No matter how much joy and comfort we experienced during the entire winter vacation, no matter how much warmth and happiness Christmas and New Year made people feel. The essence of High School Idolization Middle School is still that special school full of competition, and it can also be regarded as a competition arena in life. The brand new third semester is ready to go. Among the three semesters of a school year in Sakurajima, the third semester is very short, but the difference of High School Idolization is that there will never be fewer special exams in the class.

In other words, this semester is more competitive than ever, and thrilling intrigues are about to begin. I hope that the students can get tense in time from the relaxed state of the winter vacation. At eight o'clock in the morning, the opening ceremony of this semester was taking place in the first gymnasium of High School Idolization Middle School.

As the student council president, Ying Yi quickly stepped to the stage and took a deep breath:

"Gentlemen, starting today, we will usher in the third semester of this school year. In other words, seniors in the third grade, this will be the last stage of your advanced training!"

"No matter what your life plans are, no matter what ideas and preparations you have for the final joint grading, no matter if you have any unfulfilled goals in the last semester"

"I would like to advise everyone here: Don't let your life be filled with regrets. The unpleasant things in life cannot be chosen or predicted, so don't artificially add to your burden."

"First and second year students, this also applies to you. Change yourself maybe tomorrow maybe today"

"Highly educated classmates! Become the foundation of the world!!!"

Yingyi used his family motto to admonish everyone at the end.

"Oh!" There was thunderous applause from the audience. Those ambitious and idealistic students were deeply touched. Everything they did was to give back to the society, so becoming the cornerstone of the world was also their code of conduct.

"President, everyone is here."

After signing in everyone, Shiina Hiyori reported to Yingyi, who was sitting at the center of the round table.

This was the first student council meeting of the third semester. In addition to the president, only the vice president, secretary, accounting supervisor, accountant, and discipline committee chairman could attend.

By the way, Kushida Kikyo also successfully got an accounting position at the beginning of the third semester with her own abilities.

After looking around, Yingyi took out the documents he had received:

"First, since the third semester is very short, this special exam comes very early. Simply put, it is a forest school."

Forest school is a very common activity for high school students, similar to school trips and cultural festivals. The main content is that students leave their school and go to the mountains or other remote forest schools to train for a certain period of time.

This kind of training will also include daily class content, but the subjects may be different from usual.

It’s just that the forest school activities in ordinary schools are generally to enjoy the comfort of nature after studying. But High School Idolization Middle School has changed it into a part of the special exam.

The other students nodded. They all thought that this might be news about a special exam, but they didn’t expect it to be a forest school.

"The specific content of the special exam is still uncertain, but the known news is that this special exam will span three grades. But boys and girls are separated."!!!

Ichinose raised his hand in shock:"Yes...In other words, we are going to compete with seniors from two other grades?"

Ying nodded. Cross-grade competition has already been realized once in the sports festival, so it is not surprising that there will be other cross-grade special exams.

Arisu seemed a little depressed. Why is there a separation of men and women?....Could it be that my father is smuggling something in?.....

In fact, this is really unfair to Uncle Sakayanagi. In the past years, the forest dormitory has been separated for men and women.

"By the way, this special exam will split the class members into individuals, and then form a new group. The group will be combined with other grades to form an even larger group."

Everyone was silent for a while. They were weighing the pros and cons. If they split the class like this, it would be easy for very strong people to stick together and get a far ahead score.

So if each class sent out the strongest few people to form a group with other classes, they would be able to get points no matter what.

Everyone's little thoughts naturally did not escape Yingyi's eyes.

"I have another piece of bad news to remind you. The punishment conditions given by the school for this special exam include expulsion. Although the specific number of people who will be expelled and the specific rules will not be known until a while later.....Drop out?

Obviously this kind of punishment is very surprising, because there has been no exam with a penalty of expulsion since the first grade. Even the only one who dropped out, Yahiko Totsuka, did so voluntarily because he could not stay in school due to physical reasons.

"President, can we modify this punishment?"

Ichinose asked this question. In fact, she didn't want any dropouts from her class. No, she would feel sorry for any dropouts from other classes.

"Of course, so this is the next agenda of this meeting, to vote on whether to change the expulsion to deducting class points and personal points. But we can't decide the specific number."

"If you think it should be revised, please raise your hands."

Ichinose immediately raised his hand, and Kushida Kikyo also raised her hand to maintain her own character, Katsuragi, Ibuki, and Shiina also raised their hands

"Ala...���It seems that my opinion is not important. But I agree with the revision."

In fact, there are a few people in Class A who Arisu wants to expel, because they are a drag in every aspect, and they don't have an accurate position. Such people may rebel at any time. However, thinking that this school will be full of competition in the future, there is no need to waste time and energy on this special test of the big group.

"OK, since everyone has approved it, we will modify it."

Then some more details were given, and the first core meeting ended. Since all classes in the whole grade had people attending the core meeting of the Student Union, Yingyi turned a blind eye to the confidentiality.

When Shiina Hiyori quietly sent the content of the meeting to Ryuen, she only received a message saying"I'll follow your arrangements.

" Shiina also felt powerless about this situation.

She was definitely not a leader.

Perhaps the girl had an extremely sharp mind, but she did not have the kind of swift and decisive decision-making ability and action.

She could only send the original content to the temporary leader of the boys, Kaneda.

After that, she was too lazy to think about it.

She let others do the leadership and so on.

She still had to go to the library to see if there were any new novels or out-of-print classics.

In Class D, Kikyo Kushida passed the news to the decision-makers and did not publicize it. Although saying it directly may further enhance one's class status, in fact, people who can't control their mouths may talk about it everywhere, although Yingyi pretended to turn a blind eye to the leaks.

But you can't step on the student council president's face and break the law knowingly.

Hirata Yosuke seemed very happy:"Thank you, Kushida-san. At least this time we won't be so passive."

Horikita Suzune nodded and said,"According to the information you brought back, we need to split and regroup for this exam, so how to form a group that is as beneficial to us as possible is the top priority."

For Class D, there are many students with strong personal abilities, both boys and girls. But the only thing is to form a group with other classes.....Class B is fine, the two classes get along very well, and are now allies.

After Arisu became the leader, Class A also restrained their usual arrogance. They know very well that if they don't obey, they will become the last one in their mouths at any time.

But that Class C......The friction between the two classes is very serious. Although Ryuen seems to have abdicated, the others are not necessarily close to Class D.

So....She could only focus her attention on Ayanokouji, hoping that this genius could bring her inspiration like before!

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