"Therefore, the boys should share the points equally. Kito, Hashimoto, Katsuragi and I will form a four-person team, and I will be the leader."

Choose a few people with strong personal abilities to form a team, so that whether it is to resist the pressure from Nanyun or Horikita Manabu. Or simply form a large team with them to win the first place, it will be easy.

"So, what should other groups do? If it is distributed like this, other groups may have some problems."

As expected of Katsuragi, his concern for the class is not just about points or rankings. More importantly, he has always been concerned about the feelings and situations of his classmates.

And Yingyi naturally has his own ideas:"Since our group has been decided, let's just unite with students with excellent personal abilities from other first-year classes and strive to win the first place with a more perfect attitude. Then select a student to be the leader of another group. If the group is at the bottom, the 200 class points will have to be borne by everyone, but I can be responsible for the penalty of individual points."

Compared to doubling the reward, the penalty after an obvious failure is even greater, so neither the embarrassing B class nor the inability to pay the price in the D class will take the initiative to be the person in charge.

The advantage of doing this is that in the six groups, they can take the initiative to take two hot potatoes in order to gain the so-called greater voice.

And Yingyi's group is obviously aiming for the first place, so they can combine students with strong personal abilities such as Kanzaki, Shibata, and Ryuen together. They will not suffer a loss if they get the first place, and they will not lose anything if they don't get the first place.

Katsuragi nodded, he didn't insist on anyone to bear the losses after the possible loss. After all, the loss may be due to internal problems of the group, but it also shows that the personal ability is still insufficient. What he wants to ask is just an arrangement.

Let another classmate be the person in charge to shut up those who don't want to cooperate. Since Since Class A has made sacrifices, they also need to make concessions.

No one else asked any more questions. After all, they didn't have to bear the huge personal point penalty if they lost. Although this might not be fair to Yingyi, 5 million might be just a drizzle for him.

Soon, 12 buses stopped at the open square of the forest school.

The fresh air from nature instantly enveloped the people who got off the bus. After taking a few deep breaths, they heard that each grade lined up separately, which meant that they were going to be divided into groups.

According to what was agreed at the beginning, the boys and girls would be separated, so the field was roughly divided into two large groups of boys and girls from each grade, a total of six groups.

Because they had experienced the harsh baptism of two full semesters, the four first-year classes also knew that they should get together at this time instead of standing there in a daze.

Kanzaki Shibata from Class B, Kaneda from Class C, and Hirata Yosuke from Class D each walked towards Yingyi with the boys behind them. Yingyi didn't say anything more and directly told him about his plan on the bus.

"So, this is the situation. We will have two leaders from Class A, and I will form a group with Katsuragi, Hashimoto, and Kito to plan for first place."

Hirata Yosuke is very supportive of this kind of thing. After all, if someone really stands up to be the leader, he will feel more at ease.

However, considering that in order to get first place, we can only assign the capable students in the class, and then the other students are better off joining another group in Class A.

"So, Ayanokouji, do you want to join this group?"

Besides Hirata, the only capable boys left are Takaharadera and Ayanokouji, and they both have some personality issues, so if they rely on themselves to find a group, it might be worrying.

Ayanokouji himself just needs a group to accept him, and if he wants to get first place, it won't do him any harm, so he nodded and answered woodenly:

"Ah, I can join. If you can accept me."

Yingyi had no reason to refuse this request. He had no intention of doing anything to Ayanokouji in this exam.


"Hahahaha, if that's the case, then I'll join this group too! Let my arrival add a sense of art to you! After all, I am so beautiful!"The only person who can say this is the beast in Class D. Since the two most troublesome people have been dealt with, it would be better for Hirata not to join, because he still has to team up with the remaining boys in Class D. After all, if he doesn't see it in person, he always feels that there may be some problems.

"If so, can Sudo be included? I think he should be able to help as he has a great advantage in physical fitness."

Yingyi readily agreed. After all, if the group reaches 15 people, it can get greater profits, and Sudo's physical fitness is indeed first-class.

After thanking him, Hirata and Yingyi turned and walked towards the other students.

Kaneda actually paid more attention to the benefits of the exam. After all, the reward for the person in charge is doubled, and the students in the same class as the person in charge can also get more benefits. However, it is obvious that he is not capable enough to be the person in charge of this group, so he can only agree.

"Then, let's have Ryuen, Ishizaki, Albert and I join our C class. Student Council President, do you think it's okay?"

To be precise, he didn't have any other choice. All the capable people in A class were here, and he also knew that Gaoyuan Temple and Ayanokouji in D class were monsters.

So if he formed another group, it would be difficult to get the first place. Although it shouldn't be the last, but if he could get the first place, he would be very happy.���We still have to work harder. Besides, it is impossible for their C class not to have a leader, and if someone else is appointed, his reputation will be ruined. If he is appointed, he is not yet prepared to sacrifice himself.

Therefore, just join a group and let the rest of the people leave it to fate.

Ryuen is still the same, and it seems that he does not intend to say much, but it is obvious that he also agrees with Kaneda's decision. From a long time ago, he gave up the idea of being promoted to Class A and then graduated through class points. After all, the basic quality gap of students lies here.

It is basically impossible for the problem children in Class C to defeat the Class A led by the masked man and the one with crutches. So what he has been planning is to find loopholes and bugs in various schools, and try to get all members to ascend through 800 million points.

And when the student union voted before, Yingyi promised to provide a good future for those who deserve it. So what he should do is to work hard to get more personal points. Now it is best to follow this guy and win easily.

The other two people naturally follow Ryuen's lead. Although the other party has announced his retirement, the eldest brother is the eldest brother for life. How can a man serve two masters?

Kanzaki's idea was even simpler. He was going to keep an eye on Ryuen, and since they were going to form such a win-win cooperation team, there was no need for him to refuse.

"Then, let me, Shibata, and the two students over there join our class."

So far, a fifteen-member team has been formed!

Similar to the first grade, the other two grades also formed teams very quickly because they had participated in the forest school before. Especially the second grade, they only need to listen to the leader of the whole grade.---Nanyun Masa's order was enough.

However, some problems arose when forming a large group.

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