First of all, thank you for reading this. This is a low-tech scumbag. Thank you very much!!! I would like to especially thank all the big guys who sent gifts. I have seen your support and will continue to work hard to update!

1. I saw some readers say that the strategy of the protagonist of this book is not very good.

How to answer this question? The main reason is that my writing skills and ability are not in place. I am sorry for causing some trouble to everyone.

In addition, regarding Class A itself, there is no need to do much in the early stage, and I can't think of what else can be done so that it will not appear too complicated.

To support the Sakayanagi faction, you need to betray the Katsuragi faction. This paragraph may be a bit stupid, but I didn't think of any good way at the time. After all, Katsuragi will be defeated if nothing is done.

Moreover, this book has been updated to this extent, and it is unlikely that I will stop updating for two months to learn strategy and then come back to write. So I have failed the expectations of many readers, sorry.

If I have the opportunity to open a new book in the future, I will try my best to do my homework in advance.

2. Regarding the personality of the protagonist, this personality is actually difficult to explain. People don't have a fixed personality, at least I may be like this. So it leads to the appearance of saying one thing to one person and another to another.

At first, I did want to make this character as mature as possible, but after thinking about it, I think it is better to make it closer to the characters in the plot.

From the perspective of the protagonist, in terms of opponents, except for Lu Ge, there is no one who needs to be paid much attention.

But this book cannot only write about the AD war. What about the other classes?

Ryuen (early stage)'s methods are nothing more than throwing dirty water and beating. Ichinose was abused in the second grade in the original work. I felt sad.

Going up, Nanyun, the so-called strength supremacy, but no matter how powerful you are in school, you are just a student. What can you do after leaving school? Even if you are from Class A. You are just a big office animal who can be slaughtered by others. The most important thing is that I want to make a distinction between the protagonist and Gaoyuan Temple, who doesn't care about the ants around him.

According to the protagonist's family education and thinking mode, building society and developing the country are what he should do most.

But does building society only rely on those people at the top of the pyramid? So the protagonist cares about the existence of small people.

And because this character is a positive image, he cannot tolerate people like Roadhog who abuse their power for personal gain. The three views determined by their family education are enough to make them oppose each other.

As for his reaction when facing Arisu? I won't explain it in detail.

3. About the main plot being pushed too fast

This is indeed because I can't control the rhythm. To put it bluntly, I don't have enough experience.

Therefore, I decided to insert more daily plots after the end of the second semester, which is now.

I will also pick a few original characters that I am more interested in, such as Katsuragi, Ishizaki, and Ibuki, as the protagonists of the chapters and write about their stories.

Then, it is about some things between the protagonist and Arisu, the protagonist and Ryuen, and the protagonist and Horikita Manabu, so it may take a long time to enter the third semester. At present, it is indeed written too fast!!!!

If there are any complaints, I apologize to everyone again. You are also welcome to give me advice in the comment section of this chapter and the book review section below my post at any time! I am really sorry. This is the first time I write a book as a newbie. I hope you can bear with me. Thank you for your support. Thank you!!!

Finally, special thanks to

Luo Guang who loves homemade porridge for sending the flowers!

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