At this time, the student union room was silent.

"You guys should say something. Ishizaki, please say something."

a long time

"I think there is no problem.....Probably."

After a long while, Ju Qian was the first to speak.

"I think it's pretty good too......After all, we have no better solution now."

"Tsk....This plan sounds very troublesome."

Arisu did not express any opinion, but just sat aside. No one knew what she was thinking at the moment.

However, a plan is still a plan after all. No one knows whether it will develop as expected. However, whether it will be adopted in the end depends on Ishizaki, the protagonist.

He gritted his teeth and fought! Anyway, being rejected was something he had expected, so what was there to be afraid of?

""Okay! I'll do it!"

Ying instantly returned to his commander's posture:

"Then I declare that the dating battle between the bad boy and the weak girl has officially started!"


With Ishizaki's condition, let alone dating the other party, even looking at him for one more time will make him explode! The difficulty of passing the level is very hard! As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning, so in Ishizaki's case, there is no beginning at all! After the combat team expressed their opinions, they finally created some possibilities for him, so in order to achieve the goal, go ahead bravely!

However....Having said that. It was easy for Ishizaki to find trouble to provoke him, and he didn't even need to make any preparations. It might be that his natural sarcasm made him have a high success rate in this regard.

But if he took the initiative to stand at the door of Class B and greet them, if this happened in Class A and Class B, he might be dead. However, if it was Class B,......

"Ishizaki? What are you doing here?"

"We don't welcome you in our class either, get out of here quickly!!"

"Don't say that, after all, Ishizaki-san is also our classmate. But, can you please stop harassing our class? Ishizaki-san."Can't you even get past Ichinose? Ishizaki wanted to use his usual arrogant tone at this moment. According to the plan, his actions this time would be suspected to be a conspiracy of his elder brother, so there was no need to be nervous.

But....But what if it leaves a bad impression?.....Although the impression was not very good to begin with.

Ryuuen and Kushida Kikyo, acting as supervisors, reported to their Bluetooth headsets:

"Report to the commander, Ishizaki...."

"Ishizaki was about to be shot down before he even found his target."

"It seems to be more difficult than expected. In this case, start plan B."

A magnetic voice came from the headset.

"That's great, but...What is plan B? Also, please don't speak in such a cool voice."

There is no time to listen to Ryuuen's complaints, we must save the situation quickly!

"Captain Ryuen, it's your turn now. Use the tone of voice you use as if you've discovered your little brother is slacking off to force him to complete the mission quickly!"

"Tsk.....What a hassle."

But having said that, Captain Ryuen still walked towards Ishizaki who was surrounded by Class B with a glorious mission. His face remained the same with a devilish smile and a swaggering attitude.

"Hey, Ishizaki, what are you doing here?"

"Longyuan Big Brother....I....."

Ishizaki is still struggling with the script. According to the plan, my brother shouldn't be here. What should I do?

Class B is more certain that Ishizaki is a vanguard sent by Ryuen, just like the little Zuanfeng patrolling the mountains.

"Ryuen, what are you going to do? The special exam is almost over."

"Ryuen-san, if you plan to mess around this time, we will never accept it obediently!"

Ryuen's evil expression became even more evil:

"Haha, I didn't expect that even Ichinose has learned to resist. But it doesn't matter, I'm just here to catch this disobedient little brother"

"dragon...Longyuan Big Brother...I...."

Ishizaki was completely shocked at this time. Judging from the expression on his brother's face, it was obvious that he had done something he shouldn't have done. Could it be that his brother didn't allow him to have a romantic relationship?Or is it because I asked the student council president for help?It won’t be a revenge after the event!

"What do you mean? Have you forgotten everything I told you yesterday?"

"I....I....I don't...."

Ishizaki didn't know what the situation was, but since his elder brother said so, he just carried out yesterday's plan.....

Then, his wavering expression became firm, and he walked straight in without paying attention to the students from Class B at the door.

Class B thought that Class C was going to sabotage, and they tried to block Ishizaki's way with their bodies. But from a physical point of view, how could Ishizaki, a bad boy, be blocked by them?

Moreover, since it was the order of the eldest brother, Ishizaki would resolutely execute it! Even if it would damage his own future....

"Ryuen-san, what on earth are you doing? If you continue to act like a jerk, I'll go find the student council president. !"

Ichinose saw that his classmates couldn't stop the other party, so he could only use the name of order and Kageichi to oppress and remind Ryuen that this act of forced destruction would be held accountable by the student union!

Ryuen sneered. (Ryuen actually has the potential to be a city soldier king, at least in terms of temperament) The man with the mask is not only an insider, he is even the organizer. Am I afraid of you?

Ishizaki forced his way into Class B, and his target was Shiranami Chihiro who was with Okakura Asako!

The already weak girl had never seen a bad guy walking towards her. This feeling of oppression was like a skinny antelope being stared at by a hungry tiger.


Kanzaki Ryuji and Ichinose wanted to rush over to protect Shiranami, but at this distance, it was impossible. At this time, Ishizaki was already standing in front of the target.....Little white wave!!!!

"Bai Bo....."Ishizaki raised her right hand.

The girl's voice was soft and fluttery, and she seemed even weaker because she was in danger of being seriously hurt.

"you....What are you going to do?....?"

Long Yuan at the door became the biggest punching bag at this time

"Ryuen! You are still a man, aren't you! What's the big deal about bullying a girl?"

"Ishizaki, if Chihiro gets hurt, we won't let you go!" Ishizaki raised his right hand and wanted to imitate Hashimoto's gentleman salute, but he remembered that he had been advised not to make any unnecessary movements, otherwise it would only have the opposite effect.

He simply put his hand on the back of his head and scratched his hair:"Shiranami, good morning!"


Not only the people in Class B, but even Shiranami Chihiro was prepared to be slapped, but.....The pain didn't come, but I heard something strange.

"you....What did you say?"

"Didn't I say that? Good morning, Shiraha."

Shiranami Chihiro was confused this time, and she was not the only one confused.

Ishizaki felt relieved after completing the task, and he also said good morning to Shiranami. It seems that this plan is easier to execute than expected......

Then, without caring about Bai Bo's reaction, he walked out of Class B's classroom and returned to Ryuen's side:

"Big Brother."

Ryuen didn't care what the dumbfounded guys in Class B were thinking, but���He couldn't admit that he had finished telling Ishizaki what to do:

"What are you dithering about? Come with me now. Didn't we agree yesterday to prepare the tools needed to target that strategist?"

After saying that, Ryuen pushed aside the boys from Class B who were surrounding him and walked towards Class C. Ishizaki followed him. Ichinose came directly to Shiranami's side:

"Chihiro, are you okay?"

"ah...I'm fine. But what on earth were they trying to do?"


After the reshuffle, Kanzaki Ryuji became the leader of the anti-ACD conspiracy team in Class B.

""Ryuen and the others must have some conspiracy! But there are too few clues this time. I suggest that we try not to act alone in the future to avoid being attacked by them."

Everyone nodded. Indeed, Ryuen would not do anything boring. So Ishizaki's action was probably a bait. Maybe it was....

"I see! Ryuen must be planning to have Ishizaki deliberately show goodwill to Shiranami-san! Because Shiranami-san is Ichinose's best friend, he wants to alienate Shiranami and us this way!"

"What a vicious plan, but he can't break our bond! But don't let your guard down, Ryuen must have a backup plan!"

So, according to Class B's analysis, this matter is most likely a divisive plan by Ryuen. And no one else cared about Ishizaki's existence, after all, this guy could only be regarded as Ryuen's right-hand tool.

Only Shiraha, thinking of the slap that almost hit him, was afraid......Sure enough, bad or something......terrible!!!!

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