"Ah Xuan, do you think Sister Yu'er has been acting strange lately?"

In Jingyang Palace, Princess Ankang was basking in the sun with her pet, but her eyes were fixed on Yu'er not far away, and her little face was full of worry.

At this time, Yu'er was sitting on a stone bench not far away, staring blankly at the sky, with a trance.

When Li Xuan heard Princess Ankang's question, he didn't say anything, but buried his head silently again, trying hard to hold back his laughter.

Several strange things did happen to Yu'er in the past two days.

First, her luck became exceptionally good, and she could pick up silver almost every day.

At first it was in the yard, then in front of her door, and finally even in her own purse.

The silver in the purse seemed to give birth to babies, one gave birth to two, two gave birth to three...

making the purse become thicker and thicker without her noticing.

If the purse hadn't become more and more uncomfortable, Yu'er would have almost not noticed it.

What's even more weird is that Yu'er found that it was not just the silver in the purse that could give birth to babies in Jingyang Palace.

No matter how she used water, there were always three basins of clear water quietly placed next to the well.

Sometimes she would just finish using water and look at the empty basin in her hand, and would always fall into long contemplation.

Not only that, it hadn't rained these days, but the water tank was full of water.

The rice tank in the kitchen had been empty a few days ago, but it was still empty at the beginning no matter how much it was eaten.

The bottom of the rice tank was exposed to the sight, but the sparse rice grains on the edge were enough for them to eat for two or three days.

Yu'er wanted to pour the prepared new rice into the rice tank after eating, but she waited until today.

If she hadn't had the concept of quantum mechanics, I'm afraid she would have determined it to be a quantum rice tank by now.

At first, Yu'er could convince herself that this was the blessing of Empress Xiao.

But now, she couldn't help but fall into doubt.

"Has the Empress become an immortal?"

"This is too effective!"

Although Yu'er knew that things were starting to go wrong, she couldn't think of a reasonable explanation.

There are only three of them in Jingyang Palace all day long, and they are all so poor.

Who lost the money?

Could it be that someone took pity on us and helped us secretly?

But this explanation is even more unreliable than the appearance of Concubine Xiao.

For so many years, has anyone ever helped Jingyang Palace?

And even if they wanted to, who would dare to risk offending that noble?

Thinking about these questions all the time has made Yu'er a little absent-minded recently.

Sometimes, just when she was about to work, she found that the work had been done long ago.

Her memory was getting worse day by day, and she had no impression of the work she had just done.

Not only that, Yu'er found that she was getting more and more efficient at work now, and she was getting bored every day when she was idle in Jingyang Palace.

Yu'er sighed and turned around to see Princess Ankang looking at her with a worried look on her face.

She stood up with a bang and asked expectantly, "Your Highness, do you have any instructions?"

Princess Ankang didn't say anything, but waved at Yu'er.

Yu'er walked closer, and Princess Ankang put her hand on her forehead.

"You don't have a fever either."

Princess Ankang muttered, and then asked, "Sister Yu'er, are you feeling uncomfortable recently? You always look absent-minded."

"Ah... No, no, Your Highness is worried."

Yu'er turned her eyes away with a guilty conscience and said casually.

She didn't understand this matter, so she shouldn't say it casually.

And if she mentioned Concubine Xiao, I'm afraid Princess Ankang would be sad too.

Yu'er had many concerns, so she didn't tell Princess Ankang about the strange things that happened recently.

Princess Ankang saw that she didn't want to say it, so she didn't force her.

"Well, sister Yu'er, take care of yourself. Don't take on any troubles alone."

"Although Ankang is weak, he is willing to share sister Yu'er's worries."

"Your Highness..."

Yu'er couldn't help but be deeply moved. For so many years, Her Highness has never treated her as a servant, always calling her sister, sister.

Looking at the well-behaved and sensible sister in front of her, Yu'er couldn't help but take a deep breath, cheered up and smiled and replied: "Your Highness, don't worry, it's just a little thing. If Yu'er is embarrassed, I will definitely ask you for help."

Having masters like Concubine Xiao and Princess Ankang, Yu'er felt that her life was worth it.

After chatting with Princess Ankang for a few more words, Yu'er felt much more relaxed.

"Your Highness, you take a rest first, I'll go prepare lunch."

Yu'er's face swept away the previous melancholy, and she was full of smiles, looking much better.

But when she walked to the kitchen door, her feet made a bang, and something hit her.

The familiar feeling of the feet made Yu'er too lazy to think too much. She picked up a piece of silver from the ground and threw it into her purse.

"It's a blessing, not a disaster. If it's a disaster, you can't avoid it."

"Princess Xiao, please bless me, it won't be a disaster."

Yu'er has also let it go and no longer worries about things that haven't happened yet.

But just when her mentality changed slightly, there was a knock on the door outside Jingyang Palace.

The sudden knock on the door scared Yu'er. She subconsciously covered her purse with both hands. Her big eyes were full of panic, like a kitten who was caught stealing fish.

Except for the eunuchs who come every month to deliver monthly rituals, there have been no visitors to Jingyang Palace for 800 years.

It was just a few days ago that I was made difficult to withhold my monthly payment. Why did someone knock on the door again today?

Yu'er clutched her bulging purse, subconsciously feeling guilty.

The knock on the door was still ringing, so she quickly took out her purse and hid it in a drawer in the kitchen that had not been used for a long time.

Then she straightened up her appearance, took two deep breaths, and walked towards the door.

"I picked up the money, I didn't steal it."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..."

Yu'er walked towards the door, thinking non-stop all the way, constantly strengthening her psychological hints to make herself appear more magnanimous.

The knocking on the door was slow and slow. It rang three times, then paused for a long time, and then rang three more times.

Although Yu'er lingered for a long time, the unhurried knock on the door showed that the other party was very polite.

The door seemed particularly heavy today, and it took a lot of effort for Yu'er to open it.

Yu'er had a cold face and was about to say, "Who is coming?"

But when she saw clearly who was knocking on the door, her mind immediately went blank, her legs went weak, and she almost fell to her knees.

"Are you Yu'er?"

A crisp voice sounded slowly, with a soft tone.

But Yu'er felt like she had fallen into an ice cellar, and she wanted to die.

"Isn't it just a matter of picking up a few taels of silver?"

"As for it?"

"I'm tired, so I'd better just admit it and save myself from suffering..."

In the flash of lightning, Yu'er's thoughts turned over and over again, and finally she struggled to squeeze out a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Shang, Manager Shang, why are you here?"

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