First year class D.

Kushida Kikyo trotted over to Horikita Suzune.:

""Horikitika-san. Chabashira teacher asked you to go to the infirmary immediately!"

Although it was a bit strange, Horikita Suzune followed Kushida Kikyo to the infirmary.

When they arrived, they found that in addition to Chabashira Sae, there was also Kinoshita from Class C.

At this moment, the latter was lying on the bed, and seemed to have suffered a serious injury.

"Teacher Chabashira, this is……"

"Oh my, Suzune, I didn't expect that under your beautiful appearance, you actually hide such a vicious heart."

Horikita Suzune looked towards the door following the voice, and it was Ryuen Sho!

"Long Yuan, what did you say?"

"Are you still pretending to be innocent? You maliciously framed our classmate Kinoshita during the competition and hit her severely!"

"Huh? I thought you were going to say something? This kind of low-level frame-up is really boring."

Horikita Suzune almost thought Ryuen was crazy. The two of them collided with each other. She was only slightly injured, how could Kinoshita…………How is it possible?

Ryuen lifted the blanket covering Kinoshita.

The injury on the leg was obviously a serious fracture caused by malicious destruction. But...

Horikita Suzune also understood that this was intentional by Ryuen. In order to frame her, he did not hesitate to break his classmate's leg!

"Suzune, Kinoshita said, you kept looking back at her position during the game, and then you found the right opportunity to bump into her, and then you just walked away. How do you explain that?"

"This... all of this is a frame-up by you! It's because Kinoshita kept calling my name that I kept turning back."

"Oh? Is that so? Kinoshita-san? Just tell me the truth. I don't believe this vicious woman dares to do anything to you with the teacher here!"


Kinoshita also squeezed out tears and cried:

"It was... it was Horikita-san... she bumped into me on purpose.……"

"What did you say……!"

Horikita Suzune thought of what she had said to Kushida Kikyo at the end of the game.

She looked at her hurriedly, hoping that she could testify for her.:

""Kushida-san, you should know what's going on."

Kikyo Kushida also knew that her performance time had come, so she pretended to be cute and innocent.:

"Um... I didn't see it... But don't worry, Horikita-san, we just need to pay a certain amount of points, and we can settle this matter privately! Ryuen-san!"

Horikita was also confused by Kushida Kikyo's actions.:

"You...what did you say!"

"Oh, about compensation... your class doesn't seem to have many points."

"So, what should we do then?"

Kushida Kikyo also started a duet with Ryuen.

"Hiss~ I heard that Lingyin has a brother who is the student council president, right?"

"You...what are you going to do?"

Horikita Suzune was panicked again when she heard that the other party seemed to be planning to attack her brother.

"The student council president...what would happen if I told him about this and said that his sister intentionally hurt someone?"

"What did you say? No... Don't tell my brother!!"

Ryuen thought: Sure enough. This is Horikita Suzune's biggest weakness.

"It's okay if you don't tell him, then I'll pay you 10 million points."

"Ten million? Are you kidding me?"

"You don't have it, but your brother should have it."

"No... Impossible!"

Ryuen didn't really want 10 million points, he just wanted to test Horikita Suzune's limit.

"Then let's say two million. In addition, you must get off your seat.

What does"get off your seat" mean? Simply put, it means kneeling down and kowtow.

"It also……"

""Hey, your class is still in the supervision period, right?"

Not only Horikita Suzune, but even Chabashira Sae frowned. If they enter the supervision period again, it means that they will get zero points for the whole semester.

What a cruel heart!

Not only is it talking about Ryuen, but also about Touhou.

"Come to think of it, the guy wearing the mask finally did something that made me happy. Supervision period...hahahahahahahaha, what a genius! You either do this or drop out of school"


Kushida Kikyo also encouraged:

"Horikita-san, I still believe in you. Let's not give in. After all, asking a knight to step down is too much!"

Horikita Suzune looked at Kushida Kikyo with eyes full of shock and confusion. The latter had been pushing her to a dead end.

So that's it! Kushida Kikyo's goal was to make her drop out of school.

So Ryuen was able to accurately target herself and Sudo because someone betrayed the class and the entry form was leaked to Ryuen...

Chabashira Sae was also very angry. Horikita Suzune was the student she chose to lead the class, but she was framed by Kushida Kikyo all the way.

But as a teacher, she couldn't mix any personal emotions in this matter.

So she didn't say anything, but her clenched fingers proved that she was not calm in her heart.

"I'll give you some time to think about it. Let's meet on the rooftop of the teaching building after the sports festival. Kinoshita, take good care of your injuries. I won't let the murderer go unpunished!"

After saying that, Ryuen walked out of the ward. And Kushida Kikyo didn't stay either. Horikita

Suzune sat on the ground weakly, thinking about what to do...

Chabashira Sae sighed slightly and went out to smoke.

Class A Camp

"Princess, Ryuen is out."

"Looks like an ultimatum.……"

But this has nothing to do with him. Ryuuen's target this time is Horikita Suzune. And Ayanokouji will not give up a useful tool.

So Ryuuen will notice the existence of a strategist in Class D. And he will work harder to target Class D.

Arisu's current key task is to target Class B in the next special exam, not only to attack opponents with similar class points.

More importantly, it is to teach a certain little girl a lesson!

Looking at Arisu, who suddenly became more powerful, everyone in Class A felt that the weather had gotten colder.

At this time, Yingyi and Kito's tripod also finished running and returned to the camp.

"Next is the final relay race. As long as we win, today will be a big victory!"

"It seems like the last leg will be exciting~"

"Ah... After all, I have an appointment with President Horikita to compete. That Nanyun should be there too."

"Participants of the 1200-meter relay race, please take your positions immediately!"

The announcement of the final race sounded on the radio.

"Let's go! Let our victory be the end of this sports festival!"


Then, Yingyi led the athletes of his class to the track.

Horikita Manabu and Nanyun Masayuki had been waiting here for a long time. But the one on Yingyi's right was not the sister who wanted to race with her brother, but an expressionless puppet named Ayanokouji.

"This lineup... is really interesting."

Yingyi's enthusiasm was ignited again. Since he was standing here, it meant that he had to at least show his true strength.

Horikita Manabu nodded to the two juniors in the first year. Then he looked at Nanyun Masaru who looked provocative.:

"Do you really want to change this school?"

"Ah. I will definitely destroy all the unnecessary rules of this school! I want to make this a real school where strength is everything!"


Ying Yi couldn't help laughing. This also made Nan Yunya's face suddenly look ugly.

"It seems that junior brother Dongfang doesn’t quite agree?"

"Nothing... I just think it's a little funny that a toad who has never experienced the beatings of society is thinking about how to cook delicious swans all day long."


This was the first time that Yingyi showed his hostility towards him without disguising himself, so Nanyun Miyabi, who usually acted like a gentleman, almost cursed.

"Besides, do you really think you can become the president? Do you want to compete? Let's compete in the relay race first. I will let you"

"Hehe, Dongfang-san is really confident. Okay, let's compete. Horikita-senpai, why don't you come too?"

"No problem."

Then Horikita Manabu turned his gaze to Ayanokouji:

"You should be okay, right?"

"Don't you want to know my true strength? It's okay, I'll run with you guys."

Ayanokouji replied calmly. Horikita Manabu nodded.:

"I have something to remind you, run as fast as you can!"

Ying Yi also laughed twice, took the baton from behind, and then waited for the other three people.:

""Well, let me use my full strength today for once in a long time."

The other three were also a little surprised when they heard Yingyi's words: Isn't 5 seconds for 100 meters his limit?

Horikita Manabu adjusted his glasses, took the baton, and waited for the other two.

"Hey...they are……"

"Don't you understand? Duel!"

"But is that Dongfang a person of the same level as them? The most terrifying thing is that he has participated in the project for a whole day!"

"Who knows... But Horikita and Nanyun are indeed the fastest runners in our school. Now with Dongfang, it is obvious that the grades are competing for dignity!"

Nanyun Ya naturally noticed the waiting of these two people. But he was not sure that he could win, and after taking the baton, he only left a sentence:

"Then I will go first!"

Then he rushed forward desperately.

Because for him, only by seizing the initiative can he win over the Dongfang!

"Hey, Nanyun has run away, why aren’t they moving?"

"It seems like he is waiting for someone else……"

"No way. Nanyun is not taken seriously at all?"

Horikitaka Manabu and Yingyi didn't care at all. They didn't start running until Ayanokouji was ready to take over the baton.


As the Spiritual Unification was activated, the blood-red pupils turned into bright gold.

Horikita Manabu and Ayanokouji ran forward at the same time.

After waiting for three seconds, Yingyi turned into a missile and chased after the two.

"Hey, hey, hey! No way! Those two people! No, there is another one behind them.……"

"Ignore the one behind... But can that junior student keep up with the student council president?!"

"This speed……"

Class D camp at this moment

"That. That's Ayanokouji! That Ayanokouji is so fast?"

"Hey? He's as fast as the student union long-distance runner!"

"Hui, did you see that?!"

Sato shook Karuizawa's arm and shouted

"Stop shaking, I saw it"

"Dongfang! So fast!"

"Yeah, eh? You said he……"

"if not?"

"I thought you were talking about Ayanokouji"

"Hmm? Who is that?"

"……It's all right."

Nan Yun was still running at this moment, and suddenly felt something terrifying coming from behind him. Before he could turn around, two figures passed him with the sound of breaking through the air.

And just when he thought he could only get the third place, a being that he couldn't see clearly passed him.


"Huh~huh~huh~, can't we win like this?"

Horikita Manabu knew that Yingyi had given them about three or four seconds, but the final result was still three or four seconds faster than his own.


Ayanokouji also stopped and took the third place.


""Good job!!"

Cheers came from the field. Although the match was won by the Red Team in the end. After all, whether it was Yingyi, Horikita Manabu, Ayanokouji, or Nanyun, they were all from the Red Team.

But seeing a non-human level match was definitely a feast for the eyes.

The first-year Class A students also gathered around, grabbed Yingyi and threw him into the air, then caught him. Tossed him up again, caught him again.……

"This sports festival is over! Now the final results are announced!"

"The Red Team won a great victory in this sports festival!"

"First-grade group: first place: Class 1, Year A; second place: Class 1, Year C; third place: Class 1, Year B; fourth place: Class 1, Year D"


"The student with the highest score in this competition is: Class 1A, Year 1 - Oriental Film 1!"


"Congratulations, Master. You can get 100,000 points and���What about the test scores?"

"Eh? It seems useless.……"

Yingyi's words made the surrounding students, especially those from other classes, very angry. However, for Yingyi, whose deposits had already exceeded 70 million, 100,000 points was really a drop in the bucket.

"That's really a headache. After all, the chairman has always been stingy in sports festivals.

Ying Yi also leaned close to Arisu's ear.:

"Then, let the chairman's daughter compensate me~"

Arisu blushed slightly.:

"Let's talk about it when we get back……"

"Okay. But Alice, you can't say that about the chairman. I think he's quite generous.……"

Arisu's grip on the cane tightened again and again.…………Hehehe

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