followed the map drawn by Zhao Feng and found the Sifang Pavilion not far from the West Market.

Sifang Pavilion is an exclusive post house specially designed for foreign envoys to live in. It occupies a large area.

The Sifang Pavilion is also distinguished by the name of the country. For example, the Desert Mission currently lives in the Desert Pavilion of the Sifang Pavilion.

Li Xuan searched around and found the place quickly.

The other museums are all deserted, but this one is the liveliest.

Li Xuan came over and saw that it was the Desert Pavilion.

In front of the gate of the Desert Pavilion, there is a team of distinctive prairie warriors on duty.

There were bursts of lively singing and dancing inside, which was obviously a banquet.

"The mood is pretty good."

Li Xuan smiled slightly and climbed over the wall directly. None of the prairie warriors outside the door noticed that a kitten broke in.

Li Xuan entered the Desert Pavilion and found that there were quite a lot of people there.

In addition to the desert envoys wearing exotic costumes, he found that there were also many invited Daxing people here.

Although these invited guests were all wearing regular clothes, they were all wearing gold and jade and had a graceful temperament. They were obviously not ordinary people.

"Are these officials from Daxing?"

"Didn't you say that the relationship between the two countries is not good?"

"How dare these people have fun so blatantly with people in the desert?"

Li Xuan's small brows furrowed deeply.

He thought about it and thought that he might be an official who specially entertained the desert envoys, but he didn't think much about it.

Li Xuan wandered among the eaves and grass, hiding in the dark shadows, observing the people attending the banquet.

Before coming, Zhao Feng only drew a map for Li Xuan to come to the Sifang Pavilion. He didn't mention anything else at all. He didn't tell him what information he wanted to find out or who to pay attention to.

In this case, Li Xuan could only use his subjective initiative to get whatever information he wanted.

Now, what Li Xuan is most curious about is who is the real leader of the desert mission this time.

Since we are here to play tricks, there must be someone who knows the most.

After all, this person knew the existence of Zhao Bugao and other secret agents in the palace, and had the most intelligence value.

Li Xuan walked around the banquet a few times and found a group of people worth paying attention to.

Compared to the lively banquet with singing and dancing outside in the courtyard, there was an intimate banquet in an inconspicuous small room in the Desert Pavilion.

There were only four people in the room, and except for one, they were all dressed in foreign clothes. They were all obviously members of the Desert Mission.

After Li Xuan found this group of suspicious people, he went up to the roof and opened a hole, then overlooked the situation in the room.

Now that he has the yin and yang true energy, he can do these things really silently, and his concealment is much improved compared to before.

"Not to mention, I'm really suitable for this job."

Li Xuan is also proud of himself.

And the peeking and eavesdropping stuff is really exciting.

"Master Wang, your honor today has really given us hope for peace between the two countries."

"Come, I'll give you a drink, Mr. Wang."

"I wish our two countries can live together peacefully as soon as possible."

At the main seat, an elegant-looking middle-aged man wearing a woolen robe and a beard braided into several strands toasted.

This person's appearance and clothing reveal the alien characteristics of the desert, but his every move is as elegant and generous as a Daxing noble.

The man from Daxing, who was called Mr. Wang, laughed out loud and picked up his wine glass and said:

"This time Da Mo is full of sincerity, and with a wise man like Lord Bileg leading the envoy, His Majesty will definitely not care about some conflicts on the border between the two countries."

"This peace talk will definitely achieve a good result."

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