Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 16 Open the door! The Ministry of Internal Affairs sends warmth!

Shang Wenfu sighed in his heart and felt pity for the little palace maid in front of him.

"Alas, this child also has a hard life. He was relegated to the cold palace at a young age. Even this smile is full of bitterness. I think he has endured a lot of hardships."

Although the old man has stayed in this palace all his life and is used to the warmth and coldness of the world, as he gets older, he can't help but feel a little more compassionate.

Yu'er suppressed her inner uneasiness and saluted respectfully.

The seemingly amiable old man in front of him is actually a big shot in the palace.

Shang Wenfu is currently the eunuch in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but everyone in the palace respects him as Chief Shang.

The general manager here is not a specific position, it is just a title.

Shang Wenfu is one of the most senior elders in the palace. He has served three generations of emperors, which shows how deeply trusted he is by the royal family.

When his reputation was at its peak, his status in this palace could be said to be lower than that of one person and higher than that of ten thousand people.

A few years ago, due to his old age, he retired quickly and took up a casual position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, helping with inventory and inventory reconciliation work.

These tasks are neither difficult nor easy.

Shang Wenfu did it with ease.

After all, in this harem, they are like ancestors.

Nowadays, many eunuchs in power in the palace are all his descendants. Who dares not to give him face when doing things.

His reputation as a young man, coupled with his many attempts to scare others after serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, naturally made him a person respected and feared by everyone in the palace.

"Yu'er has met Mr. Shang."

Yu'er's voice was trembling, and she thought anxiously: "Could that money be..."

Thinking of this, she was scared to tears, but she still managed to hold on and asked, "I wonder what Mr. Shang's orders are?"

"Haha, Miss Yu'er, there's no need to be so nervous."

Manager Shang is very knowledgeable and has met many juniors who were so nervous when they saw him, so he didn't pay too much attention to it.

"There are just some things that I need to confirm with Miss Yu'er. I hope you can answer my questions truthfully."

Hearing this, Yu'er's heart skipped a beat, and a thin layer of cold sweat instantly covered her fair and smooth forehead.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"The money I picked up cannot possibly belong to Mr. Shang. He has a high status. Why bother to play with me, a little palace maid?"

"Don't panic, don't get yourself into trouble, it's not too late to test your feelings first and then confess."

Even though she thought so, Yu'er clenched her pink fists tightly and looked at the ground under her feet. She had already found the best angle to kneel down, so as to ensure that she would kneel quickly and steadily later.


Manager Shang looked at the face of the little palace lady in front of him, whose expression was uncertain, green and red, changing unpredictably, and its excitement was comparable to Chuan Nan's face-changing skills.

"Why are you so confused?"

Manager Rao Shishang was well-informed and couldn't understand why Yu'er was so panicked.

Looking at the way her pupils were trembling, I was afraid that she wouldn't be able to hold on for long before she fainted from fear.

"This poor girl..."

"Am I that scary?"

"It's better to finish the business as soon as possible and go back early."


After a long time, Manager Shang waited for Yu'er's response.

"Excuse me, Mr. Shang."

Listening to the hollow and slightly out of tune tone, Manager Shang pretended not to notice, and asked with a natural expression: "Has Jingyang Palace encountered any problems with money and food recently?"

Hearing this more straightforward question, Yu'er's vision immediately went dark, her knees weakened, and the words of mercy came to her lips, but only Aba Aba was left.

Seeing that something was wrong with her, Manager Shang immediately stretched out his hand to steady Yu'er's figure, and then quietly touched her wrist with one hand.

"The pulse is weak, the face is pale, and the whole body is weak..."

"How could she be so weak?"

Manager Shang felt a little strange, so he helped her sit down and rest against the door.

"Miss Yu'er seems to be ill. It's better to rest for a while."

"In this case, I don't have many questions. Miss Yu'er can just nod or shake her head to answer the question."

Yu'er nodded feebly, with an expression of despair.

At this time, she felt that a vortex had appeared in her body, which was constantly sucking away the power from her body, making her whole body weak, and her tongue became unruly and kept tying knots.

To put it simply, Yu'er herself was scared to death.

She was having random thoughts, and with the help of Manager Shang in front of her, wasn't it just making matters worse?

Manager Shang naturally couldn't understand Yu'er's thoughts, but seeing that she was in a bad state, he asked concise questions.

"To answer my question first, has Jingyang Palace encountered any money or food problems recently?"

In response, Yu'er shook her head in confusion, and made a final struggle under the instinctive desire to survive.

Manager Shang's eyes flashed, but his face showed no emotion, and he continued to ask questions in a calm tone.

"Did two eunuchs from the Ministry of Internal Affairs deduct your monthly salary a few days ago?"

Hearing this question, Yu'er was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt energetic again.

Seeing Yu'er stunned, Mr. Shang understood clearly.

"As expected!"

"I'm from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. She was afraid of getting into trouble, so she wanted to hide it. The big thing turned into a small one."

"My body is so weak, I'm afraid I haven't eaten enough for many days."

Manager Shang sighed secretly and asked no more questions.

I saw him waving to his side, and a eunuch in floral clothes appeared out of thin air and respectfully handed over an embroidered bundle.

"Those two eunuchs pretended to be the Ministry of Internal Affairs and secretly withheld money and food from Jingyang Palace. I have dealt with them."

"Here are the money and food that were withheld from Jingyang Palace, as well as some compensation."

Manager Shang handed the baggage to Yu'er, but was surprised to find that the little palace maid who was weak just now struggled to get up again!

"Manager Shang, is this true?"

Yu'er stood up like a miracle and asked excitedly.

"Of course it's true. The Ministry of Internal Affairs will not deduct monthly payments for no reason. If you encounter something similar in the future, you can come to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to find me. I'm just asking for the reason. Who can make things difficult for you?"

Manager Shang's words were firm, and he obviously made a small promise secretly.

He has gone through ups and downs in the palace, how could he not understand the coldness of human nature in it.

In his opinion, Jingyang Palace was bullied to such an extent that he did not dare to say a word, which showed how much bullying he suffered in daily life.

Especially this little palace maid, who is so timid and afraid of getting into trouble, has obviously had a lot of bad memories.

As people get older, they think more.

Obviously Mr. Shang is a typical example.

Yu'er suddenly experienced the ups and downs of life, and was still a little dazed.

In less than one stick of incense, she felt as unreal as a dream.

But holding the embroidered bundle in her hand, she could vaguely feel the touch of silver and brown rice.

The portion is much larger than the previous monthly meal, which is probably what Mr. Shang mentioned as compensation.

"Mr. Shang didn't come here to plead guilty, but came to bring warmth?"

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