Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 394: Forbearance and slave trade

Gus grabbed Kenjiro and looked around cautiously, and said, "Dude ~ don't you know where to look?"

Kenjiro didn't say a word, but clenched his fists. The kind of anger that included killing made Gus couldn't help but cling to his heart, and Kenjiro also showed his attitude with body language. This time he was really angry.

Gus did not let go but instead firmly grasped Kenjiro's word by sentence: "I don't think you are the kind of person who will lose reason because of anger. Look carefully around. There are guards everywhere. From us At least 30 people have been witnessed since they first came in. "

As Gus said, in this huge indoor slave market, there are no less than 30 private soldiers of the Zugden family alone. Obviously, in order to prevent slave riots, the defense in such areas is the strictest. Indoors The design of the building has also been fully considered. Gates have been set at the main crossings. Whether it is an external riot or an internal riot, this huge building can be transformed into a solid fortress.

"┉┉┉┉" Kenjiro remained silent.

"Even if you kill those scum, even if you can rescue those children, but can you use one person to destroy hundreds of guards here? Don't forget, there are several sentry cards outside and the wall must be at least thirty It's a meter high, with hundreds of archers and guards spread over it, and the garrison of the entire city will quickly come to reinforcements in the event of an accident. In addition, it is still a city full of mercenaries. The number of troops that can fight is at least 100,000 the above!"

As a fighter who has been in the battlefield and mercenary circles for many years, Gus quickly analyzed the current situation for Kenjiro: "I have already been able to defend the city, even if it is an army several times more than the city's defenders. It's also hard to capture here. Do you want to capture the city alone? "

In the world of "Legend of Sword Wind", Gus, as the charge leader of the Eagle Group, achieved a brilliant record of one hundred people, and then was burned by the sacrifice after being burned in the battle with the apostles of the hand of God. Practice, Gus' combat effectiveness has far surpassed ordinary humans, even if faced with a small corps Gus has the confidence to defeat the opponent. But for a large army with nearly 100,000 people, even with the help of Berserker's armor, it is impossible.

In the world of the original "Hokuto", Kenjiro is completely okay when confronted with those with "Moxigan" hairstyles. In the plot behind the story, Kenjiro's brother Leopard-Sanluo of Shura Will one! The leopard who practiced Beidou Liuquan could forcibly support his body even when injured, and destroyed hundreds of Shura fighters who came to attack him. One hundred opponents may be okay for Kenjiro, but Kenjiro also understands that even if the Beidou Shenquan is so mysterious, it is impossible to destroy the entire city's defenders by one person. Moreover, this is a strange world full of strange powers. When fighting the barbarian twin brothers once, the opponent used the powerful physical strength to get rid of the deadly point in point boxing.

Maybe the only thing that can truly crush the resistance of all worldly forces is to surpass the worldly existence. For example, Yalin, the immovable White Dragon King who was sealed in the Yanod Mountains!

"I see, sorry!"

Yoshihisa Kenjiro finally relaxed his clenched fist, and Gus finally let out a sigh of relief: "Don't blame yourself man ~ look at those two girls."

The twin girls who have taken off their clothes and completely exposed their bodies to the air, are naked in the large court. Their beautiful faces are completely free of the reserved and shy women should have. Instead, the two girls are squinting forward. Guests show every part of their body. Apparently, under the training of slave traders, the twin girls' hearts have long been burned with the trace of 'slavery'.

"See it ~" Gus shrugged helplessly: "You may rescue them but they will not appreciate it. Even if you save one or two slaves, you cannot save all of them unless you can save them. ┉ "

"I just want to completely break and change this system." Kenjiro suddenly said quietly.

It was said that Kenjiro waved his hand and followed Luluxiu's figure, apparently because of the pause, the two had distanced themselves from Luluxiu. As a guide, Angelia stared at the two people intriguingly, and did not seem to understand why the two guards suddenly drove away the master, regardless of running to see the two twin slaves. Lu Luxiu watched Kenjiro and Gus coming in meaningfully. The belly-prince prince who knew about the characters of Kenjiro and Gus naturally understood the reason why Kenjiro stopped. Galia's guess was interested in receiving two twin slave women.

Fortunately, the latter Kenjiro was more restrained and did not appear too aggressive. Angelia led Lelouch and Elisa into the VIP room. The vice president of the Zogeton Chamber of Commerce personally met Lelouch, the middle-aged man in his fifties who had a big belly. Although somewhat obese, it seemed very amiable and safe, which was an extremely ironic contrast to his slave merchant identity.

Lu Luxiu also rarely talked to the other party and just wanted to leave the business as soon as possible. On the recommendation of the vice chairman, Lu Luxiu paid the deposit quickly and bought more than 200 slaves as basic labors. Taking into account the urgent need for employment, these slaves are all healthy slaves who have been adjusted. They do not have any diseases, and do not want those who are sick outside the slave market and look like they will fall down.

Just in terms of price, Alisa frowned. Although these slaves are of good physique, the price given by the other party has more than doubled the market price. As a businessman, Alisa does not like to suffer even if it is now The same is true for working for others. Under the enquiry of Alisa, the vice president revealed the reason. Recently, many chambers of commerce in the Free City that seem to have been headed by the Blackstone Circle Chamber of Commerce are buying slaves in large quantities. The number of transactions has reached about 40,000 to 50,000. Because of this, many slave merchants have made serious profits while also experiencing a serious shortage of goods. And then the price of slaves also went up.

"I'm sorry that Mr. Luluxiu is like this. I can guarantee that the price given to you is already the most tempting. You promise that you will never find a second person to give this price."

The vice president said sincerely. Although I did n’t know how many customers I used to say this, but today I did give the best price as described in the discourse. The reason is also very simple. A young man with a mysterious identity and a powerful force is very interested, so he deliberately urged to draw the other party appropriately.

Upon hearing the Black Rock Circle Chamber of Commerce Lu Luxiu's eyebrows inadvertently raised, and then motioned to Alissa to step down. Of course, Alisa didn't know the hidden feelings, but she didn't dare to ask Lelouch directly and had to step back. When Lu Luxiu offered to buy a slave to serve as a maid, the friendly-looking vice president instantly revealed an obscene smile, and then clapped his hands as more than a dozen girls in **** costumes rushed in from outside the room.

I am afraid that these young girls are only eleven or twelve years old, and they are in their early twenties. Everyone is wearing a thin veil, and they can be seen from under the translucent veil. The beautiful appearance, coupled with the naked-exposed large amount of skin supporting the **** figure of the dress, this half-covered pipa dress is inadvertently intriguing to them.

I have to say that these girls can be described as a man's desire. It was only when Lu Luxiu suddenly noticed a girl who was similar in age and appearance to Nana Li, a glimmer of haze appeared in the eyes of the black prince.

The vice president laughed and told Lu Luxiu that he could choose at will, and said that if Lu Luxiu did not like it, he could go to a special place to see more top-quality goods.

Alyssa frowned suddenly, watching the vice chairman's disgusting appearance was thinking with her knees on her knees, she knew where he would take Lelouch.

Lu Luxiu naturally understood what was going on, and the invitation to the vice chairman was simply given the time to quit. The vice chairman reported a very regretful look. After finalizing all the purchase contracts, the vice chairman gave a large number of 20 slaves to Lelouch. At the same time, he received a copy from the left. Invitation from the Girtons.

"This is the forthcoming banquet for the Chamber of Commerce. I hope Mr. Luluxiu can attend."

"Thank you for your kind invitation to the Zugarten family. I will try to make time for the feast."

After accepting the invitation letter, Lelouch and his party finally left this depressing market. On the way back, Lelouch was very rare and did not talk to Alisa about the Chamber of Commerce. He rested on the sofa, and did not dare to ask any more. He just started to sort out the contract just signed.

Although she didn't directly inquire about ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~, there was a faint guess in Alisa's heart. What she saw and heard in the slave market today made the mysterious teenager very disgusted.

After returning to the hotel, Lu Luxiu instantly recovered his spirit. Immediately afterwards, he began to recruit executives of the Chamber of Commerce. When he was going to have a lunch in the restaurant, Lu Luxiu found that Crystal Dragon Buani had no idea where to go. She also told her not to run around. Fortunately, Lu Luxiu, who has been reborn as a black dragon, is much more powerful than before. After a little perception, it was found that Buani was actually in the open-air garden on the fourth floor of the hotel, and there seemed to be several people She is together.

After ordering Alisa a little, Lulu went straight to the indoor garden on the fourth floor, and found that Buani was sitting by the pool in the garden, and there were several men dressed as noble masters around Buani What are you talking about.

When Lu Luxiu was found, the originally boring Buyani playing with water immediately came to the spirit, no matter how many men around him trot to Lu Luxiu with their skirt angles. The men who were left behind also focused their puzzled eyes on Lelouch with Bujani. (To be continued)


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