Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 393: Trivia (below)

"Welcome your visit to His Excellency Lelouch, I am Angelia, the head of this market."

The first person to come to Lu Luxiu was a woman with a short shoulder-length hair and a well-dressed body. She had an exquisite figure, no matter the manner or manner.

When Angelia took the lead in greetings, the other guides had to stop abruptly. Lulu Xiu, who is good at watching and watching, noticed some problems. Several people behind Angelia seemed to be the heads of the market, but from the current situation, they are obviously not the same way. At least two people did not use smiles. Perfectly conceal her hostility towards Angelia.

Alisa then whispered quietly in Lelouch's ears that 60% of the transactions in the slave market of the free city were completely monopolized by the big businessman Phillips, and the remaining transaction amount was scattered by some Slave merchants and small families are in charge, and several of these larger families and chambers of commerce form a second-benefit echelon under Phillips. The persons in charge should belong to these families and chambers of commerce, respectively. .

After understanding, Lu Luxiu talked with Angelia: "Hello, Miss Angelia, because time is precious, forgive me. I am forming a chamber of commerce and need a lot of porters and loaders, but also some Maid and attendant, since I'm here for the first time, please recommend it. "

In the face of Lelouch's self-talk, Angelia was useless until she found a lot of polite words prepared by her, but it was a bit easier: "Okay ~ Mr. Lelouch, I understand your needs, Please be sure to come to the club to discuss, I will let you prepare the goods you need right away. "

When Angelia said the word "goods", Kenjiro couldn't help but clenched his fists, but in the end Kenjiro kept it up, but his eyes still showed anger from time to time.

Lelouch and Alissa still ride in the carriage, and Kenjiro and Gus, who are guards, are still riding horses. Angelia was naturally fortunate enough to get on the carriage and sit opposite Lelouch. As for the other unfortunate market leaders, who can only sigh at this moment, they have to give up the opportunity to contact Lelouch. Before entering the slave market, they also passed several heavily guarded sentry cards. Through observation of Lelouch, it was found to be a city in the city, with gates made entirely of steel, taller walls than other urban areas, and more guards.

However, on the road, Lelouch saw the darkness and horror of the slave system in the history of human world. In this city, it seems like a huge livestock market, with many fences and platforms on both sides of the road. It's just that the animals shown above are not cattle and sheep, but humans who are as alive as themselves. Of course Lelouch knows that he is no longer human.

It can be imagined that when only the imaginary dark picture appeared in front of the eyes, even the belly-black prince who always kept a calm and confident attitude on weekdays could not help moving.

All the slaves were almost naked-body. The only cover on them was probably a rope tied to their waist rods. Human slaves were almost all males. They were shaved and skinny, as if a gust of wind could They fell to the ground. Most of the guests who were outside the cage were people dressed as chamber attendants and housekeepers.

When Angelia saw that Lelouch seemed interested in the slave booth outside, she explained quickly and responsibly. These seemingly sick slaves were all "cheap goods", if they had some skills. The slaves, such as chefs, blacksmiths, musicians, etc., will be in the inner market. Of course, these slaves will be lucky to get some extra water and food. The relative mental outlook will be much better.

Luluxiu listened intently to Angelia's explanation, not because the content of Angelia's explanation was important, but Luluxiu wanted to block out the wailing and leather whip from time to time outside the carriage.

After looking at Alisa, she turned her head in a hurry and didn't want to look at it any more. After all, these male slaves were basically naked-they only tied a rope around their waist. For the noble lady, this kind of picture is really too exciting.

Ran Angelia didn't plan to recommend this bargain for Lu Luxiu. When she learned that Lu Luxiu, the gold lord who caused a lot of sensation in the free city, came, Angelia's top had already been lowered. Then try to choose some good goods to attract this precious but mysterious noble man. After leading the way after another checkpoint. The road suddenly widened and the air also lost a odor from time to time in the market.

The booths in this new area were obviously cleaned and cleaned, and some of the slaves standing on it were much better than those skinny witches before. In addition to the human beings, the slaves imprisoned in fences and cages included some dwarfs and orcs, and even some strange humanoid species. Luluxiu looked at the book when he was in Ulduar. Have been to these creatures, goblins, orcs, and lizardmen. Obviously, this is a high-end consumer area in the slave market. From time to time, you can see some young female slaves tied to everything, and most of the customers you choose are some well-dressed rich people.

Kenjiro buried his head and tried not to look at the picture in front of him. When the women's low sobbing sounds and the slave merchant's scolding sounds were remembered as they passed by a booth, Kenjiro's hand holding the reins had begun to crack.

Fortunately, Angelia was not prepared to stop everyone here, and after driving a little further, in front of a huge building, Angelia finally signaled that Lelouch had arrived at his destination, Elisa. When he saw the emblem on the building, he whispered and whispered to Luluxiu which Chamber of Commerce of the Zugden family.

Angelia smiled and fulfilled her duty as a guide. After Lu Luxiu stepped out of the carriage, he immediately caught the attention of some businessmen and businessmen, as if watching the idol star, many people watched Lu Luxiu whispered, apparently this situation was due to the previous day. 1.5 billion lynn deal.

When Gus and Kenjiro were dismounted, they also exclaimed. Looking at the two handsome muscular men, many ladies dressed as ladies used fans to half-face their comments, and some of them were more open women. He even pointed directly at the friends to the lower body of the two friends, and then he seemed to endlessly find interesting topics.

After leading Lelouch into this huge building, Angelia immediately ushered in several attendants who took the horses to rest attentively. After entering this huge building, Lelouch found that it was simply a huge building. According to the layout of the indoor slave trading market, Lu Luxiu feels like a department store in his previous world, except that everything sold here is a living human being.

In many windows, slaves dressed in various costumes were male and female. The standard card on the side of Shanghai showed the basic information and prices of these slaves. Lu Luxiu walked to a window and looked at him. Inside was a little boy looking fourteen or five years old. He was very handsome and looked quite sunny. His name card introduced him to show that he was a semi-elf and good at violin playing.

Lu Luxiu looked up and looked at this child who was not much younger than himself. However, the boy politely saluted Lu Luxiu with a bright smile. The look did not seem to feel that he was being treated as a person. A humiliating sale of goods. Angelia explained in a timely manner that such mixed-race children will be identified after birth, and talented people will be sent to special colleges for training, where they will learn a variety of knowledge, cultivate temperament and etiquette. In terms of manners, they are not inferior to the nobles. Of course, their consciousness will be thoroughly instilled in the obedience to their masters during the cultivation process.

Shaking his head, Lu Luxiu left straight, this place is full of strange feelings that make people feel depressed. In the eyes of Lu Luxiu, although the slaves displayed here are full of clothes and blood, their souls have already decayed. The longing for freedom, resistance to slavery, and even the lamentation of their own destiny have been completely dissipated from the soul, and the rest is just an empty body with a human appearance.

"Miss Angelia, my time is precious. I don't have time to visit here slowly today."

"Sorry ~ Mr. Lu Luxiu, please here! I'll take you to the VIP room right away."

Angelia quickly speeded up her steps and saved her time to understand. At this moment, a prisoner car drove up from the special aisle on the side. The moment when Kenjiro passed by the pedestrian, his eyes became sharper, and the wind was blown by the wind. Kenjiro in black canvas saw people detained inside ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ It was actually full of children who were probably not even ten years old. The faces that were full of childishness but filled with fear let Kenjiro was so angry that he couldn't stop his muscles.

Do these people who don't even let children go have a little humanity?

Kojima Kenjiro only felt that the gentlemen and ladies in gorgeous costumes in the market introduced the servants and merchants of 'goods', all of whom were just a group of demons in human skins!

When he noticed that a slave businessman yelled at a pair of beautiful twin girls and ordered them to admire a big-bellied master, Kenjiro finally couldn't help it. He had to see if the red blood was flowing in these people Still rancid venom.

When Kenjiro, full of murderous intentions, just turned around and walked to the side, suddenly a big hand grabbed Kenjiro's arm tightly.

"Hey ~ Do you want to kill everyone?" Gus, who seized Kenjiro, whispered subtly. (To be continued ...)


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