After the food competition came to an end, the free and joyful food festival officially began. Both the school and the classmates themselves prepared a lot of desserts and snacks.

The members of the cooking club also showed their skills, and the happy time lasted until four o'clock in the afternoon, when the sky gradually became dark, and a broadcast announced the perfect end of the food festival.

However, compared to the nostalgia for food, it is obviously more exciting to look forward to the big event in the evening. The bonfire dance is more of a celebratory social activity.

Whether you pull up someone you like, or invite your good friends, or find someone who also has no dance partner to form a pair, dance slowly by the bonfire, expressing your beautiful expectations for tomorrow and the beautiful memories of the past.

Because Arisu could only sit in the rest area by the bonfire and watch the excitement, Yingyi chose to stay with his little princess attentively.

"It's okay, this kind of dance is just a social event, there's no need to accompany me all the time."

Yingyi instinctively wanted to put his hand on Arisu's head, but since Christmas, he has tried his best to control himself. When he put his hand in the air, he would always think of this, and then change it to holding the other person in his arms.

Arisu also knew that this guy almost lost control again, but it was difficult to make him completely change in this situation, so he sighed to express his helplessness.

"Sorry, I'm used to it. But I'm not interested in this kind of social activity. I'd rather stay here with you and watch the stars for next year."

Arisu tightened his layers of cotton clothes. After all, the activity would last for a long time, and his body was extremely weak. If he caught a cold, he might have a high fever.

The two of them just snuggled together, silently watching the people dancing around the bonfire.

"Horikita...Can I ask you to dance?"

"Of course, I should have been the one to invite you, Tachibana."

Tachibana Akane happily stretched out her right hand, and Horikita Manabu took it directly, and the two slowly walked to the center of the venue.

Horikita Suzune also wanted to invite her brother to dance, but since her brother was going to dance with that senior, she could only wait a little longer.

At this moment, a tall red-haired man walked over:"Suzune...Can I invite you to dance?"

Horikita Suzune frowned and said,"Sudo, I told you not to call me by my name casually. And I have no interest in dancing."

Sudo was a little angry after being rejected in public. In fact, this was not the first time he was rejected by Horikita Suzune. He also took the initiative to invite Horikita Suzune during Christmas, but the other party's reason was that it was better to study hard instead of celebrating any festival, so as not to be expelled from school in the future.

""Suzune, you are lying! I just saw you trying to invite that senior to dance!"

The relationship between the Horikita siblings is not public information. Some people with ulterior motives may make guesses based on their surnames. But Sudo didn't even remember Horikita's surname, let alone guessing. He only knew that the guy was the former student council president and had dealt with his own false accusation.

"I told you, don't call my name!"


Horikita Suzune didn't want to endure this kind of harassment any longer, so she simply walked aside. She wanted to see what Ayanokouji was doing, but that guy was always in his own small group.

That guy with a low sense of presence actually had his own companions, while Horikita Suzune herself didn't have any like-minded friends at all. She only regarded him as a companion because Ayanokouji was very capable and was her hope for promotion to Class A.

But in Ayanokouji's heart, Horikita Suzune was just a tool. At this moment, she suddenly remembered what her brother said to her about the difference between being aloof and lonely.

‘Could it be....Are friends really necessary?....It's just an obstacle. '

This guy got stuck in a dead end again.

Sudo, who was rejected, returned to the stupid trio with a dejected look on his face. Ike and Yamauchi also felt that Sudo would not succeed. After all, the difficulty of conquering Horikita Suzune might even be higher than conquering Chabashira Sae.

Anyway, they were the ones that no girl would choose, so it was a good opportunity for the three of them to huddle together for warmth.

Ayanokouji was embarrassedly dragged by Sakura to dance with her. The latter obviously couldn't keep up with Ayanokouji's highly professional pace and almost fell many times. Thanks to Ayanokouji, this shy girl basically lay in the other's arms with a blushing face.

Yukimura and Miyake are both very withdrawn. Even though they are friends, they are embarrassed to take the initiative to invite girls to dance. Fortunately, Hasebe saw their embarrassment.

"You guys....I'll dance with San San first, and then we'll dance again after we come back, Yuki?"


"If you want to dance, I don't mind....."

One is dull and the other is arrogant. Hasebe looked at the two people in front of him with amusement, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: How nice it would be if time could stop at this moment. The four first-year class teachers sat together, talking and laughing. Hoshinomiya was full and had nothing to do, so he teased his colleague again:

"Mr. Mashima, don't you want to dance?"

"Forget it."

Mashima Tomoya shook his head. It was obvious that he had no intention of participating in these activities for students.

"Hey? What does it matter?....I will dance with you, let’s go!!"

Hoshinomiya said, and was about to pull Mashima Tomoya to stand up. The latter also shook his head helplessly:

"Alright alright...I really can't do anything about you."

Like a mature and steady older brother being asked by his willful dry food girl to go out to buy chips and Coke late at night, he had no choice but to obey.

The two of them walked away, and Chabashi Sae seemed to be thinking about something, chatting with Sakagami Kazuma.

"Teacher Sakagami, that must be Ryuen, right?"

Following Chabashira Sae's line of sight, I saw a man who had changed his usual arrogant demeanor and became well-educated and well-mannered. He was now sitting at the side, reading a book with great interest.

"Ah. That day he suddenly told me that he wanted to mend his ways and become a good student. It is very gratifying for a teacher to see a student turn over a new leaf."

Sakagami Kazuma didn't know Ryuuen's specific plan, but as a professional high-level training teacher, he naturally knew what it meant to cover up.

Chabashira Sae didn't believe it either. It was obvious that Ryuuen's change was after he was taught a lesson by Ayanokouji in the activity building that day. So if he wasn't really scared by being beaten, then it was his new tactic.

Considering that Kageichi said before that violence between students might be tolerated appropriately in the next semester, Class C has the upper hand in this regard!

(Ryuuen: You're talking nonsense! Except for Class B, which didn't need to use violence at all, which of the remaining two classes can I beat?)

"However, Mr. Chabashira, the one you mentioned earlier.....The above...."

Chabashira Sae discussed the news that the chairman might be replaced with the other three class teachers, but the matter was of great importance, and it was also a basic quality for a qualified office worker not to spread gossip.

Chabashira Sae nodded:"But I don't know the specific time and who will be the candidate. I can only say that this matter may be in the next semester."

"It's a troubled time......"

"Hey? What are you guys talking about? Did you, Mr. Sakagami, bully Sae-chan?"

Hoshinomiya and Mashima also came back at this time. Looking at the two people who were in deep thought, Hoshinomiya made a joke first.

"Stop kidding, Star Palace. We were just talking about some business."

"Yes. You have heard it before, the one above....."

It didn't take much to say the whole thing, but the other two knew what was going on.

But it was useless to think about it. All they could do was obey the order. The change of the chairman might affect the content and rewards and punishments of the special exam. It mainly depends on whether the students can adapt and seize the opportunity.

Time passed by minute by minute, and soon, the New Year's bell rang.

"Happy New Year!!!!"

"Happy New Year!!!!"

The bonfire not only reflects everyone's celebration of the New Year, but also carries the harmony and beauty of this night.

"It's the New Year. Alice."

Yingyi looked at Arisu who was leaning on his arms, and found that she had closed her eyes and was breathing evenly. He kissed her forehead gently, picked her up and walked towards the dormitory. As for the bonfire here, the school staff would take care of it.

"WellSorry, I fell asleep."

Arisu was awakened by the sudden movement and found that he was being carried and moved.

"Silly girl, why didn't you tell me earlier that you were tired?"

"I think it's because your embrace was too warm, so I fell asleep. This is all your fault."

"Okay, my bad.....So go back and find your Mad Hatter, Miss Alice."

Arisu suddenly smiled sweetly:"Mad Hatter, isn't it right here?"

"The Mad Hatter���I sent you back to the dream world."

Arisu pouted:"Not romantic at all, Uncle!" But he still closed his eyes happily and returned to his dream.

In this way, the new year began with Alice's journey to Wonderland again.

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