Shortly after the start of the school term, the school urgently notified the students to gather at the parking lot early in the morning and take the bus to the forest school for study.

Although they got up early, the biting cold wind woke up the sleepy students. Although they were wearing a lot of warm clothes, they could not withstand the stimulation of this severe winter.

Although the girls wore thick cotton coats, they still wore short skirts and stockings on the lower body. This is probably what it means to be beautiful but freezing. By the way, although this activity was off-campus, Arisu was allowed to take the exam. The reason was that it was not good to stay in school all the time, and this time there would be a professional medical team and medical equipment on standby at any time.

Since Chairman Sakayanagi did not say anything himself, and boys and girls had to be separated, Yingyi specifically emphasized to Kamuro to pay more attention to the situation.

The buses were provided according to the class, and each class took one. The teacher sat in the front, and it seemed that he would explain the rules of the exam separately on the way.

Yingyi and Yusu sat in the middle. The distance was not far but not close either. The little princess leaned gently on her boyfriend's shoulder. This feeling always made her feel extremely safe.

"If you feel sleepy, take a nap. We still have some distance to go to our destination."

"It's okay, I just want this."


Arisu didn't want to fall asleep, and Yingyi didn't say anything more. He closed his eyes and meditated. The state of meditation is actually very strange. It mainly talks about relaxing the mind. It doesn't mean to think about something deliberately, but to really not think about it, so as to achieve the purpose of relaxation naturally through passive perception of the surrounding environment.

When the bus drove into the forest road, the occasional bumps also woke up the students who were resting. Although they complained a little, it was still class time after all.

Yingyi also returned to reality from his own world. Looking at the natural scenery around him, he thought that the forest school was about to arrive.

Mashima Tomoya picked up the loudspeaker on the bus:"Everyone wake up, I am now going to announce the rules of this special exam."

As the teacher's voice came, the students on the bus also woke up completely, shook off the sleepiness in their heads, and listened attentively.

Arisu also sat up straight at this time, but before that, she was secretly kissed by that guy, which made her roll her eyes.

"Now that everyone is awake, I will start introducing the rules."

"First, after arriving at the forest school, all the boys and girls in the grade were separated into six groups. Each group must contain at least two or more members from the class. And the number of people must be 10.----Between 15 people"

"The formation of the group must be approved by all members. If one person objects to the formation of the group, then the group cannot be formed."

"After forming a group, you need to live together for eight days and seven nights. In addition to lunch and dinner, you all need to eat together as a group."

"And the group you form needs to form another 30-person group with the second and third graders.---A large group of 45 people. Eventually, six large groups and six small groups will be formed."

"Second, regarding the assessment part. On the eighth day, the exam will be a comprehensive test on four aspects: morality, spirit, discipline, and autonomy. Considering the differences in the number of people in each group or small group, the average score is calculated and then added up to get the first to sixth place in the group."

"First place: 10,000 individual points, +3 class points. Second place: 5,000 individual points, +1 class point. Third place: 3,000 individual points. Fourth place: 5,000 individual points deducted, -1 class point. Fifth place: 10,000 individual points deducted, -2 class points. Sixth place: 20,000 individual points deducted, -3 class points."

Due to the intervention of the Student Union, some changes have been made to the punishment part.

"Moreover, the rewards will be higher according to the proportion of the number of people in the group. Generally speaking, the more classes there are in the group, the more points you can get will be doubled in proportion, and this doubling does not apply to the punishment part."

It sounds quite exciting. Try to form a group with as many other classes as possible, and then the rewards will be doubled, and if you lose, you won't lose much anyway.

"There will be penalties for the last-placed group. If the final average score is lower than the score line given by the school, the person in charge of the group will have 200 class points deducted, and 5 million personal points deducted."! Hiss~

Whether it is a direct deduction of 200 class points or 5 million personal points, this is an unimaginable amount of money.

In fact, this is the result after the student union revised it. Otherwise, according to the previous standards, it would be expulsion. If you want to save it, you need to deduct 20 million personal points. And if you don't save it, then because someone was expelled, you need to deduct 200 class points.

(Totsuka Yahiko dropped out of school by himself, so no class points were deducted.)

"So, teacher, about the person in charge?"

"The person in charge is chosen by your group. Although you will be punished for coming in last, the reward will be doubled for the students in the same class as the person in charge. And the person in charge needs to be chosen immediately after you form a group. Otherwise, if there is no person in charge after the exam officially starts, the group will lose the qualification to take the exam. And everyone in the group will be subject to the severe punishment mentioned above."

"Moreover, after the person in charge is punished, he can appeal that there is a bad apple in the group. That is, he can provide evidence that the student deliberately boycotted the exam. If it is verified, the student will also be punished."

"and....If any student is given a mandatory punishment, each student will also be subject to a one-month class supervision period.

During the class supervision period, no class points can be obtained. If a student violates school rules, he will be expelled.

After Mashima Tomoya finished speaking, he took a sip of the tea he brought with him and handed the special exam details to the students in Class A.

"......How should I put it? This person in charge sounds like a hot potato."

"That's right. Deduct 200 class points, and 5 million individual points."

Then, everyone focused their attention on Arisu. No matter what, they still had to obey the queen's orders.

"I'm afraid I can't take care of the boys' group. Let Dongfang take over. Does anyone have any objections?"

Although she was asking if anyone had any objections, everyone knew that she could ask but you couldn't listen. The queen had already decided to hand over the management of the boys' group to Yingyi, and they had no choice but to agree.

Besides, no matter whether they were boys or girls, no one would disobey Yingyi's management. In a sense, the Dongfang faction is now the largest faction in Class A, and Yingyi's personal strength has completely convinced them. Moreover, the current queen of Class A is her boyfriend, and the previous leader Katsuragi is also his good friend.

"Of course I have no objection. It would be the best news if Dongfang-san is willing to do so.

Arisu would not have felt any resistance and continued to speak out her thoughts:

"For the girls' group, I will form the core of a large group. I will be the person in charge. It will take 8 students plus me, plus 2 people from each of the three classes BCD to form the group with the greatest benefits."

According to the rules, the more people there are, the more classes they can form, and the more generous the rewards they can get. Because Arisu is the person in charge, the points that all the students in Class A can get will be doubled, so it is for the greatest benefit. The students in Class A are very smart, so they nodded. As long as they obey, they can live a relaxed and comfortable life with the boss.

"I have the same idea as the boys, but it is too difficult. First of all, this benefit requires the cooperation of other classes, and Arisu has her own channels. It is more difficult for me, so the boys' task is to get as much profit as possible without being punished."

There are two spies in Class D in the girls' group, so even if the BC disagrees, they will not fail to form a group because of non-cooperation.

But it is different for the boys. Kanzaki Ryuji, Ryuen (Kaneda), and Hirata Yosuke will not watch him get the most points.

If you can't form a group that makes them nod in time, you can only give up the benefits and reduce the proportion of people in your own class. If this is the case, it is better to show an attitude of wanting to cooperate right from the start.

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