The results of the sports festival had a certain impact on the class points, and the current points of each class are as follows:

Class A: 1100 points

Class B: 887 points Class

C: 625 points Class

D: 0 points

Except for Class A which increased by 50 points and Class B which decreased by 50 points, there was no change in the remaining two classes.

The sports festival ended with a bang, some were happy and some were sad. But no matter what, everyone has to return to normal campus life.

After all, midterm exams and final exams are still to come.

In the evening when the sports festival ended, Ryuen and Kushida Kikyo were waiting on the rooftop of the teaching building.

One hopes to extort points, and the other hopes to expel them. But the key still depends on what choice Horikita Suzune, who hurried over, will make.

"Yo, Lingyin...have you made your choice?"

"Choice? Ryuen-san, you are really good at framing others. Kinoshita-san's leg was injured by you, right?"

"Heh... Lingyin, I really don't know where your delusion comes from. If it was really me who did it, what can you do about it?"

Horikita Lingyin seemed to have gotten what she wanted and took out the recording phone from her pocket.:

"Hey, Ryuen-san, you've already admitted it, it was you who did it, you're framing me!"

Ryuen smiled calmly.:

"Haha. What I just said is if... And even if you want to edit it and report me, it doesn't matter. Because I have the complete recording here."

After saying that, Long Yuan also took out the recording phone from his pocket.


"And that's not all. My recording just proves that you were inducing testimony. I'm going to report you for one more thing. What are you going to do?"


"Oh my... Would the student council president's sister do such a thing? This brother is really negligent."

Her brother was involved again, and Horikita Suzune suddenly became weak. This time, she really couldn't think of any way.

In order not to involve her brother, she could only... pay compensation.

"Lingyin, you must get off your seat now. And then compensate me with 5 million personal points before I let you go... Otherwise, I'll meet you at the student union."

"How could I... How could I... I clearly said that I would not cause any trouble for my brother. Last time, that Dongfang did the same thing, but he was just joking. This time... This time……"

Horikita Suzune was struggling frantically. Between paying compensation and dropping out of school, she was more inclined to drop out... If Shigeza was reported to the school, her brother would definitely be dismissed.……

"Have you thought about it? I don't have much patience.……"

"I, I understand. I will withdraw... withdraw……"

Before Horikita Suzune finished speaking, Ryuen's phone rang.

It seemed that someone had sent him a message.

Ryuen was also wondering who had ruined his good fortune at the critical moment, but it turned out to be a recording.:

"Horikita-san... Horikita-san... Horikita-san……"

It was the voice of Kinoshita calling out to Horikita Suzune during the women's 200m race.

"Oh, if it's just a recording……"

Then I saw a recorder borrowing and returning time details.

First of all, it proved that the recording came from that recorder, because the recorder had been kept as evidence in the trial, and it was impossible to forge it.

Then the borrowing and returning time happened to be the time of the sports festival.

"Hehehe, hahahahaha! Lingyin, I didn't expect there was a strategist hiding behind you!"


Horikita Suzune was completely unaware. Ayanokouji knew from the beginning that Kushida Kikyo was a traitor, and he thought that this traitor should have been activated by Class A.

But he didn't expect that Yingyi, with his own strength, didn't need to deliberately adjust the entry form. Moreover, the two classes were a large group this time.

And Ryuen ran into Class D again and again, which made him understand that Ryuen must have got the entry form. So who was the other party targeting?

Obviously, combined with the logic of Kushida Kikyo's extreme dislike of Horikita's actions, Ryuen would definitely target Horikita Suzune, who was the most capable person in Class D.

And the only thing he could do, and what he was best at, was to frame someone, so Ayanokouji applied for a recorder on the grounds of self-protection.

When Horikita Suzune didn't care, he pretended to say hello and secretly put the recorder into the other party's pocket.

Given Horikita Suzune's hot head, if he told her early, there might be irreversible variables. Therefore, this recorder was only exposed at the last minute.

At the moment, the one who was also confused was Kushida Kikyo. She had heard that Horikita Suzune was forced to drop out of school, but now……

""Heh, Suzune, you're fine. In that case, I'll let you go. But you have to let the guy behind you pay attention! He will definitely pay the price!!"

After that, Ryuen left angrily.

Horikita Suzune didn't know what Ryuen heard, but it seemed that... he gave up on framing me?

Kushida Kikyo was also furious... This Ryuen is such a fool who is more likely to cause trouble than to accomplish anything!

Does Horikita have to drop out of school and can only ask for help from that guy in Class A?

Seeing that the tool he was satisfied with was protected, Ayanokouji, who was hiding in the dark on the rooftop, went downstairs to the dormitory without attracting anyone's attention.

However, what he didn't expect was that at the entrance of the lobby on the first floor, there were two figures, a man and a woman, waiting for him.

"Ayanokouji-kun. Haven't seen you for eight years."

The girl who spoke was wearing a black beret, with silver hair and a cute face, looking like a princess from a fairy tale. She was petite and cute, holding a silver cane in her right hand.

"I do not know you"

"Yes. After all, I was the one who got to know you. And because of you, I almost caused the biggest regret in my life."

"I don't understand. If I can, I want to go back."

"You don't need to understand this. You just need to know that a false genius will eventually be defeated by a true genius. We will bury you."

Ayanokouji looked at the boy next to the girl and knew that this matter could not be avoided.

"A true genius. I want to know, can you bury me?"

This time, it was the boy's turn to speak.

"Well...if it's a physical burial, I can do it anytime...but it's a pity that this is a school after all."

"Ayanokouji-kun, enjoy your time at school. It won't be long before your failure comes knocking on your door."

The two of them didn't care whether Ayanokouji would react or not. The official tactics had been issued. Next, they just had to defeat him normally.

It was as natural as eating and drinking.

On the other hand, Ryuen, who returned to Class C, first transferred the 500,000 points promised to Kinoshita to the other party, and then sat motionless.

Ryuen's silence gave the other members of Class C a bad feeling, but no one dared to say anything. After a long while


"Class D... there is another expert lurking"


"I will definitely catch that guy who is hiding his head and showing his tail. Let's start with that 'weird guy'!"

On this day, Class D was just about to finish school. Class C, led by Ryuen, kicked the door in.

"Hey! Ryuen, what are you doing now?"

"Ryuen, get out! This is Class D, you are not welcome!"

"Ryuen-san, can you please leave?"

Ryuen could tell that most of the guys in Class D were a bunch of rabble.

But the sturdy golden-haired guy who was stopped by him was definitely not an ordinary guy.

"Come out and talk with us!"

"Oh, but it's a coincidence. I'm not interested."

With that, Gaoyuan Temple pushed Ishizaki who was blocking his way and left.

"This is not up to you to decide."

Long Yuan and others also chased after him.

"Hey! Ryuen and the others are chasing after Gaoyuan Temple! Should we go too?"

"That guy from Gaoyuan Temple doesn't care about our class anyway, so why should we care about him?"

"Don't be like this, Gaoyuan Temple is our classmate after all."

Under the comfort and organization of Hirata Yosuke, all the members of Class D followed the direction they left.

When everyone arrived, they found Gaoyuan Temple surrounded by Ryuen and others.

"Um...if it's possible, could you please move aside? I have an important appointment next."

"You're not going anywhere."

"Oh? Strange, are you talking about me? I can't pretend I didn't hear that."

As he said that, Gaoyuan Temple stepped forward and confronted Ryuen. The tense look of the two of them also made everyone sweat.

"Well... I'm in a pretty good mood today. So dragon boy, I'll forgive your offense for now."

"Don't call me that, weirdo!"

At this time, a group of people came from the direction of the teaching building.

"Oh Dragon Boy fighting here?"

"Sakayanagi... this is none of your business, and I've told you before, don't call me by that name, or I'll be rude to you too!"

"That's really scary."

"It seems like there is nothing for me to do, so I will leave."

Kakaoji saw that Ryuen and Arisu were also very tense, so he decided to leave first.

But Ryuen did not forget that his goal today was Kakaoji, so how could he let Sakayanagi ruin his plan?

"I told you, you can't go anywhere today, weirdo!"

Ryuen raised his fist and punched Gaoyuan Temple. This powerful jab was about to hit the opponent's face when it was blocked by a powerful big hand.

"Oh, although I am magnanimous enough. But if you want to attack such a beautiful me, then I can only use my own force to knock you all down!"

When the two were about to fight, the voice of instigating the fire came again.:

"Looks like Dragon Boy is angry"

"I told you not to call me that!"

Ryuen decided to teach this ignorant little girl a lesson first, and kicked Arisu. Just as

Kito and Hashimoto were about to block Arisu, they found that Ryuen flew in the opposite direction at a faster speed.

Seeing a figure suddenly appear in front of Arisu, the two thought to themselves: This is not surprising.

Ryuen also slowly climbed up and saw clearly the person who kicked him away.:

"Hehehe, the one wearing the mask! It's you again!"

"Your Majesty, the Tyrant. Who do you want to teach a lesson to now?"

"Hahahahaha! Dragon Boy, you look so beautiful when you're kicked away."

Ryuen looked at Yingyi, who was like a guardian angel, and knew that he couldn't teach that girl a lesson.

In that case, he would just carry out the original plan.

Gaoyuan Temple found that Ryuen had chosen him as his target again, and he was ready to attack.:

"Well... although I think I can't beat the knight of the little girl, I can still teach you a lesson."

""Hehe, I'm sorry if my appearance has misled you. But I'm not a little girl."

Arisu said politely to Gaoyuan Temple.

Ryuen was actually injured internally by the kick just now, and it will be difficult to recover in at least a few days.

"Besides. Dragon Boy, don't you want to find out who is the strategist of Class D? I can tell you, it's not me."

Ryuen walked in front of Gaoyuan Temple again, for a long time, and suddenly laughed.:

"Hahahahahaha, I see, you and I are the same person. Ha, now I can be sure that this strategist should be someone watching at the scene.……"

"Well... that's none of my business. Whatever you want, bye~dragon boy"

Ryuuen glanced at Yingyi and left with his followers.

Class D had come out because they were concerned about Gaoyuan Temple, and since they were all gone, they might as well disband on the spot.

"Miss Alice, could you explain your behavior today?"


Seeing that the two people seemed to be talking about some private topics, Kito, Hashimoto, and Kamuro also covered their ears and retreated.

"What's up? What I want to know is why Miss Alice is in danger?"

"Because I know my knight will always protect me"

"I will... But that doesn't mean you can put yourself in danger and provoke a poisonous snake!"

Arisu heard the seriousness in Ying's words and stopped being naughty. She listened obediently to her boyfriend's safety lecture.

"That’s pretty much it… remember?"

"Remember. Grandpa Dongfang……"

"……What was the third point I just mentioned?"


"Hehehe, Alice, disobedient children will be punished!"

"You...wait a minute, don't...……"

With red lips, Arisu remembered the most important thing.:

"A boyfriend is safest when he is in danger. A boyfriend is most dangerous when he is safe."

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